Donald Marquez Explains Key Insurance Insights and the Importance of Life Coverage
Wesley Knight 0:00
This is a Kun V studios original program. The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Donald Marquez 0:25
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host. Donald Marquez, on your insurance connection, we talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance, yes, and we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show you.
Good morning. My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection. Broadcasting, Sunday morning, eight to 830, K, U, N, V, 91.5, jazz and more. I'm your licensed insurance broker for the state of Nevada, California and all surrounding states. In the United States, I can offer auto insurance, homeowners insurance for right now I can in California because we know why there's a moratorium in California. However, in California, I can offer life insurance in the state of California, but not auto or homeowners. I pray that these fires are resolved soon. Just have some information I just want to share with you listeners, and I want to thank you for tuning in every Sunday morning, from 8am to 830 right here. Kumv 91.5 Jasmine Moore, I'm Don Marquez, a licensed insurance broker, just want to share some information, the information I found out about what you can do if you know someone, or you are that person that needs to file a claim. You have property in California have been destroyed or partially destroyed by the fire in California on your homeowners insurance policy, there's a clause in their coverage, in their loss of use. Loss of use means you have an additional money coming in every single month for the next 12 months, they'll pay your additional living expenses while you're not unable to go to your home. Now, what this does for you, if you need to go rent a property, you have additional living expenses. Now, I would suggest that if you are a homeowner and you do have this coverage on your homeowners insurance policy, instead of getting that money for 12 months, see if you can negotiate with your insurance carrier to 24 months, maybe even 36 months, because when you own a home, that loss of use income that's coming in every month is pretty substantial. Now, to and I talked to a mortgage lender, and he, believe it or not, you still owe the money. Do you still owe the mortgage each month? Whether you can live in your home or not just News You Can Use you make your decision on what you want to do. Now, the people that don't have homeowners insurance and there's a total loss, they have to, you know, work with FEMA and other resources that are available. But you that have the homeowners insurance and you have been taken disadvantage. You have disadvantage because you can't live in your home, because not only a fire damage, perhaps smoke damage, and you can't live in your home, you can file a claim for loss of use. I hope that's News You Can Use. My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection, and I'm gonna get into my favorite subject right away. Life insurance. We all need it, especially the stories I've been getting in lately, people have been devastated by a loss of family members that did not have life insurance, and this one particular family, they're doing everything they can to raise the money the remains of the family member has been on, you know, storage for the last three months, and they don't want to do a cremation because it's a close relative, but they're struggling to get to $20,000 to bury their loved one. And this is why I come on the radio to educate you the listeners, don't let this happen to you and you know, and I talk to people, can I share your story with my listeners? And they say absolutely, because, you know, no one should go through this. It's hard enough to lose a loved one, but you don't have time to grieve when you lose a loved one and there's no money to bury their loved one. I've heard people getting a little desperate, where they would try to use the deceased credit card that doesn't work. I mean, I'm laughing a little bit, but I've heard stories, you know, I've had people call me. I'm at the I'm at the funeral home. And my grandmother passed, but she had, you know, she had really good credit, and she. Credit cards. Can I use her credit card? And I said, I don't think you can. But you know, you can always ask the people at the funeral, at the mortuary, you know, can they use the deceased credit card? And they're like, no, no, you cannot use the deceased credit card. So, you know, if people get a little you know, it's, it's, it's a devastating time in your life when you lose a loved one. And believe me, I've experienced it. I've experienced being a licensed insurance agent for the last 2028 years, almost 30 years. I've experienced losing loved ones with life insurance. Fortunately for me, being a licensed agent for many, many years, I made sure my my loved ones were protected. I lost, you know, my wife seven years on January 17, I'm gonna share that with with my listeners. It's been seven years and and people have asked me, seven years since you lost your wife, did the time go by quick? I said, No, it's slow time. It's it's very slow time. But I was fortunate to losing my wife, and it seems like seven years, and even more, since I've lost her, miss her every day. Think about her all the time, but you know, it's slow time when you lose a loved one. And fortunately for me, I didn't have to move out of my home. I didn't have to do anything drastic to modify my life, because I couldn't afford to live in my home. And I've heard people unfortunately not preparing for them, for the future, not preparing for that day, and that day comes for all of us. You're not being prepared and just kicking the can down the road. And say, You know what, I'm gonna contact our marques next year, first of the year now is the first of the year. So if you've been planning on contacting me, 70223626247, 362624, 702-236-2624, license for life insurance, home, auto, boat, motorcycle insurance. I talk about life insurance a lot because we all need it. We all need it. If you can insure a car and pay that insurance on a car, you can pay for life insurance. I mean, a car is a privilege. To have a car. We all, we all have to have insurance to drive. That's a state recommendation that should be a state law to have life insurance. Because so many people are devastated and filed bankruptcy because they're not preparing themselves. They're not preparing themselves. And you leave a spouse behind with nothing you know, with no money to bury, you no money to continue her life or his life, because you are dependent on both incomes, and you lose income or that income is reduced. How do you expect your family, your loved ones, to continue their life without this valuable coverage? I represent multiple life insurance companies. I can have a conversation with you and your spouse or your significant other. Let's sit down and have a plan to get your life insurance in order. It really it's not that hard to do. You know, the interview takes about 30 minutes at my office. We go, I go over details. What can I want to know what your budget is, let's work within, within your budget. I'm not going to offer you accidental only life insurance policy because I don't believe in those. I don't because those don't pay out. And if you receive this information in the mail for accidental only life insurance, it only covers accidents, and a lot of those policies only cover if you're on a vacation, travel, accidental insurance. Don't buy that. Buy a real life insurance policy. I'm a licensed insurance broker. I like to sleep at night knowing that I take care of my customers needs. Now, one of the things I would need to know is what medications you're on. We'll talk about that. If you don't want to come in the office. We'll have a phone interview, if it's more convenient for you to do it that way. Definitely can have a phone conversation at 702-236-2624, if you have a current life insurance policy, I would like you to bring it in and let's say, let's have an insurance review. Recently, I had my trust reviewed, and I don't mind sharing my personal information with my listeners, because this is an educational program. I don't talk to talk. I do walk to walk, but, you know, I have life insurance. I have a trust. And what I found out about my trust, I needed to get my trust updated because things did change in my life, so I needed to get my trust updated, and you may need to get your trust or your will updated, because things do change in your life or on your life insurance policy, this is one of the main reasons we have a interview on your life insurance policy. We review your life insurance policy at your insurance. Connection to make sure everything is in order. For instance, if you're experiencing your life insurance policy going up every single year on you eventually you're gonna cancel the policy. You're gonna say, Oh, this policy. I can't afford this policy anymore. Now, if you have underlying health conditions and you need a life insurance policy. I do have policies. There's no physical, absolutely no physical at all. Benefits are paid within 24 hours a whole life benefit up to $35,000 in coverage, no health examination to apply, just a few health questions, just 12 health questions in there, yes or no answers. Keep in mind, let me say this again, there's no health examination for this life insurance policy. Up to $35,000
in coverage, most people qualify with even health issues. And what are those issues today? Diabetes a number one issue, whether you type two, type one diabetic, and I know you've been turned down trying to apply for life insurance because that's all your a 1c, is over 6.57 whatever it is, and up or I've been turned down because I'm on pain medication, pain management medication, likes oxycodone, for an example, I've been turned down for life Insurance. I can help you. I specialize in some of the in some of the difficult cases where you've been turned down for life insurance. I'm a licensed insurance broker here, right here in Nevada, California, for life insurance. And I'm licensed for 48 states for a home auto My name is Donald Marquez, or you can call me Don Marquez, 70223626247, 2362624, 702-236-2624, most people qualify with even health issues. If you have health issues, multiple sclerosis, COPD, liver, kidney, smokers, where are my smokers? I rarely get people call me this smoke. And I want to appreciate the clients that came in and purchased home, auto, life insurance that listened to this program at kumv, 91.5 jazz and more Sunday mornings from 8am to 830 Thank you for listening. I've been on the air now for almost three years, right here at K, U, N, V, 91.5 jazz. Jasmine I have to look after. Think about where I'm at. I'm I'm on other radio stations. I just, I'm gonna share that with you throughout, throughout our beautiful valley. I'm on other radio stations. So sometime I forget what studio I'm at. It's a little funny, but, but, no, I'm here with you now, but at KU MV, 91.5 I do enjoy this platform to talk to you about your final expense life insurance. Final expense life insurance, with the cost of funeral rising today, and we're talking about 1520, even $25,000 to bury your loved ones. Today, when you go to the funeral home or the mortuary, whatever you want to call it, they give you a price for the services that does not including the cemetery fees to go to the cemetery, because that's a different fee altogether. The applied, the opening, the closing, the headstone, the container, the vault, whatever you want to call it, the casket or the urn, goes into a vault these days, and that costs additional funds. That's additional money. Again, a lot of times, family members don't have time to grieve, because they have to say, oh my god, I'm gonna pay for this very expensive funeral. And even with a cremation, with a viewing. What a cremation is anywhere from eight to $10,000 yeah. What a cremation. Now, if you don't want them to have a viewing, if you just don't do they just cremate me. You know, you know, and don't, don't, don't think that. You know. I don't care what happens to me. I don't, you know, you throw me wherever you know, people have to take care of your remains with dignity. With dignity, they have to do what's right and what's right, unfortunately, is very expensive today. It's always been expensive, but even more so today, even more so today, because, you know, some people, I don't want to be cremated. No, don't cremate me. My mother used to joke and said, Oh, don't cremate me. I said, if you smoke another cigarette, Imma cremate you. She says, Don't you cremate me, because I'm coming back. I said, No, you're not. I say, Well, you coming back to what the world? Go back to work. Well, no. I said, we're gonna put you away with dignity. You know, we're gonna take care of you, but you need to stop smoking cigarettes, and no cigarettes. Took my mother's life back in 2011 I can share that with you. I've experienced it, and I'm, I'm so glad I had a life insurance policy, because I'm the only one that did have a life insurance policy on my mother. So I'm, you know, and I had to take that policy out on her, out on my mother. I had to pay for it. I paid for it. She said, You know what? You check out the insurance. Oh, me, that the life insurance, but you pay for it, which I didn't mind, because I've seen too many times where, you know family members. Oh, I don't want to pay for that. You know, you know that's your responsibility, going back and forth. And nothing happens. Nothing happens. And then when that time comes, when you lose a family member, you know, and then you turn and ask your other family members for help. You could be a responsible party for all expenses, you know. You could be the one that has to pay for everything. Don't let that happen to you, where you're caught every day, every day people go to the funeral home. Don't have a means to pay to bury their mother, their father, their uncle, their sisters, their brothers, their children. The mortuaries, the funeral homes, hey, well, we can't help you. We can't help you. This is a very specialized industry, you know, and they want all their money up front. They want all their money up front. Now, if you need a larger life insurance policy, and you can qualify for the 100,000 200,000 $300,000 policy, you know, I have those policies too as well, and those are term universal life. There's only three policies that I offer whole life, up to $35,000 there's no health examination. And this is a final expense burial policy. If you have underlying health conditions, you're overweight, which I don't like use that word overweight, but if you're a healthy person, and you know the little oversized, we can find a policy for you to fit. I insured a gentleman. He was, he was well over 600 pounds, and that was probably three, four years ago. I insured him. And my, my, his daughter heard me on the radio talking about, I had insured a gentleman at 600 pounds. And she said, I just want to I heard you on the radio talking about, you insured a gentleman 600 pounds. That was my dad, and he's still living, and he lost to over 200 pounds. I was so happy to hear that he's still living. Weighed over 200 he lost over 200 pounds. So he had a game plan. Now, if you are a smoker and we write your life insurance policy, whether it's whole life, which is up 35,000 or term starts at 100,000 and up. Universal life insurance policy start at 100,000 and up. If you have, if we, if you are a smoker, we can say, Okay, this is what we're gonna do. We're gonna start you to policy now as the smokers rate, because you're not, and then if you decide to stop smoking all together, you have to stop smoking for 12 months. No smoke for 12 months. That means vaping tobacco or smoking cigarettes or cigars. Now, even in a cigar smoker, if you're an occasional cigar smoker, maybe like once every six months, you pick up a cigar. We won't rate you as a smoker. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection, 702-236-2624, but if you are a smoker, and you stop smoking for 12 months, we will re rate you as a non smoker. I could do that. Or if you have a term in life insurance policy, and you know you're getting ready to end your term, there could be a conversion period within your term life insurance policy, where you can convert your life insurance policy into Universal Life, or whole life, as you some people call it. But if you find the rate is a little more than you want to spend, we always can reduce the facing amount of the life insurance policy. Now you don't have to convert your policy to to reduce the face amount. You can do that now with with your current life insurance policy, you do have the option to reduce the face amount of the policy, and especially if the policy is going up, if the policy is going up, we need to have a conversation, because eventually you're not going to be able to forge your life insurance policy. 702-236-2624, my name is Don Marquez. My Location, location is on the corner of Sahara Rancho in the US bank center located on the eighth floor. I work by appointment. 702-236-2624, I would love to meet you. Let's start. Let's sit down. Have a conversation. You know, you and the wife, sit down. And you know, before you come to see me, just please do me a favor. Talk about it before you get to me. Make sure this is what you want to do, and so that way, you know, we can move forward. Because I'm assuming you're here to get the life insurance, not to go home and rethink about it or talk about it. We're all together. I have my computer in front of me, in front of me. Let's figure it out together. Instead of coming to me and say, you know, I knew we need to go home and talk about it some more. I don't know what. Dave to talk about because I'm very thorough. I'm ready to move forward with you. Hopefully you're ready to move forward now, the larger policies do take a little while to issue, because we have to pull records from your doctors. We're talking about the $100,000 on up policy, and the life insurance companies are very busy, but the $35,000 policy is an instant policy. Up to $35,000 in coverage, there's really no doctor's report we have to get we just issued a policy immediately, and you're covered immediately up to $35,000 for more information. Again, my name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection broadcasting at KU m v 91.5 jazz and more. Sunday morning, from 8am to 830-702-2362
6247022362624, we can make it very easy for you. You can pull the payment method monthly draft, right out of your checking account. We don't want a debit card, because debit cards get lost and stolen. Pull it right out of your account. A monthly draft, you can select the due date between the first and the 28th of each month. And if you want, if you have a child that's under 18 years young, we can add a child on your life insurance policy as a child writer. Now, once that child turns 25 years young, they'll get their own policy and spin off on their own policy, and then they'll have their own insurance. So this is a good way to ensure the family we do not put the husband and wife on one policy anymore. We don't do that anymore. We stopped that years ago, I've had people ask me that, that's why I bring it up, can I put my wife on my life insurance policy as a writer? No, no, because what if you die first, you know you pass first, and now your wife is no longer insured. This is the this is the concern when you have writers on your policy. This is why we separate the husband and wife. Now we can add the children on as writers, they're young, but we don't add husband and wife on policies together, because we don't know who's going to go first. My name is Don Marquez, license insurance agent. I love what I do. I really do. I love what I've taken so many people out of these accidental only life insurance policies. They said, Well, you know, I bought the policy, and I heard you on the radio at K, U N, V, talking about accidental I just want you to look at my policy, tell me what I have. Tell me what I'm paying for, because most of you don't know what you're paying for. And I'm not saying trying to be negative or anything. I'm just being factual. If I ask you, what are your coverages on your car insurance, you gonna tell me I have full coverage? Yes, what you gonna say? Oh, I have full coverage. No, I want to know what coverage, what, what type of coverages you do have? Well, I'm full coverage. So you know, that's not telling me a lie. I want to know what your bottom little injury limits are on your auto insurance. Are you 100 300 or are you at the state minimums the, you know, people could tell me their deductibles only auto insurance, just, just for, just for an example, your house, you know, what are your coverages on your house? What is your liability on your house? And if you have certain dogs on your home, in your home, the insurance companies may or may not pay for those dogs, pit bulls. This really hard to get insurance with a pit bull. If you have a Rottweiler, really hard to get insurance on that watt Wilder and that pit bull. And if you have both, you know, and the insurance company find out by way of a dog bite that you have these type of dogs that probably did not a claim, because they are excluded. Now, some of it, some on the homeowners claims they they have, in our valley, we have really hard water now, there are times where the water heater breaks and cause a lot of damage. Water Damage, you know, it depends on what the underlying coverages are on your homeowners policy. It could exclude water damages. Now I tell you this, when you wash your clothes, turn and you finish washing your clothes on the washing machine has two water lines, or maybe one lever turn your water off when you finish washing your clothes, do not leave the water lines opened when you finish washing, because you could have a burst. One of the water lines, the holes will break. It'll cause water damage. You may be at church, a grocery store, at work, on vacation, the water is going to continue to run until someone stops the water and turn the water off. This is News You Can Use. My name is Don Marquez. I've seen it all, really. I've seen a lot, and then, you know, I probably have a lot more to see, because I'm not ready to retire. I still want to be around for a while to help. You know, people like yourself understand and navigate through insurance. Insurance is something. We all must have we have to have it. If you're a responsible individual, you have to have insurance. It's good to know what you're paying for. Let me help you with an insurance review. 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 real quick with the DMV services, the real ID we have into May 7, 2025, the countdown is May 7, 2025, to schedule yourself for the REAL ID to put on your driver's license. So when you go to the airport, you know, I guess it makes it a lot easier for you to go through the airport. It's not going to give you any discounts on airline flights, but it will, I think it will just help get them make it easier for you to get through the airports. Are you going to need proof of identity? And what they recommend is proof of your Nevada residential address. You need two documents, probably two utility bills. You know, telephone bill or a probably a utility bill. I don't know. I would say phone bill, gas bill, phone bill, water bill or phone bill, TV bill, TVs. You know, TV is a utility. Now, you used to be, we used to in Vegas, we used to have free TV. When I grew up in Vegas, it was free TV. Now it's a utility. Or you can bring in your social security card, and, you know, and proof of your name change, and it's mostly affect women when they change their name because they got married or remarried or divorced, or, you know, the scenario, just I feel bad for women because they when they when they have a name change, and if you've been married more than once, oh my god, I can't imagine what you what your ladies go through as far as proving who you are. And I've met women I've been married three times with three different last names, and it would have been a lot easier if I just kept my mating name through all three marriages. I understand. I definitely understand. My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection. 702-236-2624, let me help you navigate through the world of insurance. Let's look at your auto insurance. If we can save you money on your auto insurance, and if you don't have life insurance, now, it's first of the year, you've been putting this off to get a life insurance policy, and once you get it, everybody says the same thing. They said, I should have did this years ago. 702-236-2624 I want to help you. 70223626 row, 22362624, my name is dar Marquez. This is your insurance connection. Have a great weekend, everyone. We'll do this again next week. Until then, just keep it crispy. You.