Essential Insurance Insights: Renters, Auto, and Life Insurance Tips for Financial Security
This is a KUNV Studios original program.
Wesley Knight
The following is a paid program sponsored by Your Insurance Connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz & More, the University of Nevada Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Donald Marquez
Good morning, this is your insurance connection. I'm your host, Donald Marquez. On your insurance connection, we talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowner's insurance, yes, and we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show. Good morning, my name is Donald Marquez.
Donald Marquez
This is your insurance connection broadcasting right here at KUNV 91.5 Jazz and more early Sunday morning Welcome to my show broadcast it every Sunday morning from 8 a.m. To 8 30. I'm an insurance broker And I educate you about insurance This is what I do right here KUNV 91.5 Jazz and more for almost three years now. I wanna thank Dr. Ashton Ridley for this opportunity.
Donald Marquez
And also my engineer, Mr. Wes Knight, for keeping the time going and just keeping me in check. I also wanna thank the listeners for tuning in every week and listening to this valuable information that I deliver about insurance, auto insurance, life insurance, homeowners,
Donald Marquez
boat, rental, motorcycle insurance. I don't talk about renters insurance a lot. But if you are renting a property you need renters insurance to cover your liability because the landlord is not responsible for your private you know your own personal private merchandise you have in your car
Wesley Knight
Donald Marquez
or or even your home. So don't think your landlord is going to cover any of that merchandise that you have in your home. Your furniture, your clothing, your jewelry. The landlord is not responsible if there's a theft loss fire Any kind of you know even a water damage your landlord is not responsible you need to renters insurance very affordable Very affordable to get a renters insurance policy I just wanted to cover that because I rarely talk about renters insurance my
Donald Marquez
Also, auto insurance. Let's talk about auto insurance a little bit and and then we'll get back into other insurance products before you buy a used car If you buy a used car from a private owner, you must get a small before you take delivery of the car Tell the total owner of the vehicle that you want to get your own individual small if they say hey already got a small Don't worry about it. Listen, it's not worth it. It is not worth it I see many times in my career
Donald Marquez
people buy a car from a private individual try to get the car registered, get a smog and it won't pass smog test maybe because the engine is blown or there is a bad piston in it, I don't know but if it won't pass smog it's going to be that's mechanical failure, it's going to be a lot of problems
Donald Marquez
get a smog first before you make the final purchase before you give the person money and if they don't have the original title or the title to the car you know back up a little bit don't and what you know there are circumstances let me say they there are circumstances when a person has a vehicle financed you know and go to that person finance company credit union bank finance company they will have the title here in Nevada we we we don't have the title to the car
Donald Marquez
until you own the vehicle. And a lot of states will own or have a car with a car payment that's financed. However, they will have the title in their possession. Not in the state of Nevada. It's a lot different here in Nevada.
Donald Marquez
The finance company that has the loan on the vehicle keeps the title as collateral. But if you need to go to the finance company, you can make arrangements to refinance it or pay the finance off. Pay the finance off on the vehicle and you know you'll get your title in the mail and switch everything over to your name. Now keep in mind when
Donald Marquez
you purchase a vehicle from a private individual it's going to be a and if you pay cash for it you do need the title to register the car in the state of Nevada along with your small proof of car insurance. You must have proof of car insurance. I've talked to people over the many years. They transfer from another state to Nevada.
Donald Marquez
And they said, well, you know, I have insurance in Idaho. Why do I need Nevada insurance? That's required by the State Department of Division of Motor Vehicle. Do you have Nevada car insurance keep that in mind? You know they say well You know I'm with the farm and you know these other states
Donald Marquez
And I just want to transfer it to Nevada you can but you need a Nevada insurance ID card Or if you don't have any insurance I can I can help you with car insurance I am a licensed insurance broker offering auto insurance homeowners insurance. My contact phone number is 702-236-2624. 702-236-2624. My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection.
Donald Marquez
You're connected to information about insurance. Again, private owners, beware when they're selling the car just make sure you check all the dots and You know get a car fax if your person is a purchasing a car from a private Individual just news you can use because once you pay them and you take the car down the road if it has a lot of problems You know you own it. It's your vehicle if you buy a car from a dealership, they offer gap insurance. Some of these dealerships offer gap insurance.
Donald Marquez
It just depends on your down payment. It may be a good idea to take it if you're not putting any money down on the car. Very little down, minimal down. It's probably a good idea to get the gap insurance. Now you do have an option to get the gap insurance through the dealership financing or you can purchase the GAAP insurance through your insurance company or if you are putting down enough money you could be covering the GAAP.
Donald Marquez
For an example, I had this question just asked recently. There was a purchase on a vehicle that the vehicle was $45,000 and the person put down $20,000 because they wanted to you know very little painful a low payment and and they asked me uh... why they're in finances they call me i was i mean actually quick question as a list on as well put in twenty thousand dollars
Donald Marquez
down on the car the cars forty five thousand dollars at the dealership should i purchase a gap insurance what's twenty thousand dollars will cover the gap insurance the definitely will cover the gap is just not to say you have to put them westbound
Donald Marquez
however you know it covers the gap. Now the gap is if you don't put enough money down on the car when you drive the car off the lot it does depreciate. It covers that depreciation of the vehicle when you take it off the lot. Whether it's a pre-owned car or a brand new car. If you're not putting up much down sometimes these dealerships offer no money down. You know because your credit is good enough. You have this outstanding credit and a lot of people with great credit don't put money down on cars
Donald Marquez
They just drive them off the lot If you're leasing a car, you know that gets a little tricky because there may or may not be a gap when you lease a car you know you just have to see what the car value is and what the car is gonna be worth at the end of the Lease and the reason why you purchase the gap insurance is because if there's a total loss on the car,
Donald Marquez
the car insurance companies will evaluate the vehicle at ACV value. What that means is actual cash value of the car. And that's a depreciation value of the vehicle. So when you purchase a car, a brand new car, or even a pre-owned car,
Donald Marquez
there will be a depreciation factor in there. That's why it's wise if you don't put enough down to purchase GAP insurance. You have options to look at GAP insurance through the dealer financing and they'll put it right in your finances. Or your car insurance company that you're currently with. Or if you're looking for new car insurance, I can help you at 702-236-2624. two, two, three, six, twenty six, twenty four. Let's compare rates. Let's compare auto
Donald Marquez
insurance rates. Let's see if we can save you a few dollars. Now if you have a Hyundai or Kia, I know it's been very difficult for you to find any car insurance that's competitive, but there's the insurance companies are starting to loosen up a little bit on the Hyundais and the Kias. Fortunately, I've been able quote Hyundai Kia vehicles with competitive auto insurance rates 702
Donald Marquez
236 2624 702 236 2624 my name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection if you just tuning in for the very first time Welcome to my show Broadcasting right here K UNV
Donald Marquez
91.5 jazz and more right here in Las Vegas Nevada. You know love my city. I'm licensed for the state of Nevada and also the state of California. If a car does not have a warranty you know here's a thing you know when you when you're in a car dealership and the car is as is no warranty now the finance manager will offer you a warranty on the car. In most cases, they can say, you know what, we got this car, we can put a warranty on it,
Donald Marquez
if that is an option. But you know, you can shop for your own warranty. They have warranty companies out there that are competitive, that you don't necessarily have to buy the dealership's warranty, if it's a pre-owned car, you know, or if you're buying a new car,
Donald Marquez
it already comes with a warranty. Listen, don't get fooled by these extended warranties. You don't need a warranty. That's my opinion. That is my personal opinion. I'm buying a brand new car.
Donald Marquez
It comes with a factory warranty. So why would you need an extended warranty? It doesn't make sense. Now, when the factory warranty is up, then you do have options to purchase your own warranty if you plan on keeping the car after the factory warranty is up. A lot of us keep cars because we don't put a lot of miles.
Donald Marquez
Some of us put a lot of miles on cars But I just want to give you your options You know give you your option the car comes with a warranty why buy an extended warranty makes no sense to me But you know they make it sound good. They put it all in the financing We'll put all this in the financing for you and all of a sudden You know your car payment goes up and up and up and you're like wow can I afford this car?
Donald Marquez
Before you purchase any car for whether it's from a dealership or a private individual, find out what the car insurance is going to cost first. I cannot emphasize that enough. Find out what that car is going to cost you on a monthly basis. It's always better to pay your car insurance up front for the six months or for a full
Donald Marquez
Donald Marquez
The Penn Annual Premium, you are locked in for the full year. There's no car insurance payments for the annual premium. If you can afford to do it. Now if you can't afford to do it you do have options. You can put it on your credit card and you pay your credit card off accordingly. You know you have 12 months to pay that credit card off. How you do it that's up to you. But it's a way that's another way to save your money on your car insurance. When you pay in full, you will save more,
Donald Marquez
whether it's a six month policy, but I encourage you to pay for the policy for the full 12 months. If you have a home or you're a renter, you wanna get the bundle, that's the home and auto discount. You hear a lot about the bundle,
Donald Marquez
especially on television, the bundle, the bundle, the bundle. Simply what that is, is combining a home and auto with one car insurance, one carrier. You have your car insurance with the same carrier and your homeowners or renters insurance? With the same carrier or with the same company that gives you the bundle now I do receive calls from time to time my my son my daughter wants to purchase a vehicle there
Donald Marquez
You know just the first year in college You really need to find out what the insurance is gonna cost before you purchase the car. I'm just telling you do not purchase the car unless you don't care what the insurance is. You know there's some people out there that's fortunate they don't have to worry about the car insurance. Yeah yeah my daughter's my son is a good kid they have straight A's and they're going to college they need their own car and I don't care what the
Donald Marquez
insurance is I'll take care of it but if you know you got it like that hey you got it like that you know more power to you that's a 70 phrase more power to you I with a college student on your insurance, you wanna find out what their insurance costs first. For more information, my name is Don Marquez.
Donald Marquez
This is your insurance connection 702-236-2624. 702-236-2624. My location is on the corner of Sahara Rancho in the US Bank Center located on the 8th floor. My business hours are Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and there are some Saturdays I will work. I work by appointment throughout the week and also on Saturdays 7 0 2 2 3 6 2 6 2
Donald Marquez
4. Another thing while we're talking about cars you may want to get an inspection if you have to get an inspection at the division of the department of motor vehicle you go there and They if you buy the car, especially if it comes from a different state out of state, you're gonna have to have the car Get the car inspection if you're building one of these old-school cars You cannot put insurance on it until the car is complete completely built
Donald Marquez
You know, I've been asked that before, hey I'm putting a car together, it's under construction, some insurance companies will offer that, but why? Once the car is completed, then you can get it insured, you're going to need an inspection. Some of these old school cars, I remember old Chevy Nova, you know that was a grandma's grandfather's car. Old Chevy Nova back in the 60's and 70's. These old Novas, I mean they were nothing to buy.
Donald Marquez
You could purchase one of those cars for a little of nothing. I was in high school at that time and people you know driving, you know, hey we used to make fun of them, hey you driving your grandparents car, old Chevy Nova. But that old Chevy Nova now is worth over 30, 40 thousand dollars. You know it's unbelievable what these old school classic cars are worth today from the 60s and the 70s. It's unbelievable. You know one of the most
Donald Marquez
popular old school cars is a 1970 Chevelle SLS. Brand new. My neighbor had one. He lived one house from me. He bought a brand new 1970 Chevelle SS black with tan interior. It was beautiful beautiful car and it was only $3,800. I mean it's like wow I saw the window sticking out and to me that was like my eyes popped out. That was a lot of money but you know he got a brand new car it was only $3,800. You know even a car like that today it's worth over $100,000 it is unreal what these old
Donald Marquez
classic cars are going for now if you do have a classic car there are classic car insurance but if your classic car is under construction you can get the insurance after it's built even if you know that now there are companies out there said we will finance your you know your classic car wires under construction or that but most companies will tell you 99.9% of the companies will tell you if your car is under construction they will finance
Donald Marquez
it after you completely build a car it's running they can take pictures of it because I want to take pictures of the motor the interior all around the car and make sure it is a car that's running and they will finance it up to its value some of these places. You know, just keep in mind, you know, when you purchasing or building a car or you're buying it from a private owner, you know,
Donald Marquez
you wanna find out exactly what your options are. Because, you know, there are times when people purchase cars, many, many times when people have purchased cars and find out I bought a lemon. And that's a, that's a heart, that's a,
Donald Marquez
it breaks your heart. He's, you know, saved you money all these years and you know, got excited about buying a car and all of a sudden you purchase a lemon. That happens, unfortunately. It happens a lot.
Donald Marquez
It happens daily. But just buyer beware. My name is Don Marquez, 702-236-2624, located on the corner of Sahara Rancho in the US Bank Center, eighth floor, business hours are Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Donald Marquez
and I will work Saturdays by appointment only. We got an election coming up here you know please everybody get out and vote by the time you hit his programs which we are on Sunday mornings from 8 a.m. to 8 30 you still have time to vote you know let your voice be heard it's very important election we have that your voice her to not sit this one out
Donald Marquez
because the other side you know no matter which side you know they're not sitting it out they're getting out and vote it is your right to vote exercise your right to vote many people uh... in this country didn't have the right to vote uh... now you do when you talk about well i'm citizen out
Donald Marquez
uh... don't do that don't do that people sacrifice for you to give you the right to vote and I'm gonna get off of that moving on to my favorite topic which is life insurance yes we all need it we all will have a final expense one day someone is going to have to pay for our final expenses and you know and it is what it is that's life I've had unfortunate news
Donald Marquez
Unfortunate news, in the past couple of weeks, you know, people have come to me, lost their spouses, lost their brother, and you know, fortunately, there was life insurance. I was blessed to offer them a life insurance policy at the right time.
Donald Marquez
And a gentleman just came in, you know, just last week, and he told me he lost his wife and and and honestly I didn't remember I have a pretty good memory, but it was so long ago And he said man you you know you sold me and my wife a $15,000 life insurance policy and at the time That's all we can get on her But she had underlying health conditions, and we bought it four years ago
Donald Marquez
And she just passed and that life insurance policy Came in handy. He said I own my plots at the cemetery, but those, that $15,000, I could not, he said, I could not afford to pay for the policy without the life insurance. I mean, and I'm so grateful that I purchased the policy through you. Now she was able to, you know, I was able to bear my life with dignity. You know, and that meant, that means a lot to me.
Donald Marquez
When they have testimonies, people come to me and say, you know what, I thought about it and I didn't want to get the policy at first, but I'm so glad I did because you never know. You never know when your time is up. He had no idea in his mind that one day his wife would pass before he did. And he's in his 70s, but he purchased a policy for me four years ago.
Donald Marquez
His wife just passed recently and they were able to take the life insurance policy and pay for the wife final expenses her service You know it meant a lot to him to have that policy in hand and it and it and it gives a person time to grieve Time to grieve because a lot of times you know when you don't have time to grieve You have to figure out how you going to pay for the policy?
Donald Marquez
How are you going to pay for this very expensive funeral without a life insurance policy? Think about it. You don't have not enough money in your bank, not enough credit on your credit cards, but now you have to pay for a very expensive funeral.
Donald Marquez
And these funeral costs today between 20,000, 15,000. I mean, that's a lot of money to come up with all at once. You know, I'm here to help you through the process. We all will have a final expense one day. Even if you have underlying health conditions, cancer, lupus, CP, what was that with the one with the cigarettes, COPD, if you smoke cigarettes.
Donald Marquez
I don't know why I don't get a lot of smokers calling me. I'm very, very rare when I get smokers calling me. But if you have COPD, emphysema, asthma, kidney disease, heart disease, liver disease, I can get you a life insurance policy. If you're stage 1, stage 2, or even stage 3 cancer and you have more than 12 months to live, I can get you a life insurance policy. Diabetics, I can get you a life insurance policy between the age of 40 and 80
Donald Marquez
702 236 26 24 702 236 26 24 do not purchase Accidental only life insurance. You're not doing anything for your family Accidental only means exactly what it says. Accidental only. That's what it does. Or travel accidental policies.
Donald Marquez
They look very attractive. They target seniors for this type of policy. And it comes from well known resources, your banks, your credit unions. And that you recognize, oh, this is from my credit union. So this got to be okay. I've been with my credit union for a very long time. It has to be okay. Oh, they wouldn't offer it to me. They sent it to you in the mail. Just sign here, no physical, Mr. Jones,
Donald Marquez
and we got your life insurance policy. Now you pass, Mr. Jones, and your family quickly finds out that it is an accidental only life insurance policy, and you pass with natural causes. Let's get you a real life insurance policy. You know, and a person just looking for a burial policy,
Donald Marquez
the right product is a whole life insurance benefit. If you're just looking for a burial policy to take care of those final expenses, there's a burial, now even if you have money saved up, it's always good, that's money saved up for other expenses. There will be other expenses when you pass.
Donald Marquez
Now, the funeral costs money, that's up to 15 to $20,000 for a burial. Now, what about the mortgage, the rent, the car payment, the car insurance, the utility bills, I mean the live, groceries, that payment goes on. You know you pass, you're gone, but your family still have the power bills to pay, the car payments to pay, food to pay, you
Donald Marquez
know so your savings account is for that and that's what I call a rainy day because you've saved up for that. But if you want to save also for a funeral that's going to be very expensive, let's get you a whole life insurance benefit policy up to $35,000 in coverage. There's no health examination to apply, just a few health questions, only 12 questions. There are no, there is no examination with this product. Now I do have the larger policies that start at a hundred thousand and up, but if you do qualify,
Donald Marquez
and most of you do, you have day one insurance. Day one insurance. All life insurance policies have a suicide clause in there for the first two years. So you have to put that out there. And for, also for concealment.
Donald Marquez
In other words, if you come to me and you do qualify and you die of cancer for the first six months, you know, then, you know, then, we, you know, the insurance companies have a right to do a look back I'm gonna tell you that right now, but I've had many of my customers over the years Take out up to thirty five thousand dollar life insurance policy. They pass on natural causes and
Donald Marquez
The policy paid for one example. I had a gentleman heard me on the radio Came in to see me, and he was very healthy took out $35,000 he died four weeks later. The company paid out $35,000. He just dropped dead. Natural causes. It happened another time too. A young man came to see me. He was in his mid-40s. He had diabetes. He had been turned down five times to get life insurance. He took out $35,000 worth of coverage.
Donald Marquez
Unfortunately, he had a diabetic seizure, coma, and he died. Died of natural causes. The life insurance company paid out $35,000. I can help. I help them. I can help you. 702-236-2624. My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection. Offering auto insurance, homeowners, life insurance, boat, motorcycle insurance. The weather is perfect. I love this weather. I am so happy that our summer time is over with.
Donald Marquez
You know, born and raised in Vegas, it's just too hot. You know, I say that before on the show, but I love this time of the year. It's going to be nice between now and May. Get out, take a walk, you know, meet your neighbors, get some exercise. There's no excuse. I exercise sometimes. I do, but I encourage people to eat more greens, eat more fruits, drink less sodas, eat less sugar. Sugar is getting older. I'm a senior citizen myself. I find out the things that sugar does,
Donald Marquez
it stays in your system it doesn't process you know we you know everything we eat has a lot of sugar in it a lot of starch in it you know and so we need our body needs to process the sugar over time so you know think about you know when you get in that burger with a soda I know what the feeling I love a soda with Mexican food it just goes right I have to have a coca-cola not a Pepsi with Mexican food it's just good it's just big it just is a right combination
Donald Marquez
But you know think about your health as we age we have to be a little a little bit more careful What we eat what we drink drink more water. We have to drink more water stay hydrated Stay healthy as we age we have an opportunity To age gracefully if we take care of our bodies, you know, just have a mental effect on our bodies it does you know when you have a positive attitude every day it does have an effect on your body if you eat right more greens more fruits more vegetables
Donald Marquez
and less sugars less sugars less carbs you'll live a much longer life and get out and walk and you know you'll feel good your heart will pound and you just feel good just put that in your daily routine daily or weekly or you know maybe three times a week four times a week I'm gonna get up and take a walk and you know come on a 30-minute walk that's all it takes 30 minute walk can change your life my name is Don Marquez
Donald Marquez
this is your insurance connection that's news you can use 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 have a positive day today. We'll do this again next week between 8 and 8.30. Until then, keep it crispy. Until then, keep it crispy. Thank you for listening.
Transcribed with Cockatoo