Insights Into Insurance with Donald Marquez, Your Insurance Connection
Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a key when the studio's original program. The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:25
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host, Donald Marquez, on your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Yes. And we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.
Unknown Speaker 0:46
Good morning. My name is Donna Marquez, welcome to your insurance connection right here at K u n v 91.5. Jazz and more Sunday morning, from 8am to 830. Welcome to my show. It is hot outside. It's just June. It's just June, what's going to happen July and August. If you don't think global global warming is real, just glass is real, especially last Friday. Thursday was hot Fridays. It's just we in that season. You know, I'm a native of Las Vegas. And I'll tell you, you know, the older I get, the less I can take the heat. I mean, it's he there's nothing we could do about it just we have to write it out. Every city has something. And this is our something now you know, when you're young, you don't even think about when I was young, I will go outside and enjoy the hot weather school was out. And just you know, I wouldn't even think about it just drink water every now and then. I mean, when you're a kid, you know, even the urine, you know, the heat doesn't bother you. But when you get older, it has a tendency to Bobby. That's why I make it convenient for my clients to either call in, they can come in or call in. And I can take care of a lot of their insurance concerns over the phone. So you don't have to get out in this heat. And drive to my office is located on the corner of Sahara Rancho. In the US bank center, I love to meet you. And I like I want to thank the listeners that came in and purchase home auto and life insurance. Thank you so much. However, we do have an option. I'm licensed in the state of Nevada, and also the state of California, which is good for life insurance in the state of California is very difficult for me to write auto insurance in the state of California at this time, is the moratorium. And you know, believe it or not in the state of Nevada, a lot of the car insurance companies are pulling out of state in Nevada or some of the companies are requiring you to pay the full six months up front or the full yearly premium. in advance. It's just you know, it's our environment we live in. And especially here in Southern Nevada, we see a lot some of these companies, they're requiring you to pay your premium in full. However, I have companies that would allow you still make the monthly payments. My name is Donna Marquez, this is your insurance connection, my contact phone number 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. If you're just tuning in for the very first time, and welcome to my show, I broadcasts every Sunday from 8am to 830. I've been here now for about two and a half years, knock on wood. And hopefully I'll be a little bit longer. I love what I do. I'm an licensed insurance broker right here in the state of Nevada, California. Offering auto insurance homeowners insurance. Yes, and life insurance. I talk about life insurance a lot on my show, because I find we need to know about life insurance. We all go ahead and Bill one day, at the end of our term and life is not a if it's a when people say if something happens to me. I don't know what I don't know exactly what you mean by that if if I don't die. That's what it sounds like, if I don't pass, if I don't pass, I'm gonna live forever. You know, the cemeteries are full of gifts. It's a matter of when and when that date comes in. It comes for all of us. Are you prepared financially? That's the question you need to ask yourself, am I am I leaving my family in debt? Or will they be better off? Now? I've heard people come to my office and say, You know what, I don't want to leave people a lot of money. I just want to be able to take care of my final expenses and that's fine too. But I do encourage you if you are healthy, you take very little medications and you know your height and weight is in check. And why not leave your family a fortune through a life insurance policy. That's okay. And it really doesn't cost you that much money. Think about it. The average car payment today is probably around $600 a month. If you want a nice car, you know of course you can get those lower end vehicles but if you want a really nice midsize car today, you're paying about Oh, three. I mean, let me say six to nine to $1,000 a month. That's a car payment today. Back in the day when I was going up the average car payment around $100 a month, and your luxury car payment, well, $200 a month, but today is totally different. Today, your average car payment is about $600 a month, 900 up to 1000. Or even more, I've seen even more. And people pay this. They pay it because they want to drive on what they want to look good going down the road and I get it, get your dream ride. But if you just step step back for a little bit, cars depreciate that's the worst investment you can purchase as the vehicle. It really is. Unless you you know, financial able enough to buy one of these old classic cars, that's gone up in value, but you got to hold on to it. And you may never get what you put into it. That's, that's you know, that's a risk you take if you don't buy the right classic car. Because when I was growing up those old classic cars, it was old 57, Chevrolet's and 1970 Hot Rods, they're worth a lot of money today, they were grandma cars for the most part, for the most part, another was a grandmother a car, that was her grandmother and Grandpa, you know, drive down the road, but not so very expensive classic car, because they Hot Rod them up. But getting to the point, my point is, is people invest in cars depreciate in value, as soon as you pull it off the car lot, you're talking about 20 probably meant 30%. And if you do purchase a car, make sure you get GAP Insurance, if you don't put a large down payment down, or your trading is not significant enough to cover the gap. Keep that in mind. But when it comes to life insurance, you know, instead of buying that, you know, $900 a month car payment, split it in half. So if you can afford pay $900 a month for a car payment would depreciates every day, you can best pay, okay, you know what, I'm not going to pay $500 a month for my car payment, I'm gonna find a car that's $500 a month. And then I'm gonna take that $300 or $400 a month and invest it in an insurance policy that will pay my family a million dollars or more when I pass away. That's not unheard of. You know, if you're healthy enough, and you qualify, I can make millionaires out of you. What's wrong with being a millionaire? I mean, you may never you can never work and save enough money is hard. You know what I didn't say never let me say that. Let me back up a little bit. But if you're making less than $50,000, it's hard to save a million dollars. It really is. Now, if you making $75,000 or 50 $50,000 Yeah, 75 or even $100,000, it's hard to save a million dollars. You know, because when you bank you spend what you make. And that's the fact that's just a way of life with everything. And when you make $100,000 a year, you're gonna live that lifestyle. It's just the way it is. So law of nature, because now you can afford it. But if you just say, You know what, I'm gonna peel back a little bit, I can spend $900 a month on a card that's gonna depreciate over time. Or I can, you know, spin around $500 a month, and take that other 400 or 300 or 200, or whatever it is, and buy me a life insurance policy. So it will secure my family's future. I've seen people take million dollar life insurance policy is put it in a trust. And and when they pass away, the million dollar life insurance policy rule will be there for a very long time for the family instead of the family getting the money all at once. It's ways where they can get it over time. Over time. What that does it create generational wealth, generational wealth, a tax free benefit. How many how many tax free benefits did you know that's the only one that I know. That's tax free other than going to the grocery store and buying your groceries that's uncooked knock on wood as we don't pay the tax. I think we pay the taxes as much as food costs today well, foods been going on the rise forever. It's not just today. It's been going on the rise for a long, long time. I remember my grandmother, you know, she I used to get my little red wagon. And I would take my red wagon with her to the grocery store. We'll walk to the grocery store, it was very close to our home. And she would fill my little red wagon full of groceries. And on the way back home she would complain all the way back home. How much groceries costs, and I don't think she spent over $30 for groceries. And my were my red little red wagon was full. It was packed full of groceries and she would get $30 where the grocery and complain all the way and buy all these groceries cost so much money. And I knew back when I was a little child you know, I couldn't ask for anything. My grandma didn't give me some candy. Some potato chips. I don't even ask. I don't even know you know, because you got you got instructions back in the day. Now, you know, and I know a lot of you listening to my program, you get to instruct As before you go in the grocery store, you're not gonna get anything, don't ask me anything. I'm not gonna buy you anything. Don't Don't even ask, don't even look at it, because you're not gonna get it, have to buy groceries. We're gonna be in here out in a few minutes. But don't ask for anything. We used to get instructions. Now we wouldn't unfortunate, you know, where we can go to grocery store and say, Hey mom, dad, you know, we want this and this and that my mom, dad, I got no problem, but maybe dad, not my mother, maybe daddy like okay, get a candy bar, come
Unknown Speaker 10:28
on, let's go. But you know, things change. Of course they are. And they always do. You know, as we, as time goes by, we can reflect on yesterday. And I like to also reflect on the future too, as well, is very important to look out for the next generation. generational wealth is all around this, we'll take a look at it. You know, we have this town has been gone through a growth spurt since the mid 80s. The mid 80s, Las Vegas, Nevada just took off, and it hasn't stopped growing yet. It did slow down a little bit, you know, in the 2000s, and you know, are late 2000 2011 1213, you know, slow down a little bit. And then when the virus hidden, you know, definitely slow down. But the progress is starting to pick back up. You know, homes are getting up getting up in price. People are coming from all over the world buying our houses paying cash for them at times, you know, our property values are going up. My parents probably could never conceive what a house cost today, because I think they play right about $12,000 for their house. But your average home today is around about 350 to $400,000, or maybe even more of a 350 to 500, let's say. And then we're talking about a townhouse to a single family home 350,000 to 550 average cost, and you have to insure those properties. We spend more money on insuring items than we do ourselves. And we're the most valuable asset your family can have. You're the one generating income, you have to generate income to make payments, to car payments, car insurance, you have to drink, generate income to pay your home, your condo, or if you rent, you have to generate income to pay your rent. However, you also can generate income to leave a legacy behind for your family. No life insurance is also a living benefit. Don't just say, Well, you know when I died, I don't I don't see any money. But you know, my family will well that's good. That's good. You should want to be able to take care of your family. Most families are devastated because when they lose their primary love when their primary loved one that brings in the higher income, that income has gone or reduced down to nothing or reduced down to 50% who can live off or 50% what they were earning. it devastates family where you have to you know relocate, move out of the home, your custom living in. You have maybe medical bills. Life insurance is a living benefit. I talked about it on my show a couple of shows ago where a lady came to me and she had cancer and she was looking to save save money any way she can save money. She was looking to save money. So she wanted to cancel a life insurance policy. So you have canceled Why are you canceling your life insurance policy? She said well, because I'm trying to save money anywhere I can. I said well let's not do that. Your life insurance policy is a living benefit. Only thing we need is a letter from your doctor. Now she was you know she received a letter from her doctors it says she was at stage three, I believe it was stage three cancer. And she could be terminal or you know if she if she had been lucky enough to survive it. She could survive it and she did survive it. She wanted to remission but she pulled money from her term life insurance policy, a living benefit. You can make an advance on your life insurance policy if your terminal if you have less than 12 months to live or if you have cancer or you know you can there are opportunities where you can pull money from your term life insurance policy or universal life insurance. Let's call it you know you can get an advance on it up to 80% My name is Don Marquez for more information 702 to 3626247022362624. As I stated earlier in the conversation, why not leave a million dollars or $2 million behind for your family. You know you know what happens when you leave $2 million behind for your family. When you go and all of a sudden you know you leave $2 million. You put it in a trust account and you have a trustee and that trustee divvies the money up over time. You can set it up any way you want. Now I don't set that up for you. I would offer you the policy. Once you are accepted you receive your life insurance plan LLC, you take it to your attorney that rice trust, and they can take you step by step. So if you call me and say how okay, how does that done? All right, the life insurance policy, once you pass the physicals and everything, once the policy is issued, then you take it to our trust attorney, the rice trust, and then you put it in your trust, that be the body divided anyway you want. That's information that news you can use, that creates generational wealth, that creates a an income for your family member, sustained for a very long time, especially if you're married. If you're married, you want you want to make sure you leave your spouse in good hands, I'm gonna take that from all say, I can say that because I used to be an Allstate agent. I started with Allstate back in the late 90s. So I'm gonna take that from Allstate, you want to leave your family and good. And that position of financial security, instead of a position of financial debt. Just think about your finances, look at what you're doing every day, how much money you spend, I look at my second Am I look at my checking account my savings account every single day. If I see suspicious activity on my account, I immediately contact my bank and say, I don't know what this charge is. And this happened a few times, this happened a few times, you know, I want to know what this charge is, you should look at your checking account every single day, maybe even twice a day, doesn't cost you any money. You know, it's so easy now. And you know, when I go to my bill pay, I go to my bill pay, and I pay all my bills to be okay, he'll pay nobody's writing checks anymore. You know, that's the thing of the past. I go to my bill pay, pay my bills do my bill paid to my website is bang, bang, bang, it's all taken care of. As soon as the mail come in, I get rid of the junk mail first. Okay, it's just junk this junk designed when you suffer due to junk. And you know, we have an election, so it's gonna be a lot of junk coming pretty. So more junk than you can handle. You know, I you know, people already made up their mind who they got to vote for. So, you know, that's neither here or there. But get rid of the junk, then pay your bills. All this is organization, setting yourself for organization being or being organized. You know, it's always good to have your life insurance policy in place, a sheet of paper with all your account numbers on it, your mortgage, your mortgage company, view, the mortgage number, the mortgage phone number, you know, the banks, you bank at the account numbers, who's the beneficiary, you know, your credit cards, all that information on the piece of paper that's being well organized. And if you do have a life insurance policy, sit down with your beneficiary and have that conversation. Because sometimes people don't know who is the beneficiary. And when you pass away, when you pass, when you pass, the only people the insurance company the life insurance company is going to talk to is the primary beneficiary and that's contingent, the primary beneficiary, if you don't have a primary beneficiary, because your spouse passed away, and you haven't, you'd have in a while, you know, my, my husband died, and I haven't added that beneficiary and my husband's place or my wife's place, you need to do so you need to do so because you don't want to pass yourself and that the policy has no beneficiary. Now your policy goes on to probate, and it's held off for quite some time. And this is when your family members need gonna need the money immediately to take care of your final expenses. final expenses, what does that mean? That means somebody has to pay for funeral and that's the first expense you're going to witness I mean, that's it's gonna be devastating to lose you. And now you go to the funeral home, you got to, you know, go on at places we only go on and when we absolutely have to the funerals homes that we go to the mortuaries, whatever you want to call them. You don't go in and as you absolutely have to. And when you go in there, you quickly find out what you can and cannot afford. Burying loved ones today in the ground. Okay, you have to prep prep the body, prep the remains, get the prep, you know, clothe them put makeup on, I mean, that's gonna take you step by step, you have to pick out a casket.
Unknown Speaker 19:24
That casket now goes into a bolt, or I said once before it container, whatever you want to call it, that the casket goes inside the vault. The Vault is sealed with the lid on it. The dirt does not touch the casket. You have to get then you have to go to the cemetery. Buy a plot if you hadn't already bought a plot. If you are a veteran, keep in mind veterans. The VA doesn't take care of everything. And I've heard people come to me as vets and say, oh, you know, I'm about to. I'm a vet as well. And they don't take care of everything. Now they will take care of the plot at the Boulder City Cemetery. For the opening and closing in the headstone, and you can stack your spouse on top of one another, that is a minimum fee for that. But that's an estimate significant savings up to $8,000 savings. Because the the VA will pay for, you know, the Vault, which is very expensive. You know, they won't, you know, if you don't have life insurance to the VA, okay, now let me get my veterans so we get a clearer understanding the VA, you know, now I understand some 100 percenters, you know, disability, vets may get some advantages, that may be an apt Vantage being 100% disabled, you would have to check with the VA. But to my knowledge, if you're less than 100%, disabled or not disabled at all, and no life insurance to the Veterans Administration, the VA is not going to pay for your funeral service. You need a life insurance policy. And if you're not whether you're a veteran or not, you owe me a life insurance policy to take care of those final expenses. The first expense is going to be you know, the final expense is going to be the funeral. That's gonna be the first final expense. After that, after you bury a loved one, whether it's going to be traditional burial or cremation something has has to happen to the remains. And you know, knows that well, you know, Oh, get my body to the university. That's the science I don't want you to get plenty homeless people for that. They do have a lady came to me said, Well, I'm gonna donate my body to science. They don't need you. They don't, they got plenty of homeless people. Because you know, these homeless people have no family members, they die on the streets, too. They die every day in the streets. And this is hot it is it is, is probably going to be a lot more people passing away from heatstroke. So they know that you know, so don't think, Oh, well, I'm gonna do this cheap. I don't like using that word, but it's true. I've heard this before. Well, you know, I'll just get my body to science. No, I don't think if I'm you know what the first thing to do. When it comes to donating your body to science? Do they put you in the SUV and drive you to the university and knock on the University's campus door and say, hey, my dad wanted to be he wanted to donate his his remains to the university gotta get him out of here. No, we don't want him because I got plenty of plenty homeless people that dying in the streets every day. Unfortunately, I'm not trying to make fun of that I feel really bad for the homeless out there. I've never seen anything like this before. A lot of it is mental illness. It's unfortunate. But it happens. Even if you have a loved one out there that's mentally ill and they're homeless, you can get a life insurance policy on them. Because you may be responsible for that loved one that's out there, that's homeless, or you have loved ones it's on drugs, we can get them a life insurance at your insurance connect. So my contact phone number is 70223626247022362624. My Location is on the corner of Sahara Rancho, in the US Bank building located on the eighth floor. Now I know I've talked about, you know, the larger life insurance policies, though million dollar plus life insurance policies to pass on that, you know, that traditional wealth. However, some people may or may not qualify for that policy. If you don't qualify for that policy. I do have policies that will also cover people with diabetes. Whether you're diabetic one or two, or you know, whether you're on insulin appeal, I have policies that will cover you. For diabetics. If you have multiple sclerosis, I have policies that will cover you for Ms. If you have AIDS, I have a policy that will cover you for AIDS between the age of 40 and 80. A life insurance policy is offered from day one up to 85 years old, I can help find a policy that will fit in your budget. You know, I actually was one of the first questions I asked how much life insurance looking good. Well, what do you have? I have a lot to offer. It has to work for you. So now I flipped the conversation to how much can you afford per month? Let's work with that. Because I have to work within your budget. So it makes it a lot easier for me. You know, when you tell me it's not a guessing game. I just like to know what you okay, I can afford this amount less than 200,000 or whatever it is. I can afford 150 You know, whatever it is, let's work with that. That's fine, a policy that'll fit in your budget that way, you know, you take out a policy. If you're gonna go through all of that taken out of policy filling out the application, if their blood tests would be drawn or their tests to be had. You go through all of that we pull medical records, we go through all of that and then you keep the policy for six months and then counseling. Don't counselor there's other things you can Council. There's other things you can alter in your budget. You keep your life insurance policy. That's your savings. That's your gift of love to your family. When that day comes and it comes for all of us. My name is Donnell Marquez 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. I'll be here to my voice. I really enjoy what I do as an agent. As a as an insurance agent. I'm just not that guy that okay. All right. All right. Take your order. Okay, okay. You want this one's life insurance. All right. Put it in a computer, what medicines you take, okay? Any operations in the last seven years? Okay. Okay, you're okay, you qualify. Here's your policy information, your policy will be mailed to you, you know, within the next few weeks, or two weeks from now. And that's it. Next, I don't do that. When you come to my office, you know, we have a conversation, we sent out step by step to find out what your needs are. What you want, you know what, what category you fit in. When you when you buy life insurance on a phone, you know, or when you buy life insurance, let's say out of state or 800 Life insurance? Well, when you find this information that comes in the mail comes in the mail and say You said you say to yourself, oh, this is a pretty good offer here. I can get a million dollars worth of life insurance for $20 a month. And you're in your 70s makes no sense. That's an accidental only life insurance policy. The Accidental only life insurance policy do not pay for you know for for you know if you die from natural causes. It just doesn't pay. You have to be in an accident. It has to be the one of the strangest accidents ever. You're in an airplane, that plane falls out of the sky are you climbing Mount Charleston and slip and fall maybe they might pay for that. Maybe accidental only is not a policy you want your family members to find out that you have when they come when you're there. And when your day comes and you and you pass from this earth and your your family members are going to be devastated to lose you. But now they're going to find out. Come on, you have an accidental only life insurance policy. And you've been paying on this thing for many years. And it says accidental life insurance offered no obligation insurance reviews. We bring your life insurance policy and we'll review it if you don't have your life insurance policy. You can contact your life insurance company and get a duplicate policy. Sometimes they charge a minimal fee up to $25 Sometimes, or you can just have them just mail you duplicate policy and bring it in make an appointment bringing in my office is located on the corner of Sahara Rancho and the US Bank building eighth floor Sahara Rancho. I mean, that's the heart of our city right across the street from the palace station Hotel and Casino 702-236-2624 I don't charge for you to come in. We'll do an insurance with you. I'll tell you exactly where you are with your life insurance policy. Let's make sure when the day comes and it comes for all of us, your family is not devastated and they see an accidental only life insurance policy benefits are paid within 24 hours whole life benefits up to $40,000 in coverage, no health examination just a few healthy quick just a few health questions. A one page application and most people qualify even with underlying health issues, rates and benefits are locked in for the life of the policy up to age 100 My name is Donna Marquez. This is your insurance connection.
Unknown Speaker 28:53
70223626247022362624 Stay hydrated, drink plenty of water. Enjoy your day. Today is Sunday and it's going to be a very warm day and I think it's going to be windy today looking at the forecast 702-236-2624 My Location is on the corner of Sahara Rancho and the US bank center located on the eighth floor 702-236-2624 Enjoy your day. Until next week. Just keep it crispy.
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