Donald Marquez Highlights Life Insurance, Home Safety Tips, and the Importance of Updated Coverage
Wesley Knight
The following is a paid program sponsored by Your Insurance Connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and More, the University of Nevada Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Donald Marquez
Good morning, this is Your Insurance Connection. I'm your host, Donald Marquez on your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance homeowner's insurance Yes, and we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show Good morning, my name is Donald Marquez. This is your insurance connection broadcasting at KUNV 91.5 jazz and more welcome. Welcome. Welcome to my show. I'm a licensed insurance agent. I hope everyone had a safe and joyful
Donald Marquez
Happy Thanksgiving and hopefully we didn't eat too much. All right, I didn't It kind of held back this year a little bit. I ate a lot more salad than I had before less Less dressing from that turkey because that's all that bread and carbs, you know, but anyway, hopefully we are going to the holidays safe. This time of the year, and talking to people that own funeral homes, they say that the rate goes up, the death rate goes up this time of the year. People get very depressed. If you need to talk to someone, call a relative or a friend. Just call someone if you are feeling a little depressed
Donald Marquez
on the holidays. Just be safe. Don't do the unthinkable to yourself it happens and this is why I'm bringing this up according to the funeral home owners that I spoke with and I spoke to several and they tell me that this is their busy season the holiday season so you know be careful out there you know call your loved ones you have you haven't spoken to them in quite some time reach out to them. Hey I just want to call you say how you doing it's been a while you know not to suspect anything but just just to reach out sometimes
Donald Marquez
people get very lonely during this time of the year and get very depressed. My name is Don Marquez this is your insurance connection. I'm a licensed insurance broker offering auto insurance, homeowners insurance, yes and life insurance. Licensed in the last 28 years for life insurance I'm licensed for the state of Nevada and also, California for auto insurance I'm licensed and homeowners insurance. I'm licensed in 48 states across our beautiful nation We're going into the season of you know, everything's cooled down now
Donald Marquez
Finally has cooled down. You want to make sure you want to check your air-conditioned vents You want to check your water heater? You should replace the water in your water heater every six months. So you can, you know, it's, I know it's the holidays, but it's always, also is a good time to remind yourself to, you know, check your water heater
Donald Marquez
underneath your cabinets to make sure you have no leaks. Just recently experienced, I'm a property owner and I have a property downstairs, a condo downstairs and the upstairs tenant Had a leak had a water leak and just to let you know You know how this procedure works now the water leak caused damage to my downstairs bathroom in my condo Contact the owner and let them know that there was a leak we call it a pre-existing condition
Donald Marquez
Because when we found a leak upstairs in her bathroom cabinet, it was like a slow drip. What happens over time, a slow drip becomes a problem, especially for the downstairs tenant. There's a large hole in my downstairs ceiling bathroom that the insurance company is going to come out and review it and analyze it. We're going to get it repaired. I bring this to your attention because this is the procedure when the plumber
Donald Marquez
comes out there to you look at the damages usually insurance companies don't pay that they don't pay for the plumbers visit the initial visit for the plumber they just don't include that in their estimate that's the initial that's the initial visit when a plumber comes out to probably stop the leak and now the insurance company will pay for the debris removal mold fungi and replacement of any drywall, pipes that needs to be replaced, things of that nature, paint, debris removal.
Donald Marquez
So keep that in mind when you do file a claim. Now if you are living downstairs and you have a tenant upstairs and you have a claim and it's a water loss or any type of loss, you know, you need to go directly to the owner of the property, file a claim on their insurance policy. Keep in mind, you can file a claim on your policy, but you will have a deductible that you will have to pay.
Donald Marquez
So why would you pay for someone else's liability? The person upstairs is liable for damages to your unit downstairs. Keep that in mind, that's news you can use. For more information, my name is Donald Marquez. more
Donald Marquez
Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 702-236-2624. I work by appointment. I'm glad to review your current life insurance, homeowners, auto insurance policies to make sure you're insured properly. You know, it's you find out how good your insurance is, your coverages are when you have an incident. Like I just had this incident. I mean just with the water loss of the lady upstairs, you know, had a leak coming down to my condo. Ruin. Just totally disaster on the bathroom ceiling.
Donald Marquez
But you know, I didn't know that as an insurance professional for many years, this is my first claim I had to file for damages to my condo. But you know, you quickly find out. So I found out the plumbing part of it is not covered now all insurance companies don't cover that initial plumber when it comes out so you know keep in mind keep in mind is these facts because you have to be prepared when something happens you know I tell people this all the time and I'm telling
Donald Marquez
my listeners right now when you wash your clothes when you wash your clothes because we have very hard water here in Las Vegas Nevada. When you finish washing your clothes turn off the water lines. Turn off your water lines. Your hot and cold water lines. Turn them off. Because what happens is the pressure builds up on those pipes that's connected to from the wall to your washing machine. And sometimes that pressure builds and it flexes and it you know it goes back and forth like a pulsing sensation.
Donald Marquez
And eventually those pipes will break. And then now you have a flood. And if you're living upstairs, and it's gonna be really bad for the person downstairs, or in your home. I noticed some of these homes,
Donald Marquez
that when they file a claim, their washing machine is, the water is, the pressure's on the water, on the pipes, You know The water is pressures on the water on the pipes and the pipes break and they may be out of town that or be at Church or wherever they like the grocery store
Donald Marquez
Or just at work and you come home. You have a flood. It's a simple thing to do and it also, you know, it Lengthens the life of the pipes on your wash machine and your dryer, you know on your washing machine It lengthens the pipe life. So you want to keep that in mind. Just news you could use. Check underneath the sink to make sure there are no leaks underneath the sink. Because sometimes these insurance companies will say you have a pre-existing condition. You do have a pre-existing condition. You have to think about it a little bit. Because
Donald Marquez
there are so many different scenarios. When people call and file a claim, there are just so many different scenarios. I just had to really think about that a little bit. How to tell it to you in a way that you fully understand and your water heater. Now your water heater in Vegas only lasts about six to seven years. If you're new in Vegas this is what happens when you see the water underneath the water heater in your garage. More than likely that water heater is going out and it needs to be
Donald Marquez
replaced immediately because it will cause a mess. I was fortunate right before Easter this year some told me put a bucket underneath because on my watcher heater I have a pan at the bottom of the water heater with a PVC pipe with a 45 degree angle pipe that comes down so I what I did I put a bucket underneath the pipe and a couple of days later the water heater broke water was coming out of the water heater. It went right into the bucket. I don't know, sometimes you have to listen to the voice in your head.
Donald Marquez
The voice in my head said, put the bucket underneath the pipe. It made a lot of sense because I've had my water heater for about 8 years in my house. I said, wow, I'm glad I did that because it would have been a mess. This is News You Can Use. My name is Don Marquez. My phone number is 702-236-2624. 702-236-2624. Nevada Real ID. The countdown is happening. We have from now to May 7, 2025 to get your Real ID on your driver's license. You need to make an appointment with the Department of Motor Vehicle to get this thing done. Now maybe you want
Donald Marquez
to go down there if you have to re-register your car. You want to make one visit, take care of everything. You just cannot walk into a DMV anymore and get your services done. You do have to make an appointment. You can go online and make an appointment. It's real easy to set up an appointment and of course you can choose your locations where you need to go. And you can look at different locations too as well to see if in fact you can get in a
Donald Marquez
lot sooner. We have to May 7th, 2025. You know 2025 is just around the corner. Just around the corner. Don't spend too much money for Christmas. You know don't go in debt.
Donald Marquez
Try to make people happy. But sometimes it's not worth it in the long run with these interest rates 29% that's a lot of money to pay back on a credit card and especially if you know you can't afford it just you know think about it a lot of people going a lot of financial debt during this time of the year because they're trying to please themselves too many other folks you know sometimes you can please people just by picking up the phone say how you doing
Donald Marquez
come over let's break bread together let's have a meal watch a football game and you know Merry Christmas or what you can do is take out a life insurance policy and make that person your beneficiary and they ask you what did you get me for Christmas well I'll take out a life insurance policy from Don Marquez and I made you my primary beneficiary Merry Christmas and they'll probably get you with a little bit of a puzzle on their face but hmm okay I just took out a $35,000 life insurance policy.
Donald Marquez
I made you my beneficiary. Merry, Merry Christmas. Or I took out a $100,000 life insurance policy from Don Marquez, and now you're my primary beneficiary. Merry, Merry Christmas. You know, when it comes to life insurance,
Donald Marquez
this is one of my favorite subjects because we all do need it. We all will incur a final expense. Someone has to pay for our final expenses in life. It's just going to happen. And if you haven't prepared yourself for it, you need to start really thinking about it. We're going into a new year. You know, we can always make more money. You know, money is,
Donald Marquez
you know, if you can go out and get another job or whatever you need to do, we can always make more money. But you can never make more time. Time is a currency. Time is your valuable asset. It ticks away one second at a time. Procrastination does no one any good. It doesn't. When you procrastinate, especially when we're talking about life insurance, there are so many of you out there that procrastinate getting life insurance.
Donald Marquez
The wait is not a good option for you. It's just not. Because the rates are based on your health, your age, and what happens when you get older? Then you realize that, you know, I waited a long time to get life insurance. I'm in my 70s. I don't have any life insurance. And I don't have any money in the bank. Not enough for my family members to go on my bank account,
Donald Marquez
if their names are on the bank account, and to pull the money out to take care of your final expenses. Well, when we say final expenses, this is what I mean. You know, someone has to pay for your burial or your cremation or they have to pay the bills that you may have left over, the mortgage, the rent, the utility bills, moving the furniture out of the home if necessary, leaving a spouse behind with no financial support, losing that
Donald Marquez
paycheck. losing that paycheck you go from having a to paycheck household tool one income household
Donald Marquez
think about this these are all final expenses and what about the people so you know i want to be buried in vegas i want to be buried where you know somewhere before they were there the families all the families burlesque city one of the
Donald Marquez
burden an idaho okay let's use Idaho for an example. So you want to be buried in Idaho. You live in Las Vegas. You want to be transported to Idaho.
Donald Marquez
The funeral home has to purchase the ticket for the container, for the casket and deliver it to, once it's flown to its final destination, the funeral home on the receiving end charges a fee to pick up the remains all that cost money and keep in mind when you want to transport your Yourself or your loved ones to their final destination if they don't want to be bearing in Nevada to another state All all the preparation has to be done first here before they put the remains on the airplane So it's a lot to it. It's very expensive
Donald Marquez
It's an upward about twenty five hundred around twenty five hundred dollars just for that alone. So when you said, oh, I don't wanna be buried in Vegas, I wanna be buried with my family members. And that's, you're looking at right on that, right on $2,500 around that dollar amount. You know, it could be lower.
Donald Marquez
But that's just a guesstimate, $2,500. The plane ticket, the receiving end, the everything, $2,500 just for that service alone. So these are final expenses that we have that you know we don't think about. We just had Thanksgiving and I encourage people when family members get together. When they get together.
Donald Marquez
Let's talk about who has life insurance. I know it's an awkward conversation to have but it's called a family meeting. Have a family meeting. You know families are going to get together during the holidays. We all do. It's a good time. That's when you have a family meeting to go over you know family business because you don't want to be the one to call with a $20,000 funeral bill because you did not have that conversation with your loved one. You know or if your loved one says
Donald Marquez
to you I don't want to talk about that why you're trying to do something to me no that's not it. I'm not trying to get it done to me with a $20,000 funeral bill if you don't have any life insurance If you do have a policy, that's fine. Nobody wants you to go, you know, this is a conversation We need to know where is the life insurance policy? Who's your primary beneficiary and if you know, you don't have a life insurance policy now It's time to contact Don Marquez to get a life insurance policy. So we don't have to go through this.
Donald Marquez
You know, first of all, you won't give us time to grieve because you don't have a life insurance policy. We have to come up with a lot of money in a short period of time. Is that fair to us? You can contact Don Marquez at 702-236-2624. 702-236-2624. I had to tell you a funny story. I was talking just last week
Donald Marquez
Right before Thanksgiving and gentlemen, I was talking about life insurance. He's the well, I don't care You could put me in a bottle. They could put me in a bottle. He said that's not I said, how is that possible? Let's be a little bit more realistic than putting you a while bottle. Anyway, he said what I can put me in a bottle
Donald Marquez
I don't care what happens to me
Donald Marquez
Yeah, you don't care but you have to care about the loved ones you leave behind with a large funeral bill. Someone has to pay for your final expense. Either you're going to pay for it or someone has to pay for your final expenses. It's a process that we all have to go through. You don't want to one day wake up and you know, everybody starts to scramble tearing up the house looking for the life insurance Policy that they thought they had and come to find out they had a policy but it was accidental only
Donald Marquez
You know because no one had this conversation You know, hey, let's have a conversation. You have a life insurance Yes, if you don't know what you have on the policy Let's contact Donald Marquez and we can go over he will go over with no obligation an insurance review. In other words, you can bring your policy in.
Donald Marquez
I will review your life insurance policy. I will not charge you to review your policy to give you an update where you are. You should get updated on your life insurance. And if you don't have a will or trust, well, I have a team member, her name is Christine Bernard.
Donald Marquez
She works with me and my clients to get you a will started or she can refer you to an attorney to get a trust She's a paralegal She can help you with your speeding ticket If you get a speeding ticket before you make arrangements or pay the courts for that speeding ticket She can get your speeding ticket reduced down to a parking ticket Now you still have to pay for the for the for the incident the speeding incident
Donald Marquez
But we don't see it on your driving record when your policy is ran on every single renewal She can get it reduced down to a parking ticket 702 2 3 6 2 6 2 4 Christine Bernard a team member of your insurance connection. She's a paralegal. She can help you with Putting a loved one on the deed of your home as right of survivor or in lieu of death. What that does for your property, it puts them in a beneficiary position.
Donald Marquez
Now they cannot go out and take a loan on your house, they can't sell your house, that just puts them in a position of being a beneficiary, hopefully to avoid probate. And I say that loosely because I'm not an attorney or legal advisor, I'm just trying to help my clients to the next step in life. Taking care of your final expenses. This is part of it. To make sure everything is taken care of because when that day comes you do not want your family members in disarray. You just
Donald Marquez
don't. Everything should be in order. You should take a piece of paper, write down your mortgage or have all the statements together. That was even better. With the life insurance. Okay this is my bank statements. This is my mortgage statements with all your information on there. You know just everything written down. This is the company I pay my car payment to. This is my car insurance. You know everything is written down in the neat. Everything is right
Donald Marquez
there and don't procrastinate. How long will this take? It won't take a very little time out of your day to put this all together. Write everything down so everything is listed so your family members will know. You don't have to be a certain age to do this by the way. You can do it for any age. One thing about people passing, death does not discriminate when it comes to age.
Donald Marquez
I've been to these funeral homes. I've had these phone calls when a you know a young person passed a middle-aged person passed a senior Citizen pass so this don't think this affects seniors this affects everyone having your filing expenses in order is very important If you don't have a life insurance policy my contact phone number seven zero two two three six two six two four seven zero two
Donald Marquez
two three six twenty six twenty four road to 236 2624 located right on the corner of Sahara Rancho in the US Bank Center located on the 8th floor. Sahara Rancho right across the street from the Palistation Hotel and Casino. I can make a policy I can make it happen rates and benefits are locked in for the life of the policy. Most people qualify for coverage even with health issues we can get your life insurance policy now. I have policies
Donald Marquez
With no health and no health Examination is just a few health questions there. Yes or no answers No, no physical and we can get you up to thirty five thousand dollars of a whole life policy and who this That's this policy is for people with diabetes, right whether you type one type two diabetics if you have a history of cancer.
Donald Marquez
So if you are a cancer patient, if you are a stage 1, stage 2 cancer patient with over 12 months to live or even stage 3 with over 12 months to live, we can get you a life insurance policy. There are some rare people out there with stage 4 cancer that has lived over 12 months. I can help you with a life insurance policy. 702-236-2624. If you have multiple sclerosis, no life insurance, don't give up. Or if you
Donald Marquez
feel like you're overweight, I can get you a life insurance policy. 702-236-2624. Located on the corner of Sahara Ranch or I can help you in the U.S. Bank Center located on the 8th floor. I do it all the time. I've been doing this for the last 28 years I love what I do awful homeowners auto insurance renters boat motorcycle and yes life insurance But I feel like you know people have car insurance, but they don't have no life insurance You got you have a beautiful car
Donald Marquez
Just when I bought this really nice Cadillac or Mercedes or whatever you bought Lexus this luxury car You paying a lot of luxury car payment and then now you have a lot of luxury car insurance payment on top of that with no life insurance. There needs to be a balance. There really do. There needs to be a balance. I mean do you really need the luxury car? But you do and you're getting up in age and I know you worked hard all your life. You say, you know I worked hard all my life. I deserve it. Yes you do.
Donald Marquez
And your family also deserve to have the security and the peace of mind knowing that they're not going into debt. Loss of you because the loss of you in the United States, one of the leading causes of bankruptcy is because people lose a loved one and they go into debt around $60,000. That is not hard to do. Just think about it. You have a car that's to your $25,000 on it.
Donald Marquez
You have a $20,000 funeral. That's $45,000 right there. You have credit cards. You have, you know, another, let's say $10,000 in credit cards. We have $55,000. So it's not hard to be at that $60,000 average range throughout the United States. When someone passes, they leave behind on average, not everybody, but on average, $60,000 in debt. Now we didn't even talk about a mortgage included in that.
Donald Marquez
What if you have a mortgage and it's a couple hundred thousand, $300,000 mortgage? So we're just talking about an average person that, okay, leave a car behind, $25,000. A funeral costs $20,000. $10,000 in credit card bills, way up to $55,000.
Donald Marquez
Now what if you have a mortgage, a $300,000 mortgage you leave behind now, that's $355,000 you left behind debt for someone else to pick up Let me help you do the process. Let's get let's get a life insurance policy to cover your assets You don't want the city of the state to take your home because you didn't okay. I didn't take out any life insurance My family members, you know, they don't care what happens to me.
Donald Marquez
I don't care.
Donald Marquez
So I'm gonna leave my house to the state. The state takes it. It goes into probate. It's just a mess. I have no life insurance. I'm I'm putting my family members in the debt. And I don't want to be cremated, by the way.
Donald Marquez
I don't want to be cremated. But, you know, and you tell your family, I don't want to be cremated. But who's going to pay for this? You know, the step that's the step by step process. You know, it's a mindset. If you say you can afford a brand new car or brand new pre-owned car, if you
Donald Marquez
can say to yourself, I can afford this and it fits in my budget, you also can say to yourself, I need life insurance. I need it to fit in my budget and Don Marquez can help me get there at 702-236-2624 located Sahara Rancho in the U.S. Bank Center. My business hours are Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. And some Saturdays I will work because I know a lot of you work 9 to 5. I'm an agent I love what I do and if you can't make an in We can do a lot of business over the telephone
Donald Marquez
Now we can do a lot over the phone, especially when it comes to auto insurance I just do everything over the phone to quote set you up over the phone. You pay the insurance company direct. You know I'm a broker. I represent multiple companies for auto, home, and life. You pay them direct. You don't pay me. I take no money across my desk. People can't not come to me and say I need to make a car insurance payment. No. I need to make a homeowner's insurance payment. No. You pay the insurance companies direct. Now I
Donald Marquez
don't charge a fee to come see me. I like that rhyme. It kind of rhymes a little bit. Don't charge a fee to come see me. When I do sell a policy, just to let you know, the insurance companies do compensate me for my work and you have a representation, myself, as your insurance agent. When you go online for whatever insurance product you're looking for, home, auto, life, you don't have any type of representation to guide you through the serious of having a policy when something happens. And if you don't have an agent to guide you step by step, you're kind of doing everything on your own. You know, it's easy to put pump gas in your car. But it's a lot of moving parts when it comes to insurance. Make it very convenient for you to go online and purchase their products
Donald Marquez
And what it boils down to this Are you trying to figure this out on your own because when you do call you get a customer service representative? And they're not that they're not personalized to to fit your needs. They're just like okay you do this you do that I can't answer those questions. You know there's no personal Relationship, it's just a person that's doing a job waiting, you know, trying to hurry up and get you off the phone to get to the next phone call.
Donald Marquez
I don't treat you that way. I have, you know, I have a personal relationship with my clients. After 28 years, customer service is, you know, key for me, is key for you because you want to be able to communicate with your insurance agent, whatever your insurance concerns are. I tell my agents that work with me and I tell my customers that I have, when you have a file a claim or something comes up in your life that's insurance related, you need to
Donald Marquez
contact me first. Let me guide you through the steps. No charge for that. It comes with it. I come with it when you purchase a policy for me. I get calls all the time.
Donald Marquez
I do. I don't mind taking those calls. I always call my clients back. I'll always call you back. Now if you can't give me right away, I always will call you back to make sure I understand what your insurance concerns are. My name is Don Marquez. This is your Insurance Connection Broadcasting Right here at KUMV 91.5 Jazz and More every Sunday morning from 8am to 8.30. I will do
Donald Marquez
this again next week. Everybody just be safe during the holidays. Until then, just keep it crispy. Until then, just keep it crispy.
Donald Marquez
Thank you for listening.