Donald Marquez Prioritizes Life Insurance, Examines DUI Costs, and Navigates California’s Fire Recovery Challenges

Wesley Knight 0:00
This is a Kun V studios original program. The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Donald Marquez 0:25
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host. Donald Marquez, on your insurance connection, we talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance, yes, and we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show you.

Good morning. My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection. Welcome to another edition broadcasting right here at K, U, N, V, 91.5, jazz and more every Sunday morning, from 8am to 830 Hi y'all, it is Super Bowl Sunday. Super Bowl Sunday. Yes, I don't know what team I want to I don't know. I like the Eagles. I like Casey. I mean, wow, this is a hard one to look at, because I love both teams. I really do. I think it's going to be a great Super Bowl. I want everybody to sit back, enjoy it, just please don't drink and drive after the game. Be very, you know, be conscious of that. You know, if you had a little bit too many drinks, you know, you want to get someone to take you home, or call or, you know what, on, share rides and get home safely. Because if you don't have a little bit too much partying on the Super Bowl Sunday, you could, you know, get a DUI, whoo, and you don't want one of those. That's about $8,500 in fines, plus your driver's license will be suspended. You need to carry an SR 22 and it just enlisted, and then your insurance just skyrockets from from a DUI. If you've had a DUI and you're still drinking and driving, just to let you know, the police officers will stop you because they'll run your plates and they see if you had a DUI, they will pull you over just to make sure you're not intoxicated. That's a little news you could use. I want everyone to enjoy their Super Bowl Sunday. You know it Super Bowl Sunday, then Monday. We should, that should be an automatic holiday. It really should, because Super Bowl Sunday is like, you know, it's like, a big day in this country and all over the world, really, but it's huge in United States. So you know what? All the celebrating that's going on? We should have the day off, the money off, yeah, if not, maybe want to call in say, Hey, I had a party too hard at the Super Bowl party and but it's going to be fun. I think chicken wings and pizzas are probably sell more chicken wings and pizza that day than any day out of the year. But I want everyone to have a great time rooting for your team. And I don't know who to pick. I I guess I'll, I'll just have a favorite when the game starts. My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection. I am a licensed insurance broker right here in Las Vegas, Nevada and California, offering auto insurance, homeowners, yes, and life insurance. Can't get enough of that. Life insurance. I want to thank the listeners that came in and purchased home auto life insurance. Thank you so much for your continued support. Hey, Coach, I told you I was gonna give you a shout out on the radio today he came in the seaming and, you know, passed on some valuable information. You know, I'm right here on the corner of Sahara Rancho in the US bank center located on the eighth floor. I work by appointment. My contact phone number, 702-236-2624 702-236-2624, I am a licensed insurance agent for the last 29 years, right here in Las Vegas, Nevada, California. I can write auto insurance and homeowners insurance in the state of Nevada, life insurance also in the state of Nevada, now in California, I can only offer, at this time, life insurance in the state of California, because the massive fires that had had happened over in California, and I hope people recover soon from from that devastation. You know, you have to realize the insurance companies will act, but I think it's going to be years before your home is rebuilt. That's my opinion, because of the construction crews will be stretched to the max. And I just think, my own personal opinion, they'll they'll take care of the high dollar homes first, before they start, you know, looking at the three and four bedroom houses, you know, the family, it's a single family homes. I just That's my opinion, but I think it's going to be many years before a lot of people you know can be able to have their homes rebuilt because of the construction crews will be. Stretch to the max, lumber, building materials, labor is going to be in full force in California for quite some time. And in Vegas, we may see an influx of people moving here. Yeah, we may see, you know, Hey, I can't have my home built four or five years from now. I need somewhere to live. So we may see, you know, our population rise quite rapidly in our beautiful city, Las Vegas, Nevada. That's News You Can Use. My name is John Marquez, 702-236-2624, let's get round up. Let's get right to it. Y'all you know, in my, in my many years of being a life insurance agent auto I think people put more concerned about auto insurance than they do life insurance. Time and time again, I've had talked to people where they feel that, you know, my priority is to get my auto insurance lowered. And we, all, you know, want to have a lower auto insurance premium, but you know, the real, the reality is that if you're driving a really nice luxury vehicle or not, you know, the price of car insurance have gone up significantly within the last couple of years. And I have said on this show time and time again. You know, the key is, and the Hyundais one of the driving forces behind it, because of, you know, someone went on Tiktok a few years back and showed everyone how to take a car, not only take it, but start it and drive off with your cell phone. And, you know, just to open a car up with the programming they had on the vehicles. It made it easy for thieves to take vehicles. The insurance companies took a significant loss hit. They lost money. Now they're trying to recover some of their losses. If you drive in a Hyundai and a Kia offering insurance in Las Vegas, Nevada, you know, some of the insurance company is starting to ease up a little bit, allowing me to write Hyundai's and kids just. Just want to let you know if you want to call in for a quote, we can give you a quote on the phone at 702-236-2624, again, in California, I cannot write homeowners or auto insurance, only life insurance in the state of California because of the fires, life insurance. Let's talk about life insurance, because, again, people put a lot of emphasis on the car insurance. If you're paying more for car insurance than you do life insurance, we need to have a conversation. You know, what is more valuable? You are the car. I think you're a great asset to your family. You get up and go to work every single day. You know, you take your vacation time without you. What would your Where will your family be? You know, without you. I mean, yeah, we all need to pay car insurance because car cars require if you're going to drive, you must have car insurance. Driving a car is a privilege with the, you know, with the license and and, yes, we do need car insurance. But more importantly, your family needs to feel secure that if, when that day comes, and it comes for all of us, I don't like to say if something happens to me,

if something happens to me like it's never going to happen. I don't know who came up with that. If something happens to me, but something will happen to you. It happens to all of us. It's real simple, either you pay now or your family is going to be devastated and pay later. And think about that, if you choose to pay later path in life and with no life insurance for your family financially, how would that, you know, affect your family, your household, your loved ones, your spouse, your children. And you know, when it comes to death, age does not discriminate. You could be young, middle aged, millennial, you know, in your early 50s, well into your 80s, and even into your 90s. It's going to happen one day, and with the rising cost of funerals, along with everything else we pay for, this is a necessity. It truly is. I've written policies for people that's well in their 80s, in their mid 80s, I can write a life insurance policy up to 85 years, Your Honor, but why would you want to wait that long to get a life insurance policy if you're in your 80s with no life insurance, and are you going to leave this burden on your children or your spouse? You know, can you? And I've seen families break up because, you know, they just dismantle because they lose a key person in their household. Because you don't want to sit down and have a conversation about life insurance. Anytime your family members come up to you and say, You know what, we need to talk about life insurance. You know we need to just sit down. And I don't want to go over that, Mom and Dad, no, I don't want to talk about. Out of grandma, grandpa. I don't want to talk about life insurance. I don't want to talk about that because, you know, I don't want to have a death wish on you. Really, really, this is something that's going to happen to all of us. It's not a death wish, because you talk about the things is going to happen to all of us in life, you know, just, just look around you, the older you get, and you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you and you between your 50s and your 80s, you've seen a lot of people pass, and as you age, you will see more people pass in your time, you will, I mean, I remember my mother showed me a stack of obituaries. I said, Mom, why do you have so many obituaries? She said, because all my friends are dying. We had that conversation. My mother and I had a conversation about her life insurance. We had a conversation about taking care of making sure our home doesn't go into probate. We had that conversation. We had the conversation, and it was very important to have the conversation to make sure everything is taken care of at that time it's going to happen to all of us. You know, if you have a pay later plan in mind with the gofundmes and the car washes and and, you know, asking people for money or maxing maxing out your credit cards. You know, that's not a good idea. You know, most people go into bankruptcy because they lose a loved one. They go into bankruptcy because they can't afford to pay the house payment or pay the rent or just support another family member, because you didn't simply take out of life insurance policy. I have life insurance policies. You know, a lot of variety of life insurance policy. We have term whole life, universal life. You know, some policies do require physical some don't. If you're a smoker, I rarely get smokers contacting me. Now, if you're a cigar smoker, there's good news for you, because if you quite occasionally smoke a cigar, we can set you up as a non smoker. Some insurance companies will allow you, if you only smoke cigars, or if you smoke cannabis, which is legal in the state of Nevada, we won't rate you as a smoker. My name is Don Marquez For more information, 702-236-2624 702-236-2624, my location is right on the corner the heart in that beautiful city, right across the street from the Palestinian hotel, a casino Rancho Sahara US bank center, eighth floor, a work by appointment. Again, 702-236-2624, if you have a loved one with Alzheimer's or dementia, I have Christine Bernard. She's our paralegal. She's a team member of your insurance connection. She can help you with power of attorney over your loved one if they have if they have Alzheimer's or dementia, let's speak about that for a little bit. With Alzheimer's or dementia medication, these individuals cannot take out a life insurance policy by themselves. They need a person with authority or spouse with authority to answer all the health questions, and we cannot, and I repeat, we cannot, use the person with what Alzheimer's or dementia checking account, unless this is joint checking account with a spouse or a family member. Now if you need power of attorney for your loved one because they have dementia, you know, we can, I can get you in contact with Christine Bernard. She can set you up with a POA, or if you just have a loved one, you know that you need to take care of it, because they're getting older, like a mother or father, and you need to take care of their financial business, or their business altogether with a POA, it gives you full authority to talk, write and sign in their behalf. With a POA power of attorney, you can answer all health questions relating to an application for life insurance. You know, I make it very easy for you, and the cost of a POA is a very, very, very affordable, and it gives you the power not only to answer the health questions, but you can also sign that life insurance application for the insured individual. Keep in mind, again, that person, unless you're on a joint checking account with them, we cannot use their account by themselves, because the insurance company deem them you know they're they don't know what they're doing because they have Alzheimer's dementia, and we just, we have, we need an account other than their single only account. However, if you own an account with them, we can use the account another thing too. We have life insurance policies with no health examination, just if. You health questions, one page, easy application. Most people qualify with even health issues. We can get your life insurance policy rates and benefits are locked in for the life of the policy. And some of my life insurance policy is especially the whole lives start day one. Now, there are some circumstances where they may or may not start day one. They may be a modified period. Now, when I say modified, when you see the commercials on television, policy rates start as low as 999 you've seen the commercial, and let's go get that 999 plan. In most cases, that's only $1,000 worth of life insurance. Now, what is that? These days? You know, 999 plan that's per $1,000 of life insurance. Just to let you know what, where that commercial is coming from, what it does, it generates a phone call. It's a little trickery, to me. It is because people think for and I've had people call me, you know, do you offer that 999 plan? And, you know, I said your rates could be lower than that, just depending on your current age. The 99 999, plan, only thing it does, it generates a phone call. That's all it does. But then they're gonna hit you with the real rate, and you never meet an insurance agent. I would be your licensed insurance agent right here in Las Vegas, Nevada, someone you could talk to face to face someone. You can pick up a phone and say, Donald, you know, I need to change my beneficiary. I need to increase my life insurance policy. You know, I need to get life insurance on my mother, my father, my dad. You know, my my granddad, my grandmother. You know, so it's a difference. I specialize in customer service. I started with Allstate Insurance company back in the late 90s. The one thing about Allstate, I really appreciate working for Allstate Insurance. Thank you. Ed Davis, if you're listening. He was my manager over at Allstate. He gave me the first opportunity to start the insurance start my own insurance business, and I've been doing it ever since. But what Allstate, the value that I learned from Allstate was the value of your customer. Your customer comes first. Value your customer. Offer customer service, call your customer back, call your customer, keep in touch with your customer. That was one of the main lessons I learned starting this business, and I've been practicing that customer service ever since. It's important to me for you to hear from me. When I say I'll call you. I will call you now if I have an appointment, I'm gonna be there. If we need to switch appointments or change appointments, I'm gonna let you know I need to change an appointment. But also I would want you to let let me know that you need to change your appointment. I always call the day before or the day of the appointment, plenty of time for you to confirm that you're coming in to see me, or we can do everything over the telephone. Post COVID, we can do a lot of business over the phone to help you out with your life insurance policy. 702-236-2624,

you know, when it comes to selecting my insurance companies, because I'm on the radio, I am very selective on the insurance companies that I will represent, and because I want to make sure when that when that day comes, and it comes for all of us, that your loved ones, your beneficiary, won't have to go through a lot of changes to receive the benefit. Now, with your life insurance policy, if you've had a life insurance policy quite some time, and you didn't purchase it through me. I offered no obligation insurance reviews. Or you can come in and bring your life insurance policy in, and I will give you a full review, no obligation to let you know where you are with your current life insurance policy. Now, if you are the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, and let's say you're the beneficiary, and your parents or even your spouse have a life insurance policy, and you're the beneficiary. As a beneficiary, you need to bring the policy in so we can talk about it. Now, there are policies that people borrow money from. Now, when you borrow money from a life insurance policy, it could double on you every seven years. If you don't pay the money back within that period of time, it will be a separate payment from your normal premium that you pay month to month. You will make an arrangements with the life insurance company. You want to call them up say, you know, I need to borrow $2,000 you know, things have come up. I need to borrow a couple $1,000 they'll they'll send you the money. They'll put it in your account within one of the short period of time. But keep in mind that is a loan. You're borrowing money from you, and I strongly suggest you pay the money back. If you don't pay it back, it is minus from your death benefit at time of death, minus any interest is accrued on the. $2,000 you borrowed at seven, eight, even 9% interest, annual interest on a money borrow that could double every seven years. Keep that in mind. So when you borrow money, have a plan to pay it back. Now the payback is as much as you want to pay back, you will make arrangements with your life insurance company to pay the money back, if it's only $50 a month or $10 a month, long as you paying something toward the principal and interest. You know that's a good thing, but it's not no set amount you have to pay back. But do have a plan to pay it back within a reasonable period of time. Once you borrow money, it's your money to do whatever you want with. Now, depending on your tax situation, you I talk to your accountants. Do you owe any money tax on the money? I don't think so, but I do know this, on a death benefit, you don't pay any taxes. You don't pay taxes. Now, if you one of those that have, you know what? But I pay for my funeral years and years and years ago. But things have changed because you would you would happen. You purchase it, what we call a pre need package. You purchase a pre need package within that pre need package, okay, you have your service, your casket, your grave site, your headstone, everything's already paid up now. You may know how to pay for the open and closing. That cost additional money for your loved ones, you may know how to pay for the taxes for your loved ones. That cost additional money for your loved ones, and maybe it may not pay for the headstone, and that will also cost your loved ones now, because you paid prepaid your services years ago. Now, the cemeteries are requiring you to have a vault. Now, if you're going to put the casket, it'll put the casket in the vault. They'll seal the vault, put the vault in the ground,

Speaker 1 21:49
cover the dirt over the vault. The dirt

Donald Marquez 21:53
does not touch the casket anymore. Now, because you purchased your pre need years ago, it does not include the vault. That does not include the vault. Now the vaults are running. They're they're they're getting, they're getting up there in price. I say the average cost between three and $4,500 average. So you know, although you may have paid for your services, you may not have paid for the vault. My name is Donald Marquez for more information. 702-236-2624, the reason I bring this up is because, you know, I've had people tell me, Well, you know, I've already paid for my service through, you know, through one I went to the to the funeral home, and then I bought one of those pre needs, and I paid for everything. Now, if you didn't pay for those services, I just talked about the vault, the headstone that's going to cost your family members money, and they're going to say that when they go to take care of your final expenses, they're going to find out they owe even more money. Probably a good idea to take out an additional life insurance policy to cover those and additional expenses you didn't pay for when you bought your pre need, because things have changed over time. Now, the cemetery requires the casket and the urn to be in a vault. Now, if you want to be cremated, and I asked so many people this question, okay, you want to be cremated, so what are you going to do with the urn? It's going to are you going to give it to a family members so they can put it on the in their house. And most people tell me, my family members don't want that urn in their house. They don't want the urn in their home. Okay, so what are you gonna do with it? And that's a good question, because you have to think about, if you want to be cremated, you're gonna be placing an urn. Do you now the cemetery will put the urn in the ground, even with a loved one. So, you know, some people, some spouses, want to be buried the traditional way, and maybe the husband wants to be cremated. Now let's say, if you're a spouse, if she's already passed before you, you can put your urn inside the vault. They'll put the urn inside of all open the grave site up, put the urn in the grave site with your spouse. You know that's a large savings. Or if you're a veteran, keep this in mind. Vets at Boulder City Cemetery, they'll bury you. They give you your plot, your headstone. Then your family members have pay a minimum cost for the opening, closing, but they'll, they'll pay a lot of expenses when it comes to the grade site. Now they won't pay for your service unless you have insurance with the Veterans Administration. Most of you don't. Most of you have the benefit, but you don't understand how that benefit works. It where I am a veteran, so I know this. It'll pay for the Veterans Cemetery in the Boulder City only. But some of you may have purchased or you're at 100% disability. There may be some, you know, services paid for, but it's not a lot. It only pays for the funeral services after that. What about your remaining spouse or your children you leave behind? How are they gonna continuation of their life? Fives. Let's start off with, let's find out. I do a needs analysis. How much life insurance do you really need? How much life insurance can you afford? Once you tell me that, then it's simple. It makes it very I don't want to do this guessing game to say, okay, okay, I I can go all over the charts. I can start from, you know, 999, a month, all the way up to as much as you can afford. I really can. I really can. So when I ask you, how much can you afford per month, so we can fit it in your budget? Well, you know, it's not a guessing game, you know, it's no nothing to play with. I'll put in in the computer how much money you can afford a month, and we'll come out with, okay, this is your coverage. If you can afford to cover your car and a lot of you pay a lot of money for car insurance, why not have life insurance? My name is Don Marquez, 702-236-2624, 702-236-2624, located on the corner Sahara Rancho in the US bank center located on the eighth floor. Let's, I can give you an auto insurance quote, homeowners quote. Let's make a comparison. But on the homeowners, I want to make sure when you when we do talk about your homeowners, your policy is getting ready to renew on your auto and also your homeowners. And again, I could be reached at 702-236-2624, one of the questions was asked, Can you purchase insurance on someone that you're not related to? Yes, you can. Now, there has to be an insurable interest there, you know. But you Yes, you can, you know, if you suffer financially because this person has living with you and they're not related, but you know they're like, you know, play uncle or play cousin, but you know you've been taking care of them financially for years, and they don't have any life insurance, but you do, you may feel responsible. You know, whether they're related to you or not, listening to this program right now, you may feel responsible for one of your loved ones final expense, and you need to have the conversation. You know, Hey dad, Hey Mom, do you have life insurance? And if you don't, let's talk about, let's get let's get in touch with Donald Marquez, and sit down with him and let's go over our options with life insurance, because you could be the one all of a sudden. You know, you lose a loved one, and people die every day. They do without no way to pay their final expenses. They didn't save any money. They drove nice cars, they lived nice they wore nice clothes, but no means to pay for their final expense. It's going to happen either you pay now or you pay later. It's better to pay a little bit at a time than and then to find out your close relative pass you don't have time to grieve. You really won't have time to grieve, because now you got to figure out how you're going to pay this very expensive funeral, 702-236-2624 I can set you up with a term policy, whole life policy, or universal life insurance policy, 702-236-2624 My name is Donald Marquez. Enjoy it again today. That's it next week. You be crispy. You

Donald Marquez Prioritizes Life Insurance, Examines DUI Costs, and Navigates California’s Fire Recovery Challenges
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