Donald Marquez on Avoiding Scams, Smart Insurance Choices, and Financial Protection

Wesley Knight 0:00
This is a Kun V studios original program. The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Donald Marquez 0:25
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host. Donald Marquez, on your insurance connection, we talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance, yes, and we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show you.

Good morning. My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection. Broadcasting, K, U, N, V, 91.5, jazz and more. Sunday morning, from 8am to 830 Welcome to my show. I'm a licensed insurance broker that comes on the air to help you better understand insurances. It's a it's some information I need to share. They have this thing that on online, on the internet, and also you, you may receive a text message talking about a traffic fine if you you owe money because you were driving in a toll lane. So just be aware if you do receive information that you were driving in a tolling and it's not legitimate and you just have some questions about this text message or email that you receive, do not open it up because they're trying to have access to your bank account information. It starts off the toll roads notice of evasion. So you know, it starts off that way, and you have and here it goes. You have an unpaid toll bill on your account to avoid late fees, pay within 12 hours or the late fees will be increased and reported to the DMV. You have to be a buyer beware. It starts off the The email address is R A, A T S P, A, H, I, that's R, A, A, T, S, P, A, H, I,, be aware of this, because people are opening up this email or text message and putting in their information. Oh, you know, I was in the, you know, tolling, and, you know, Vegas, we don't have those whole lanes. And if you do have, if you are fine, usually you get stopped and get fined, you know, but just Buyer beware. It's a scam going on, and I've received several of these messages, and when I first saw it, I said, Wait a minute. I haven't been out of town because once I was out of town in California, and I was in I was on my way to Laguna Beach, and they have a lot of different roads. Who will again, will be so I was in a tow road, and they and they, I received a message from California, and they said, Okay, you have so many hours to pay this amount. If you wait so many days, there's a different amount. But it was legitimate, and I paid the lesser amount, and, you know, and that was wiped off my record. Buyer beware. My name is Don Marquez. For more information, my contact phone number is 70223626247022362624,

I'm a licensed insurance agent broker in the state of Nevada, California, and I love to talk to you about your insurances. You know, I also do insurance reviews. I've had people contact me and say, Well, my life insurance is going up every single year as I get older, and it may expire when I turn 85 years young. Now, when you turn 85 years a young on your life insurance policy, some of these policies are written years ago. They have what we call a flexible premium. A flexible premium. What is a flexible premium? You can choose how much you want to pay with these flexible premium life insurance policies that were issued years ago. They take the money from your cash asset because you're not paying enough on your life insurance policy each month. For an example, you took out a $200,000 life insurance policy 20 years ago. You 20 years ago, you were 55 years young. Now the payments was even level for probably for the first 10 years. You turn 65 now, all of a sudden, you start seeing an adjustment in the payments every year, a little bit the first few years, but now 10 years, 10 more years is added up. Now you're 75 you really have witnessed an increase in your payments because your premium has adjusted according to your age, because you're not paying enough into the policy every month. I don't like offering those policies to my. Clients, I offer a life insurance policy that's going to be your level premium for the term of the policy. Now, when you do have these policies, they're pulling money from your cash value, and eventually your cash value is going to is going to deplete. And what are you going to do there? Then you're going to get the real rate, the monthly rate each month. What I can do for you is rework, rework the illustration. See, this is why it's so important to have an insurance agent to rework the illustration, to stretch that out from ending at age 85 let's say we stretch it out to age 100 How do we do that? Well, I can't you give me permission to talk to your insurance company, we rework the illustration. Now, in some cases, depending on your age, we may have to reduce the face amount of the life insurance policy. We may have to instead of, do you really need 200,000 if you don't need 200,000 for this policy to fit in your budget and also extend another 1510, to 15 years, we need to make some adjustments. Usually that's adjustment with the face amount. So they'll stop pulling money from your cash value. You'll have a level premium the rest of your life. This is why it's so important to get an insurance review. If this is occurring with you right now. If this is happening to you right now, my number is 70223626247022362624,

you may say to yourself, Well, you didn't write the life insurance policy. Don Marquez, it doesn't matter, like I said earlier in the conversation, you bring your policy into my office, which is located right on the corner Rancho Sahara in the US bank center, eighth floor. I work by appointment. My business hours are Monday through Friday, from 10am to 5pm you bring your policy in. I'll call with you, standing right there with me, sitting right there with me. I'll call your insurance company. You'll give me permission to speak in your behalf, and I'll work the numbers for you. Now, I've been very successful doing this for a lot of people, and they like, wow. You know, I didn't know that was possible. It happens. It happens quite frequently, especially if you purchase the policy, a flexible premium policy within the last 20 years, more than likely you have a flexible universal life insurance policy. We're talking about the universal life insurance product. Now the whole life product could adjust on with you as well, especially if you have a entry offer maybe for the first five years, and adjust every five years. This is, again, this is the importance of having an insurance review. 702-236-2624, 702-236-2624, if you just listening for the first time, welcome to the show. I've been right here. Kumb 91.5 Jasmine for three years now, and I want to thank you for tuning in every Sunday morning from 8am to 830 I'm licensed in auto insurance, homeowners, life boats and motorcycle insurance. The weather is just really strange in Nevada right now, Southern Nevada right now, especially we're experiencing early spring. I in the 70s, 80s. I think it's gonna go down this week a little bit, you know, something reasonable. And, you know, back to the 60s, and I'm okay with not turning in my heat on. I'm really okay with not turning my heat on. I received my gas bill from, oh, my goodness. I'm like, I don't even turn on my gas why my gas bill is so high. So right now, let's take advantage of this beautiful weather that we're having. Go outside, take a walk. It's really nice outside. You see a lot of your neighbors walking their pets, and, you know, get out exercise a little bit. We all can use a little bit more exercise. We really can, you know. And you know, who knows you may meet a friend on your journey walking in your neighborhood. Let's get down to business. Let's talk about car insurance a little bit, and then we're gonna go right into the life insurance we received a few calls. I don't wanna thank the listeners that are listening to the show, contact me about their car insurance and their car insurance premiums, you know, oh, my car insurance is so expensive, but if you have tickets and accidents, the insurance companies will the car insurance companies will adjust your rates according to your your accidents and tickets. They really will now, just to give you an idea when, when you have paperless and when you go paperless, when you talk to an insurance agent over the phone, and I do it too as well, everything now is paperless when you have your coverages offered to you, and now everything's emailed to you you sign. Sign you sign your policies by way of email, because a lot of these insurance companies are getting away from the paper, and I can understand makes a lot of sense, cost effective that way, and it's immediate through email or even through sending you a message on your phone. You do have to sign off on these coverages or reject the coverages you don't want. Now, if the insurance agent should go over your coverages line by line, so you fully understand what you are purchasing, if you don't understand what you're purchasing, you know this is why it's always good to have an insurance agent like myself to go over these coverage coverages with you, line by line. There's many times in this business I've witnessed where people reject the uninsured motorist coverage, then all of a sudden, someone hit their car without uninsured without enough coverage to cover their uninsured motorists. Now they say, Well, you know, you'll have the minimums, but my doctor bills are a lot more so now you want to file a claim against your own policy for the uninsured underinsured motorist protection. You was trying to save money when you shop for car insurance, you rejected the uninsured underinsured motorist coverage, but now all of a sudden, you're in a car accident, and you thought you had full coverage. Everybody says everyone says this, you know, and your insurance company may or may not have your original signature rejecting the uninsured motors coverage. This is why it's important to have a review of your coverages, because you may think you were covered, but you never paid for this coverage. So do you deserve to be covered? And lot of something, and I've seen sometimes now, every now and then, you know, these lawyers try to convince you, well, if you don't, if you didn't sign for this uninsured motorist coverage, right? They're gonna try to get the coverage for you, right? So they may get that coverage for you because you didn't sign for the insurance company doesn't have proof that you did not take the coverage, or you did take the coverage, but they're not receiving the premium payment for that coverage. Every single coverage costs an additional premium payment. It's like saying, okay, you know what? All, I want liability only for my car. Now my car is hit in a car accident as a result of my fault because I didn't take the collision on the policy. I want my insurance company to pay for it. The insurance company will tell you, No, you didn't take that coverage. So Buyer beware. Make sure you know exactly what you're paying for. This is why, again, it's important to have an insurance review. My name is Don Marquez. Welcome to my show. Your insurance, connection, broadcasting, right here at K, U, M, V, 91.5, jazz and more. Sunday morning, 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 towing and labor. Here's another coverage that people sometimes overlook. Now, if you already have a motor club with a different company, you know, and sometimes these vehicles, especially the later model vehicles, come with torn and torn and labor up to a certain period of time. And now you may want to use their services. This why you don't have torn in labor. And you know, that's up to you. It is an option. The requirement for the state of Nevada is the bodily injury liability portion of the policy, which is a minimum of 25,000 each person, 50,000 each person, $20,000 in property liability damages. That's that's all the state requires for you to carry. Now, of course, if you do have a loan against your car, you must carry the collision damages and the comprehensive damages on on on your car to cover the loan. Now, I may say other than collision, that is called comprehensive other than collision is a deductible for your comprehensive and what is comprehensive replacement of windshield, fire, theft, vandalism, falling objects. You know when your cars or if your car is vandalized, somebody take your key and scratch your paint, maybe because you had a bad relationship. I don't know. Usually that's when you get the key scratches, or you parked your car in the wrong place and a bunch of kids, is what had nothing else to do that, you will. I don't know. Maybe you got them upset that now they want to vandalize your vehicle. This is covered under the comprehensive other than collision. Now collision, it says what it is is when your car hit is hit and you as a result of your fall, it is covered on the collision portion of the policy. And usually those deductibles are anywhere on the collision $500 deductibles up to 1000 and sometimes you can get even $2,500 deductibles. Just keep in mind, you are responding. Responsible for the coverages underneath your deductible. In other words, if you have $1,000 deductible, that's telling the insurance company you're liable. You're going to be responsible for paying any damage to your car under $1,000

now, there are ways to make settlements with insurance companies if you're in a car accident, instead of paying your deductible to the body shop or the repair shop, you can, you can say, I just take a cash settlement with the insurance companies on damage to your vehicle or comprehensive damages to your vehicle. Take the cash settlement yourself and do your own shopping. And I know the insurance companies will say, Well, we, you know these body shops where we will guarantee the work? Well, the body shops, if they're, if they're legitimate body shop, they should guarantee the work anyway. The difference is, you walk in as a cash buyer, because soon as you go into the body shop, they ask you the simple question, who's paying for this? You are the insurance company now with the cash, okay, with the cash in your hand, because you tell you, tell your insurance adjuster, you know, I don't, I don't want to go to your preferred shops. I where they go to my own shop. Get three estimates, no matter what, get three estimates, and then just tell me, I want a cash settlement. That is your option to take the money go and go whatever body shop you like to go to. And if you have, you're sitting on like $4,500 in your pocket. Just imagine you have $4,500 in your pocket. Usually, you know you're gonna get your car repaired as soon as you give them that $1,000 deductible. What happens to that money? It goes right in your pocket. That goes right in their pocket, it just does. My name is Don Marquez. I never I've been in a few car accidents. Let me say that one was my fault, and it was, you know, a few others, the people that hit me fault. And I never, I've never had to pay a deductible. And I carry $1,000 deductible on my cars. I carry $1,000 deductible. I always get a cash settlement. And I pick my own body shops. You could, you could take your car anywhere. You can take the dealership, if you like, you know, but a lot of these dealerships back in long, long time ago, back in the 60s and the 70s, to my understanding, the dealerships had their own body shops. They don't do that anymore. They They farm it out to these other body shop companies that work with the dealerships to repair the vehicle so you can take your car to the dealership, but they they'll farm it out. They say, okay, take it to Joe's auto body. We work with them. They have a good reputation that, but that is up to you. Always get three estimates, even if your car is stolen and insurance companies don't want to sell settle with you what you think you deserve for your car. You know now they're not going to go off for you retail, but what you can do is go online, you know, find a car, same quality, make mileage, etc, year, and print that out. Print it out, present it to the adjuster, and see what happens and see what I've done it, I've done it once, I've done it twice. I've done it three times, and and it helps you, you know to you know to clean, to settle your case. Excuse me, just settle your case again. My name is Don Marquez for more information. 702-236-2624 702236. 702-236-2624, just got a little preoccupied there. Just just thumbing a little bit. But I think everyone gets to just what I'm saying. You do have options if you are injured, or you injure someone in a car accident, don't hesitate to give them the information they need. They only need your ID card. They can take a picture of your friend the back of your ID card, and it's not necessarily to share your driver's license information with them. They're really not. Why would they need that? Just your ID card is enough. It has your name on there, the company, the policy number, and then on the back of the card, it could have some additional information. But don't you, it's not necessary for you to share your driver's license with those individuals you know. So if you have any questions, this is why the insurance companies have insurance agents. Or if your agent is not available, you can always contact me at 702-236-2624, I'm a licensed insurance agent. I'm here to help you. This is an educational program about insurance. We buy insurance regularly, all the time, and we don't know who we're buying half the time. That, you know, when you go to the store, you have, you have choices. You know, apples could be on sale. You saw, you know, I was really coming to the store to get some oranges, but Orange is a little expensive, along with eggs. You know, apples and eggs is, you know, whether apples are on sale, eggs or not. Oranges are not. You went to the store to buy some oranges, but apples are on sale, so you can compromise you. So you know what? I don't need any oranges. I just give me some apples. And be okay. Insurance is a little different too. You can compromise by shopping for favorable rates, but I want to make sure that your coverages are adequate. So many times, you know, people have the minimum state coverages and they find themselves very difficult to shop for car insurance. It is, it is very difficult to shop when you have the minimum coverages on your auto insurance policy, you can increase that policy limits of liability from 25,000 each person and 50,000 each person to 100,000 each person to 300,000 each person, that puts you in a better shopping position. Now the only thing that I need is an insurance professional. Is illustration page showing that, or the declaration page showing that your current coverages are 100,000 per person, 300,000 each accident. You know this? This helps you to get a better rate on your car insurance. It really does. That's a little secret. Don't tell anybody. Just the key you and be listeners. Oh, no, you can share that information. It's not that hard to find out. But you do find yourself in a much better position when, when you have this nationwide advertising, you know, save up to 15% and 1520 you know, that's that's not, they're not talking about, I see in Vegas, okay, they're just just not we have some of the higher car insurances in the country. So every little city, every city, has just something that's our something. Let's move on. Let's move on. Let's talk about life insurance. My favorite subject, you know all the time it is, if you do have a loved one with Alzheimer's dementia, organic brain syndrome, ALS, who guarantees disease, especially, you know, let's, let's, let's think about this, they may want to, you know what? They may need a policy, because they're getting up in age. And of course, you can see them more and more every day as a loved one. You know, not being the same person they used to be losing their memory. We cannot offer them a life insurance policy and their name only. You will need an assignment as a power of an attorney. Power of Attorney to, not only not to sign for them. We cannot pull the money out of their account. We do have, have to have a person with the power of attorney to authorize any transactions. In other words, a person with the Alzheimer's of dementia, they cannot sign for the policy. We cannot pull funds from their account, and they cannot answer the health questions. With power of attorney, you can answer all health questions, you can sign for the policy, and you have access to the policy. As a power of attorney, we will pull the funds out of your account. We cannot pull the funds out of the person account with Alzheimer's or dementia, and sometimes people you know, they don't quite understand it. I Is this because the insurance company look at it, you know, look at the medications, and it's, well, this person is not responsible for their own actions, so we cannot, you know, have them answer the health questions and also pull money out of their account, because to the insurance company, they just say, well, they don't know what exactly what they're doing. You know, they're trying to do the right thing, but they do need a POA. I do have a lady that I work with. Her name is Christine Bernard. She is a paralegal, and she can help you with the power of attorney at will. You know, she has attorneys also that help you with the trust to pass on your estate through a trust. Now, if you have a speeding ticket and you have not made arrangements with the with the with the courts, you can get that reduced down to a parking ticket, because every time you your car insurance policy renews, you know, every time it renews, they going to see if there's any new drivers on the household or if you have a speeding ticket, we can get it reduced down to a parking ticket, 702-236-2624, just a little news you can use again. Life insurance is very important to have. You know, the celebration of life when we celebrate our loved ones, the celebration of life, you know, sometimes family members just don't get along. They got along up until the matriarch of the household has passed. Then all of a sudden, here it comes. Here comes the storm.

You know, the people that that you thought your family members that you know they're reliable, they're not reliable. They're just not reliable. You may find yourself the responsible person to pay for a very expensive funeral today. Have the conversation with your loved ones. Ask your loved ones, do you have life insurance? If not, how we supposed to pay for this very. Prince of funeral, and don't let your loved one say, Well, you know, I'm a veteran. Don't worry about it. I got it all taken care of through the VA. Well, you know, as as a concerned individual, you want proof of that. You want to make sure. Okay, well, let's see the, let's see the life insurance policy. Well, that's one of my benefits. They can get the policy, they can get the information. They can get the benefit information. You know, now, if you're married and your husband or your wife doesn't have any life insurance and you don't have enough money saved in the account, what are you gonna do? What are you going to do now? Because you know, you make you may not make it on one income. You may not make it on one income. Your whole life has changed, and it changed is every single day. For so many people, it changes every day because, you know, they didn't take out the time to take out a life insurance policy. Kick in the can, kick in the can. And with today's environment, we as we get older as we age, we definitely need a life insurance policy to take care of our loved ones. We talking about, you know, funerals today, 15 and $20,000 on average. And there are many times too, when that service at the funeral home is separate from the from the cemetery. So that's you're gonna cure. Two costs, the mortuary costs and the cemetery costs. Don't get caught not being prepared. You spend money on other things that you really don't need. I know most customers spend more money for car insurance than they do for their life insurance. I know people that spend more money watching television every month than they do. They don't even have a life insurance policy, but they're paying almost 250, $300 a month to watch television. We need to switch up our priorities. That is important to have a life insurance policy. You know, either pay now or someone is going to be responsible later. It's it's better to chip away at it now, in most cases, if though younger you are, you're gonna put in a lot less than the policy will pay out. 702-236-2624 702-236-2624, if you receive some information in the mail to get a life insurance policy. Ignore that information. I'm here for you. This is where I come on the air. So now I talk about it. The policies that are being offered in the mail are the worst policies you can purchase. And many, many, many times they disguise themselves as travel, accident insurance. In other words, they're accidental only. 702-236-2624 my location is on the heart of our beautiful city, Las Vegas, Nevada, on the corner of Sahara Rancho in the in the US Bank Center. I work by appointment Monday through Friday, from 10am to 5pm 702236262 022362624, everyone. Have a beautiful enjoy this beautiful day outside. Until next week, you'll just keep it crispy. Thank you for listening.


Donald Marquez on Avoiding Scams, Smart Insurance Choices, and Financial Protection
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