Donald Marquez Breaks Down Life and Auto Insurance, Debunks Myths, and Offers Expert Guidance

Wesley Knight 0:00
This is a k, U, N, V studios original program. The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. You

Donald Marquez 0:26
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host. Donald Marquez, on your insurance connection, we talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance, yes, and we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.

Good morning. I'm Donald Marquez. This is your insurance connection. Broadcasting right here at K, U, N, V, 91.5, jazz and more. I'm a licensed insurance agent. I come on air every Sunday morning from 8am to 830 to talk about insurance, my favorite subject, yes, and we all have to have it something you can't feel, see or touch, but you know it's there when you need it, right? You gotta have insurance. I mean, if you have a car, you need insurance. You must have insurance. So it's a requirement by the law. Health benefits. You need health insurance. It's always all around us. If you want a home or you're a renter, you need renters or homeowners insurance, and you should have life insurance. Everyone needs life insurance, and today I'm gonna get you pre qualified for life insurance policy, just just by, you know, going over the questions that I ask my clients when it comes to a final expense, life insurance policy. Now these policies can range anywhere for on a whole life product, up to $50,000 or sometimes even more. But if you have little, small health issues, and I say small health issues, let's say, for instance, you're a diabetic, you're Metformin, you've been turned down for life insurance, and you know, your a 1c you're getting the a 1c down, and you've been turned down for life insurance. Don't give up hope, because me, it's Arnold Marquez, I, I can help you. I can help you. I can definitely help you. And let's get right to it. You know, I'm a licensed insurance agent in the state of Nevada, California, for life insurance and for home auto. I'm licensed in 58 states, 40, excuse me, 48 states across our beautiful nation. Unfortunately, right now in California, I cannot write home or auto in the state of California, only life insurance, but other states that listen to KU and V 91.5 jazz and more like, if you're in Oklahoma and you want to auto insurance, quote, homeowners insurance, quote, I can help you, but not right now in California, and you know why, with the fires and everything. But let's go over what I just talked about, you know, getting you pre qualified for life insurance policy with underlying health conditions, let's say you may have a Lupus, cancer, diabetes, and you've been turned down for life insurance. You know you have COPD Right? Or you're a smoker, you're a smoker, and you concerned about your rates. So let's go over a few questions. One of the first questions I ask and do you have disease of the heart including heart attack, heart surgery, or congestive heart failure? That's a yes or no answer. Disease of the circulatory system, including stroke, aneurysm or been advised to have surgery to improve circulation. That means, if you have poor circulation, that's a yes or no answer again, and within the last these questions also are within the last two years, cancer other than basal cell, skin cancer. Well, if you have a skin cancer rash, you know no no, no concerns there, we can also rate you as a final expense customer, meaning this possibility, if you just have skin cancer and nothing, nothing else, no internal organs, we can there's a good possible chance that you can have day one insurance, a good possible chance day one insurance disease of the lungs, including COPD or emphysema, other than asthma. So if you have asthma, if you suffer from asthma, and you've been turned down for life insurance, or you've been highly rated, that means your rate has gone up because you applied for life insurance and they're offering you a policy because you have asthma, they have rated the policy up. Let's let's sit down and have a conversation, because, you know, asthma is not a concern with some of the companies that I represent. To get you a whole life policy that builds cash value over time, disease of the liver or kidney will had an organ transplant. If you had a body organ transplant, kidneys, more you know kidney heart I know people had kidney disease. They had kidney transplants. They've had heart transplants, they had lung transplants, and they cannot get life. Insurance, I can get a policy for you, and this is within the last two years. So let's say you had a transplant, and it was over 10 years ago, and you know, you're no longer taking medication for that transplant within the last two years. Let's sit down and have conversation. Or if you did have your transplant within the last two years, you still eligible for life insurance policy. See how that works, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, organic brain syndrome or ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease. Now this is real important question. Now, if a person has Alzheimer's dementia or organic brain syndrome or ALS, they cannot sign for the policy themselves. They cannot answer the health questions. We would need a person a power of attorney. And I can help you with power of attorney with my colleague, Christine Bernard, she is a paralegal, and she writes the power of attorneys for me, or if you just have a loved one that needs a power of attorney not related to a life insurance policy at all. She can help you with a power of attorney. Our contact phone number is 70223626247022362624,

my location is in the heart of our beautiful city, Las Vegas, on the corner of Sahara Rancho in the US bank center, eighth floor. I work Monday through Friday, from 10am to 5pm you know, it's a century located right across the street from the Palestinian hotel. It has US Bank at the top. And I work by appointment. Again, 702-236-2624, now, if you are a loved one, or you know someone that you want to get life insurance for, because you can find yourself responsible for their final expenses if they have alcohol or drug abuse related disease, listen, I don't have a conversation, especially if you have loved ones that you know just are out there in the streets and they you know, unfortunately, they're on drugs or abuse alcohol, they gonna need a life insurance policy, because you listening to this program right now, you could be the responsible person to take care of their Filing expenses, because they're not responsible for themselves. They're just not they're not responsible. They need a life insurance policy. You know, sometimes people have family members like that. I know many, many, many families with family members that's out there that's not taking care of themselves. You know, we have this thing called fentanyl. I hear about it from time to time. People od over fentanyl, and at young ages, by the way, young ages, people are very young, in their teens, in their 20s, down the fentanyl overdose, and it's in and I understand it's in a lot of drugs, so I'm glad they don't put it in wine. I like wine ever bourbon and a cigar every blue moon. But you know my wine is my go to let's continue complication of diabetes, including amputation, diabetic coma, blindness to kidney disorder now, now, when you say complications, when we say complications of diabetes, you know that that means your diabetes are complicated, your complications. I don't quite understand that questions, but I do understand amputations, including amputation now, if you have lost to the limb because your diabetes, we still can get your life insurance policy, or if you've had diabetic COVID within the last two years, keep in mind with it, all these questions are related within the last two years, diabetic coma, blindness to kidney disorder. We still can get you a policy. These are yes or no answers, by the way, and there is no physical with these questions. Now, if you do have AIDS or HIV, I do have a policy up to 40,000 up to $25,000 it's from 40 years young to 80 years young, we can get you a life insurance policy through your insurance connection. We can on these policies. We can add a child rider that's 17 years or younger, and when they turn 25 they'll spin off with their own life insurance is very cost effective, and we can include accidental in your life insurance policy that will cover car accidents. Most policies that you purchase as accidental only will not cover car accidents in some cases, in some cases, but you do have to dial the seated accident with there's a lot of these, accident only life insurance policy, seniors, listen to me. Do not, and I can't say this enough, do not purchase an accidental only life insurance policy. I've talked to many owners of mortuaries, funeral homes and people come in from time to time with an accidental only life insurance policy. They just lost their. Their grandfather, their grandmother, their wife, their husband, and then from natural causes, they walk in with an accidental only life insurance policy. And you know, they have to get the heart felt reality, this accidental only life insurance policy does not pay for final expenses. It won't pay for natural causes. It won't pay at all. And people, well, you know, my dad, my mom, my grandparents, whoever it is, they've been paying on this policy for years, yeah, but they've been wasting their money for years. Because what you don't do is this, you don't sit down and talk to a professional insurance agent. I offer no obligation insurance reviews. That means you can bring your policy in because you're just right. You heard this message on Public Radio, K, U, N, V, 91.5, jazz or more, and you said I heard Donald Marquez talking about, I can bring my life insurance policy in.

He will review it. He will review it

and tell me where I am with my policy. You needed an updated review. Just like you know, you have to update your password on your computer. You know, every now and then they send you a message, Hey, your password is a little tall. You need to update your new password. And it really catches at the at a at a time when you really need to get into this, you know, website to do what you need to do, and it's and it delays you, because now you got to get the pass code in there. You got to change the password, and if it's not enough characters, you got to go all of that. But I understand that. But if you can do that with your computer, definitely give yourself some time for you to better understand what you've been paying for for many years. That is so many of you I've talked to over 29 years in this business, in the insurance business, and I represent many companies. I really do. I'm a broker. I represent, and I don't charge a broker's fee to come see me. There's no obligation. But I also offer auto, home life, boat, motorcycle insurance. I focus a lot on life insurance because I finally it's a strong need in our community. The people understand what the life insurance contract is all about. It is a contract. It is a contract. It is a contract. It does a few things. It's also a living benefit. It is a living benefit to help you while you're still living. If you need to borrow money against a universal life or a whole life policy, that money is going to be there for you, or an index that money is going to be there for you, it takes time to build up the money, but that money can be there for an emergency. I do encourage you to pay the money back, because you borrow money against yourself. If you don't pay it back, they will minus it from your death benefit that time of need and plus interest. Just keep that in mind. And sometimes you may or may not have to pay it back. It just really depends. I've helped, helped a lot of people in my career to cancel the policy they owe, you know, I've had a lady owe $23,000 on a life insurance policy. $23,000 you know, she she borrowed a small amount. Over time, it kept accumulating, 7% 7% 7% 7% and now seven years passed by the money she borrowed doubled, and then another seven. Another seven. Years passed by the money she borrowed double, doubled again, and then they went to the 21st year. And she heard this program on, you know, 91.5 jazz or more. She said, I need to go talk to Don Marquez, because I don't know why I am because I was talking about borrowing money, not paying it back. It's called a rule of seven every year. There is a possibility, it depends on your interest rate, your loan could double every seven years. So, and you know, you think you said, Well, I only borrowed $1,000 only. Well, the lady I'm talking about, that old 23 almost $24,000 she only borrowed $2,000 yeah, she only borrowed $2,000 and she had that loan out for almost 28 years, right? And it kept doubling doubling, and she didn't even realize it. So what we did. We canceled the we made sure that she did qualify for the a brand new life insurance policy, right? With more face amount that she was paying for, right? She had more face amount the payment was a little bit of a difference, because, of course, she was 28 years older, but she was relieved of $23,000 minus from her death benefit. Only left her around about $10,000 worth of insurance. And she couldn't believe it. She said, Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I only borrowed $2,000 Dollars when I bought my house, and this is almost, almost 30 years ago. Well, I know 25 whatever it was years ago, I said, but when you borrowed that $2,000 you know, to do whatever you needed, or the home improvements to your home, that loan doubled every seven years, and now you're at $23,000 she was so happy when she left my office. It was a funny thing, because she asked me, she said, when she was leaving, she said, You know, I understand everything you went over. You were very clear on everything, but you're telling me I don't owe that money anymore. I said, Nope, that's that's done. And we got her $1,000 because she all had $1,000 left, and our cash value on the old policy, we opened up a brand new policy. It did cost a few dollars more. I think it was a difference of maybe $30 more, $1 a day more. Anyway, she was happy. She was happy. She was cleared of the debt. She said, I will never borrow money from a life insurance policy again. This is what happens when you have a small face amount on a life insurance policy. Now your larger policies. Let's say, if you have a $300,000 life insurance policy, and you borrow against that policy, you have a lot more wiggle room over time. That's why I said earlier in the conversation that you may or may not have to pay the money back. It just depends on the face amount of your policy. My name is Donald Marquez, for more information, you can contact me at 702-236-2624, or you can call me Don. Marquez, a lot of lot of my friends call me Don. So Imma, let you call me Don. We all friends right here. Kumv 91.5, jazz Moore, uh, listen to our talk shows. We have a amazing talk show lineup educate you on how to improve your lifestyle. Of course, our music 91.5 jazz and more, they talk about concerts every now and then. We do have a fundraiser, you know, give to 91.5 jazz and jazz and more to keep keep public radio on the air. We depend on you to help us to stay on air and offer programs and music like you hear nowhere else but 91.5 jazz and more, K, U, N, V. My name is Don Marquez. I'm a licensed insurance broker. I love what I do. I would love to meet you to help you better understand your life insurance policy. If you do have those underlying health conditions and I and if you just tuning in for the very first time, welcome to the show I broadcast right here at KU and V every two every not Tuesday, every Sunday morning, from 8am to 830 I have a busy schedule. Sometimes I get a little confused anyway. Uh, getting moving forward. Let's talk about auto insurance a little bit, which I don't talk about a lot, but we gonna, we gonna dip right into some auto insurance. The first line of auto insurance is your bodily injury. When I ask you listeners, what are your coverages on your auto insurance policy, when you call me for a quote, don't say I have full coverage, because I don't know what that means, other than you have collision and comprehensive. That's all that's telling me. I want to know what your bodily injury is. What is your first line of car insurance? This is your liability coverage. So when people, when you hit people in that car accident, or you hit property in a car accident, it pays for your liabilities. It does when your car insurance, that's the first line of coverage you have your bodily injury. What's the state minimum requirement? It has moved up over the years, it was 15,000 per person, $30,000 each accident. Now it's $25,000 per person, $50,000 each accident. And the minimum is 25 Well, I do $25,000 in property damage. The minimum is actually 20,000 but I do 25,000 that's how my computer's set. We're only talking about pennies to go from 20,000 to 5000 on property damage. What is property damage? That's when you hit another vehicle or property to a repair, replace that vehicle or property. You have $25,000 in coverage. And a lot of people don't understand that coverage. It does not cover your car for repair work. Now, if you carry liability only, and you and you call members, I listen. You know, I have an older car just, I just want liability only. I don't need, you know, the insurance company's not going to give me any money to replace my vehicle, and that's okay, and that's okay. But do understand

the property damage of that policy does not cover your car for repair or replacement, and that's okay too. I don't write a lot of liability only, by the way. I just don't. I just don't. You know, the majority of my customers that come to me listening to this program, and I want to thank you for, you know, listening to this program every Sunday morning. From eight to 830 I want to thank the listeners that have. Hey, you know what I heard this. I heard Don Marquez. I'm gonna come in and have a conversation with him. Medical expenses. This is the next line of courage. Most, most people don't have it and because they have health insurance through the work uninsured and underinsured motors, this is the most one of the most misunderstood coverages. They are there are now the uninsured and underinsured. Motors means if when a person hits your car, they don't have enough insurance to replace or no, they don't have enough insurance to for your bodily injuries, they don't have enough insurance so you can utilize your uninsured and underinsured motors. It's only for bodily injury. Now if you carrying the minimum at 25,000 per person, 50,000 each accident on bodily injury, you can only match what you have with uninsured motors. You can't go under or you can't go higher. Now, if you have higher limits of bodily injury, you can go lower limits on the uninsured motorists. That's a that's an adjustment. You know, there are agents out there that will adjust, and I've done it too. I will adjust your uninsured motorists, because your health have health insurance, to a lower amount. For an example, if you can 100,000 per person, 300,000 each accident, $100,000 property damage, I can adjust your uninsured motors to $50,000 per person, 100,000 you know, each accident, so there is a little bit of adjustment to keep your policy rates you know at a lower amount. Collision is when your car is hit or, you know, I mean, that's it collision. It is what it is other than collision, you know, now both collision and comprehensive do have deductibles. Now, when you on your comprehensive deductible, or other than in other than collision deductible, it covers wind fire, theft, vandalism, fallen objects, wind shield replacement. When you have $1,000 on your comprehensive or other than collision, and you need to replace a windshield, right, you're going to pay for the windshield because you have $1,000 on comprehensive or other than collision, because you thought, you know, I'll carry 1000 on each to lower my rates. But, you know, carrying $1,000 on comprehensive or other than collision, you're not saving any money by carrying $1,000 deductible and comp on comprehensive. When you go to the car wash and these guys say, you know, your insurance company will pay for it. It's free. Don't worry about it. They're following the claim against your policy. And the more they do that, you know, the more it's going to affect your policy in the long run. Just keep in mind, what do I mean by affect your policy? It could cause your rates to go up. Just replace your windshield if you need to towing and labor, that's, you know, that's a roadside assistance. If you already are in a motor club, you know, and you have a policy that offers you roadside assistance, you just have to figure out which one offer them more favorable vote benefits for you. If you know, keeping your motor club other than your car insurance. What your car insurance offer, if that's more of a favorable, you know, have more favorable benefits, and they can get there a lot quicker. I would keep, you know, the I keep my motor club separate from my car insurance. I just do because I've had my motor club for years, and they get there less than 30 minutes, and without any hesitation, they're there in no time soon as I hang up the phone, they're coming around the corner. That's what I like, so I keep my motor club separate, but you know that's up to you. Rental Car reimbursement or rental car expense. That is not when you go rent a car. That is when your car is in repair shop for a covered loss, so you won't be without transportation. But listen, you may not need that coverage. If you have enough vehicles in your household, some of you have 345, cars, and it's only two or three drivers. Now, if you have more cars and drivers, and they all operate, the vehicles operate, you may not need this coverage, the rental car reimbursement, because if one of your cars are are in the repair shop for a loss, you can use your additional vehicle. So why pay for that additional expense? You know, sometimes people say, Well, you know, if I'm out of town and I get in a car accident, I want to be able to, you know, have a car well, you know, again, you have to weigh out the how much, how often do you go out of town? Do you fly when you go out of town? Now, when I go out of town, I, you know, I catch a ride shit. I do. It's more cost effective, and my feet don't hurt, especially when I'm walking downtown, you know, I a lot of places I go. I'm staying downtown or on the beach, and if I want to go from, you know, five miles down the road, I'm not walking that far. I'm catching a catching a share ride, or, you know, some means of transportation other than renting a car. You know, renting a car these days, you have to from the airport. You got to pay that fee. Right? Then you get to the hotel and they're going to charge you a daily fee, right? And I'm not wait a minute, hold up. I gotta pay a fee detect the car from the airport, gas. I gotta put it in the car, because they want to put you replace the gas. And the hotel is going to charge me a fart parking fee every single day. You just have to weigh it out, and it wouldn't make sense. You know, instead of paying all these additional fees when you travel, you know, you could look in the ride show. I'm not promoting ride share, but I'm just saying everyone has a budget. I have a budget when I travel, and I put traveling within my budget, but I don't need to use my coverages on my car insurance. This is my whole point where I'm bringing this rental car up. When you out of town, you rent a vehicle. Because when you are out of town and you rent a vehicle, right, they want to look at your car insurance make sure you have enough coverages. If you don't have enough coverages on your car insurance, they may say, okay, you don't have enough coverage. We want you to be covered at least 100,000 per person, 300,000 each accident. So now you need to pay the difference on the rental car for for the insurance coverages. My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection. My number is 702236262470223,

626, 2624 I am a licensed insurance agent in the state of Nevada, California and and for life insurance in Nevada, home auto, life boat, motorcycle, now in California, only life insurance with the other 48 states, I can offer you home, auto and life insurance, in some cases, just depends on the state now, New York. I can't offer life insurance in New York, all right, I just can't. They already got they got it locked up. Becky, they do their own thing. Becky's, but I'm willing to help you, or if you are in the state of Nevada at the time with a relative, and you heard this program, and you say, my relatives live in New York, but they're in Nevada. I can write your life life insurance policy, if you're visiting or you just, you know, relocated from New York to to get out of the weather. Come live in Vegas. We can write your life insurance policy. 702-236-2620, oh, 223-626-2470, 22362624, my location is on a corner Sahara Rancho in the US bank center located on the eighth floor. Our work by appointment. Again, 702-236-2624 if you don't want to come in the office, I can do a lot over the phone. It makes it very convenient for a lot of people because they're working, you know, five days a week, we can do a lot of business over the phone. Again, 702-236-2624, my name is Don Marquez. I hope everyone and have a great week. You know, it's, it's enjoyable weather outside. Get out, take a walk. You know, enjoy this beautiful weather that we're having. You know, the summer time is not far away, and we going like, Oh, my God, it's hot. But I love this time of the year. You should get out and love it too. 702-236-2620, 702-236-2624, my name is Don Marquez. We'll do this again next week. Until then, have a great week and just keep it crispy. Thank you for listening. You.

Donald Marquez Breaks Down Life and Auto Insurance, Debunks Myths, and Offers Expert Guidance
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