Building Financial Security: Life Insurance, Holiday Safety, and Smart Insurance Strategies
Announcer 0:00
This is a Kun V studios original program.
Wesley Knight 0:03
The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Donald Marquez 0:25
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host. Donald Marquez, on your insurance connection, we talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance, yes, and we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show you. Good
morning. This is Don Marquez with your insurance connection. I'm a licensed insurance broker, and I broadcast right here, k, U, N, V, 91.5 every Sunday morning, from 8am to 830 Welcome to my show. I've been on air right here at close to three years now, at 91.5 jazz or more, I want to thank my listeners that contact me and purchase home, auto and life insurance. Thank you so much for your continued support. And my engineer, Mr. West, he's the best keeping the time for me and of course, Dr Ridley, for giving me this unique opportunity right here at K, U, N, V, 91.5 jazz and more. Happy holidays, everyone. I hope you had a safe Thanksgiving and and we're moving forward on to Christmas, New Years, and the New Year's coming in 2025 just around the corner. I'm open for business. I know you out there spending money. We spend more money this time of the year than we do the entire year. The whole entire year. We make so many millionaires, billionaires during this time of the year. Why not take care of your own household? Get yourself a life insurance policy. Get a life insurance policy. Create your own generational wealth. Create your own generational wealth through a life insurance policy. You know, people are shopping, spending money on the back end of that. You know, the people that manufactures these products and goods are just making more money and more money, and they are just loving it. They got the the Black Friday sales. I could never understand why they call it Black Friday. They all call it green Friday. You know, green Saturday, green Sunday, a green December, throughout the right after Thanksgiving, it just gets money, because it's money. All about the money. They make it so easy. Just be careful online. You know, if you buy an online just be really, really, super careful. Don't use your debit card. Use a credit card. If you are going to shop online that way, that way, then they won't take your money out of your bank if this is if it's a scam. Scammers are out there. Be safe, be careful. You know, just a little information News You Can Use. My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection. My contact phone number, 702-236-2624, 236, 2624 702-236-2624, offering auto insurance, homeowners life insurance, boat motorcycle insurance, located on the corner of Sahara Rancho in the US bank center located on the eighth floor, and that's right across the street from the Palestinian Hotel and Casino. Chick fil A is on the other side, on Rancho side, one block west at the i 15, one block west at I 15, beautiful, tall, brown building says US bank on the top. I work by appointment, 702-236-2624, my business hours are Monday through Friday, from 10am to 5pm and if you don't want to come in, you just contact me at that number, at 702-236-2624, and we can do a lot, lots of your insurance concerns over the phone. And I can upload a policy over the telephone. If you if you don't want to come in, spend gas and time I get it, I understand. Make it very convenient for you. I've been in a licensed insurance agent. I'm going on 2029, years now in the business. Just to give you a little snapshot about me, I started this business back in the late 90s as an insurance professional, right here in my hometown, Las Vegas, Nevada, I work for Allstate Insurance Company. I interview with several companies before I made the decision to go at all state, I went to insurance school and learn. You know, when you go to insurance school, you learn a little bit about insurance. You learn a lot more as you practice every day as an insurance professional. I love what I do. I absolutely love what I do. I've tried, you know, I've done other things, of course, but this is my calling. And also come on to Aaron and educate you about insurance. You know, started with Allstate. I stayed there for a good seven years. Thank you, Ed Davis for giving me a unique I've. Opportunity. He was my manager over at all state, and he just saw my potential. And, you know, we signed all the paperwork, and I was an Allstate agent for seven years. I sold my agency because Allstate was changing, you know, changing what they wanted me to do as an insurance professional. They wanted me to open up bank accounts, checking accounts. Write mortgages. I wanted to write insurance. That's what I might that's my passion. Writing insurance, talking to people about their home, auto life insurance. Anyway, it wasn't a good fit for me. I moved on to AAA, insurance company. Stayed there long enough to retire. Thank you. Triple A learned a lot at both companies, both fine companies. I learned a lot through experience talking to people like yourself, who's listening to the program right now. And in 2015 I decided to be an insurance broker. I've been a broker ever since, and then going on into my 10th year as a broker. And I love I love it. What I do, talking to people, meeting people, especially from this program right here at KU and V 91.5, jazz and more. It's been an experience, and I love doing what I do, meeting people that have all insurance, insurance concerns. I never am amazed by the questions I'm asked. A lot of people want to know how much it costs for what company are you going to put me with? You know, I'm very transparent. I go over everything. When we sit down and have a conversation about your current insurance or concerns whether you're paying you think you're paying too much for your car insurance. We all do. We all think we're paying too much for car insurance. If you just move into Nevada, you the reality. Reality Check is hitting you with Nevada car insurance costs. We all share that responsibility. Every city has its something that's our something, but we can shop for, you know, see if we can get a lower rate for your auto insurance, 70223626247022362624
I represent multiple auto insurance carriers, and if l this is a big one here coming up. You know, people celebrate holidays, especially New Years. You know, Christmas too, as well. But you know, during this time of year, people just feel a little extra jolly, I should say, and they go out and have a cocktail or two and and you know, if you get pulled over for DUI, things is going to change overnight. You're gonna have to carry SR 22 it says it's a certificate of financial responsibility. It must be attached to your insurance policy for the next 36 months. And what that is, is mean you will have car insurance, whether you own a car or not, for the next 36 months. If you have a DUI pulled over for a DUI. DUIs are very expensive, you know, we're talking about close to $10,000 you know, with the, you know, legal fees, court fees, going to jail, it's just not that good. And then it make it and may, you know, affect your career, we never know. I mean, so you really want to be cautious about having a drink and then getting behind the wheel, especially if you had a little bit too much to drink. You can contact a ride share to get your home safe, or friend, family member, friend, just be wise that they may have checkpoints out there. You know, the police department, you know, say, You know what? We know, a lot of people are drinking this time of the year. We want to keep every one on the road safe. So just be aware of you know, when you had a little bit too much to drink and you don't want to get behind the wheel, you can always pick up your car the next day. This is News You Can Use. My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection, license, insurance broker offering auto insurance, homeowners, yes, and life insurance. Let's get right into it. You know, check your tire pressure this time of the year, your tire pressure could go down a little bit because of the cool weather. So you want to check it, check your tire pressure. You know, some most cars, they'll have an indication, like when your tire pressure is low. But you know, the older vehicles may not have that, that signal that they'll alert you to let you know your tire pressure. It could be over inflated. In most cases, it's probably with a low inflation in your tires because of our cool weather this time of the year. It's, you know, something you need to check out and and you know, make sure your car, you know, you do service your car, change that oil. And now, if you change your oil, you'd be surprised, the length of your car would last a lot longer. And you know, cars cost so much money today, they cost so much more today than it used to be back in the days. I remember back in the 70s, you know, cars were still affordable, and most people were buying cars every three years, brand new cars every three years. No one ever hardly bought a pre owned car. It was always. Okay, every three years I get a new car. But today, you know, people are holding on to their vehicles a lot longer. Now, if you have certain vehicles, like a four wheel drive, sometimes, you know, you pay more for insurance. If so, if you are shopping, if you are shopping for a car and it's going to be your Christmas present to yourself or to your loved one you make, you know, get an auto insurance quote first. I can offer you an auto insurance quote, no obligation, if you're looking to shop for that Christmas present, that very expensive Christmas present for the one you love, all for yourself, you know, but you want to get a quote first before you make that final purchase. 70223, 702-236-2624, homeowners insurance will combine the home and auto together to give you the bundle or the auto the renters to give you the bundle. Auto Insurance bundles with now it's two different policies. You know, it's the misconception. When they say the bundle, they there are two separate policies, but one discounts the other, they could they discount each other. That's that's the benefit of having both of your home and auto with one company. There's gonna be separate payments because most of your homeowners insurance companies, they are building the mortgage company that escrow account. It comes right out of your escrow account so you don't see it. It's included in your house payment. Your auto insurance is separate. The most cost effective way to pay auto insurance is pay it in full for the six months or pay it in full for the full year. You get that's going to be your greatest savings. When people contact me and they want, you know, a quote on auto insurance, I do give them the option of paying your auto insurance in full for the full year or for the full six months term, where, you know, sometimes the companies will offer the individual six months on an auto insurance policy, or they may offer them, you know, 12 months. Either way, 12 or six months, I encourage you to pay if you can pay the premium in full for the full six or the full year. That way, you know, you can save money. You can put it on your charge card, but you know that's up to you. How you're gonna pay it back on your charge card. You know that's up to you, but you know, just keep in mind, your policy is going to renew on that six or 12 month annual premium now on your homeowners, of course, it's more than likely it's going to be billed through your escrow account as you make, as you pay your house payments. You know you're building up your escrow account, and sometimes the taxes do adjust. You want to contact your mortgage company to make sure you have enough money in your escrow account to pay your taxes and your insurance. That's News You Can Use. My name is Don Marquez, located on the corner of a Sahara Rancho in the US Bank Center. My business hours are Monday through Friday, from 10am to 5pm and you know, some Saturdays I will work. I don't work on holidays, and I don't work on Sundays because I'm watching football. And of course, holidays, I'm enjoying my day off as well. Let's talk about life insurance. Let's talk about life insurance. This is an important time of the year, and I've talked to funeral home owners that they tell me it's unbelievable that this is their busy season. The funeral homes are busy this time of the year. You know, if you haven't talked to your loved one in quite some time, pick up the phone. Contact you. You know your brother, your sister or your family members to say, Hey, I just want to call you and say, Happy Holidays. We haven't talked in a long time. Now it's time for family members to come together just check on that person. They probably recently lost a loved one, a spouse, you know. And the thing that happens is this, when you lose a spouse for whatever reason, people think you need time alone. In some cases, you may need some time alone to just recollect yourself. But during the holidays, and especially if it's their first year without their spouse or without their son or daughter, without their loved one, you know, give them a call, check on them, make sure they're okay. It's a very difficult time of the year. I've experienced it myself. I had to go through the first year I lost my wife in January. It'll be seven years this coming January, 17 since I lost my spouse. We were together for 36 years. And I tell you, the first Christmas, the first holidays, were extremely difficult for me. I can tell, I know from experience. Uh, what people go through. So just don't think, Oh, well, you know, they need some time to themselves. Uh, they'll get through it. But it's the holidays. They may be alone. You might want to invite them over for dinner, or come over watch the football game, just to, you know, just to give them some comfort, to let them know they're not going through the holidays alone. That's it's a very lonely feeling. I've experienced it, but, you know, fortunately, I have, you know, family that you know look after me, but you know your spouse is not there. It's a little different when your spouse is not there. For so been together for so many years, the house just feels different during this time of the year. Again, I've talked to owners that own funeral homes, and they tell me, this is their busy season. People, you know, they hurt themselves this time of the year. They just do out of depression. And if you need to talk someone, pick up the phone, call someone or, you know, check on your friends, your family members to make sure they're okay. My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection. I'm a licensed insurance broker, life insurance. Let's talk about a little bit more. Um, if you're on the fence about buying life insurance, we all will incur an A final expense. A final expense is the money that's going to take to take care of your burial. We're all going to have an expense when it comes to that. There's no way around it. There's absolutely no way around not paying money to secure the remains of a loved one, friend, family member, you have to take that person remains to a funeral home. They will make preparations to put them, take them, put them to rest. And all of that costs money. It does, and it's not like it was 20 or even 30 years ago. The costs have gone up. Uh, average funeral cost today is between 15 to $20,000
that's a lot of money to come up all at once. That's a lot of responsibility for someone to come up with all at once. Let's chip away at it month by month. You know, you can secure yourself a life insurance policy. We spend money on things we really don't need, and Christmas is evident of that. We spend a lot of money to impress people that we really, you know, don't need to impress. Let's talk about financial literacy when it comes to our future. Let's make sure we do have a life insurance policy in place going into 2025 we don't have to wait. You don't have to wait to 2025 I am available now to to start your life insurance policy, you know. And if a person, Hey, what did you get me for Christmas? Well, I purchased a life life insurance policy through Donald Marquez, I made you to a beneficiary of my life insurance policy. Merry Christmas. You know, we have a life insurance where there's no physical just a few health questions. Most people qualify, even with health issues. If you're on the fence because you think you you know you can't qualify for life insurance, let me, as an insurance agent, make that decision for you. I'll find a policy that will number one, fit in your budget. Now, rates and benefits are guaranteed for the life of this insurance policy. We're talking about a whole life policy, even if you have underlying health conditions, diabetes, lupus, a history of cancer, long as you stage one, stage two, with more than 12 months to live, I can get you a life insurance policy. This is what I specialize in, the hard to find. You know, cases where people have been turned down for life insurance. And keep in mind, when you receive information in the mail for a life insurance product, that is the worst policy you can purchase, because a lot of those policies are disguised themselves as Whole Life policies. But there are limited term policies, probably the age 75 or even age 80. And you don't want to be 80 years old trying to buy a life insurance policy. There are certain ages in life where term is not a good idea. And that's just, that's just, that's just the fact being an insurance agent for many, many years, if you a certain age, let's say you and your 70s term is not a good option, because you, first of all, you're going to be limited on the term time you can get and you're in your 70s, probably the 10 to 15 years. By the time you're 85, years young, that policy will run out. Or if you're thinking about buying term because you just bought a home or you trying to secure your mortgage. Let's have a conversation about that if you're willing to make the payment. But on a term policy, the older you get, the term time decreases. Term means is going to end at a. Time now we have 30 year term policies that 30 year term policy ends at age 58 so if you just turn in 58 there, you know, or you are 58 now we may can get you a 30 year term policy that will take you to age 88 however, if you're closer to age 59 then and now. Now, let's say, okay, in three months, I'll be 59 you may not qualify for the 30 year term, but you could qualify for the 20 year term. Keep in mind now if you're a smoker, which I'll get very few smokers coming into my office. I don't know why. I guess I don't attract the smokers. You need life insurance. Smokers, you're lighting that cigarette right now, having a cup of coffee, listening to this conversation with no life insurance and the cost of your health, what cigarettes does to your body, you need life insurance. Even the cost of cigarettes. Your average pack of cigarettes are dead between eight and $10 really between eight and $10 now, if you're smoking a pack a day, and it's $8 a pack every 10 days, that's $80 you know, that's a lot of money for cigarettes. That's $240 a month for cigarettes. Wow, $240 a month of cigarettes. Now, if you can afford to do that, you you definitely can afford a life insurance policy. If you reduce your cigarette intake to half, that'll allow you enough money to get a life insurance policy and then still enjoy smoking your cigarettes. It is really brutal on your health. It will cut your lifespan down. And everything that's in the cigarette is very unhealthy. They should be banned now. Cigarettes kill close to 500,000 people per year. Yeah, that's a lot of people, close to 500,000 people annually. Cigarettes, cigarettes should be illegal. When you have a product that's killing over five close to 500,000 people a year, you would think they would ban cigarette smokes, but they don't. It's available everywhere. You know. It is legal to smoke at a certain age. I think of 18. Maybe they can start smoking at 18, but it's not a good idea. If so, if you're a young person and you're starting to smoke, now, it's time to completely stop. One of the good things about having a life insurance policy smokers, if you stop for 12 full months, regardless of how long you've had your policy, you can get re rated as a non smoker to reduce the cost of your life insurance policy. Yes, you can do that. 702-236-2624, my name is Don Marquez. I'm a licensed insurance agent. I don't charge for interviews. When you come in and we'll sit down and have an interview, I'll review your current insurance policies. You know, I don't charge a fee. People come in and say, How much do I owe you? I mean, you've taken two hours of your time to talk to me. I don't charge a fee. Now, if we don't settle on a life insurance policy or auto home policy, you know, you know, shoot me a referral. Send me someone that I can help. Sometimes that happens, but I'm gonna tell you eight out of 10 people that I see, usually there's, oh, no, I need to change. I had no idea I had a life insurance policy that was term, and the policy is going to go up at the end of the term. And I'm still only in my 60s, and I thought that policy, the term policy, lasts to age 95 it does last Age 95 but you go into the extended term, and now let's say your 20 or 30 year term policy is over, and you in your mid 60s or your mid 70s. Every year after your extended term, your annual extended term happens, you're going to pay more money every year because you're aging. And the rates are based on your age. Most insurance policies, life insurance policies, the rates are based on your age, a whole life or universal life insurance policy, locks in once you accept it, those rates are locked in. Now, some of you may have right now what we call a flexible life insurance policy, not talking about term. We're talking about universal life, or even whole life. I've seen Whole Life policies that will flex, you know, okay, for the first what I mean by that, for the first five years they give this introductory offering. So, okay, oh, my policy rates are only that, yeah, that's for the first five years, or maybe even for the first one or two years. And then all of a sudden you see your rates increase as you age. You know, I've seen policies have a renewable five year term in it. It's a whole life policy, but it has a five year renewable term. So if you for an example, if you started off with your whole life policy, What? What? What a rate. And then you. Saw an increase in the rate on your first second or five years, it's going to adjust every five years. Or it could go 510 years, and then every after that, you know, first 10 years, it can adjust on you every single year. This is why it's very important to get an insurance review. Now with a term policy, we're gonna piggyback on term just a little bit. There could be an option in your term policy to convert the term policy into Universal Life before the end of the term, or before the end of the conversion period. Although you have term you know that the policy can be converted over to a universal life insurance policy, so you'll have insurance for the rest of your life. Your rates of benefits are locked in for the rest of your life. For more information, my name is Don Marquez, 702-236-2624,
I want to thank the ladies, because they call me. They show up, they come to the appointments, they do the thing, they take care of business. They really do. Come on, guys, we could do better. We we have to do better. Man, the majority of my clients are women. Women come in and they tell me, okay, he's not coming in. He think I'm gonna do something. I mean, it's some ridiculous reasoning. Why he don't want to come in, but it's our responsibility to take care of family. It truly is. We don't know who's going to go first. If you don't have any life insurance, you're putting your family at risk. You really are. If you don't have any life insurance, you know we all going to go someday. We don't know when that day is. And if we did know when that day is, oh, it's going to be, it would make my career a lot easier. Because, you know, it's, oh, I got 10 years left. I need to call Don Marquez and get some life insurance. Or, if you know, your health can change, here's a, here's a, this is, this is a problem with people. When you kick the can down the road, you say, I'm gonna call Don Marquez. I'm gonna call him, you know, first of the year, I'm gonna give him a call. You don't have to wait to the first of the year. You can contact me now at 702-236-2624, it's okay to contact me at that number, and then we'll talk about your insurance. You don't We don't have to wait to the first of the year. You know what happens the first of the year? We had New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, then a few days past, few weeks, past a month or two past, you know, we have Super Bowl, we have Martin Luther King holiday. We have, uh, Easter. We have taxes, we, I mean, and maybe not in all that, in that order, but all these things happen, and then all of a sudden, we're like, Oh, my God, it's going into May, June, and I was gonna call Don Marquez. I've had a birthday, or worse, your health could change. Now, if you say I can't get a life insurance policy because I weigh too much, I have a I have a thyroid problem, I have a weight problem when I had diabetes. I have a history of cancer, lupus and, you know, multiple sclerosis. Let me go over my I represent 60 companies. I can go over the companies that have to offer the final rate in a company that will fit in your budgets, that will fit in your budget, we all will incur a final expense. Someone has to pay for it, either you pay now, or your family members could pay later, which probably won't be a good idea, because you may not want a cremation because you didn't pay for your life insurance or had a life insurance policy. You know, you want to have a little bit of dignity and to and respect when you're handling someone remains. Some people don't want to be cremated, but you know, you left them with no choice. You know, I gotta burn up dad. I gotta have to have him cremate it because, you know, he didn't take care of business. My name is Don Marquez, let's change that. Let's get yourself a life insurance policy. I'll make it affordable. Rates and benefits will be locked down for the life of the policy. Again, 702-236-2624, I do have life insurance policies where there's no health examination, just a few health questions and their yes or no answers, we'll get an answer day one, whether you qualify or not, I can get a life insurance policy for you, and then don't. Again, don't, not from, from, you know, reliable resources, from your credit unions, your banks, your motor clubs, that accidental only. Life insurance policy only pays for an accident. 702-236-2624, my name is Don Marquez, uh, happy holidays. Everyone be safe out there. We'll do this again next week, from 8am to 830 until then, just keep it crispy.
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