Navigating Life Insurance: Essential Tips and Insights with Donald Marquez
Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a key when the studio's original program. The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:25
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host, Donald Marquez, on your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Yes. And we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.
Unknown Speaker 0:46
Yes, good morning. Happy Sunday morning. My name is Dawn Marquez, this is your insurance connects them broadcasting radio at ke u and v 91.5. Jazz and more or less wake up. It's early Sunday morning. I know. Grab a cup of coffee juice or whatever you'd like to drink. And let's talk insurance love to talk about insurance. One of my favorite subjects. Sometimes I find myself talking to my friends and colleagues when I'm out and about and just insurances comes up. Sometimes I bring up the conversation. A lot of times they bring up the conversation because they always want to have questions for me. Am I trying to have a good time trying to enjoy myself? Here comes an insurance question of why, what if? How much? What can I do? You know these questions come up. But I don't mind. I don't want to have a conversation. But if I'm watching the game, if I'm watching the game, and I enjoy watching the game, I don't want to you know talk insurance. I talk insurance when I'm with my clients face to face. I love talking about insurance at that time. But if I'm on home watching the game, and I have company over insurance questions always in a row, but that's okay. This is what I do. People recognize what I do. They say man, you're the man. You talk about insurance more than anybody that I know you know all about it. Help us guide us through the process. And speaking about that a young lady came in my office last Wednesday, and she's told me sure the program on 91.5, jazz and more. And she had to contact me about her concerns about getting life insurance. She's been turned down three times. Her son and herself was turned down three different times for life insurance. Now her son is 16 years old. What I did was this, I want to know what medication she was taking, found out what medications he was taking only two meds in her son. He wasn't taking any medication. No problem at all. What we did, we put a package together for her. Her son was only 16. He was a teenager. And what I did for her, I put her on a policies named insured. And then I put her son on a policy as an additional insured rider for $20,000. I'll put on a policy and put her son for an additional 20,000 As a writer, now as an insured writer, when he turns 25, he'll spin off on his own life insurance policy. So it's okay if you know if your children have underlying health conditions, or not, you can add your child on a life insurance policy. As long as it's 17 years or younger, or some cases 18 years or younger. The cost is effective, there's a low cost for that to add a child on on your own life insurance policy. You'll save money that way is this what this shows about, you know increasing knowledge about life insurance products, auto insurance products, homeowners insurance, but I don't talk about home and auto a whole lot. Only because you know the rates are what they are with their auto insurance. We tried. I tried my best I can to compare rates get you a lower rate on auto insurance, but it's you know, I do my best. Let me say that and a lot of times a very successful sometimes I am sometimes not. But you know, you're gonna learn more from me walking away, or talking about auto insurance or any type of insurance product. I talk about life insurance because I find and all populations across the board. All people need life insurance. Everybody needs life insurance. We all going to have that day when a number is called and we have to make that transaction that transfer that checkout or whatever you want to call. We're gonna the upper room, right Eddie Murphy call it the upper room. One movie was singing the upper room, but it happens. It happens to all of us when a day comes in and we'll come it's not if it's a win. Are you ready for it financially? Is your family ready? financially? Are they going to be in debt? Are they going to be okay? It's going to be one of two things will happen Do you think I'll be prepared or not prepared. And when you're not prepared, it's just think about what you could do is this for me, at a bar, your finances your bills, and how much money is gonna be leftover. When that day comes, and you're gonna do a projection, okay, and 10 years from now, 15 years from now, 20 years from now, where I'm going to be financing or even right now, because we never know, right now of you, Sandy. So, you know, let's use this word if and I don't like using it, but we're going to use it right now. If there's a premature passing, you're, you're going to premature pass, but let's say within the next five years, how is your family going to be financially you could write it down on paper, okay, the car payment is this much money, the house payment is this much car insurance, taxes, groceries, you know, utility bills, you know, food time, association dues, going out buying clothes, how much money is gonna be leftover. And if all of a sudden, a large expense comes up on your, on your list of items, how much is you know, like a funeral. And all of a sudden, you know, you got to add another 15 to $20,000 in there. How is it going to be paid for? If you don't have life insurance, or you do have a life insurance policy, I offered no obligation reviews, we could sit down and talk about your current life insurance to make sure you're okay. If you have a term policy, if you have a term policy, you don't want to wait to the term policy terms out. In most term policies, you can roll that term policy over to a universal life insurance policy. You can make an app that is really easy, really simple 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 for more information. That's my direct line.
Unknown Speaker 7:01
My office is located on the corner of Sahara Rancho, in the US Bank, building a floor. And we're gonna talk about your current life insurance to see exactly where you are. I'm going to look at the illustration page. The illustration page tells me everything about your insurance. It tells me exactly where you want to be, you know, years from now, again, I have people coming to my office and they had this, you know, they said, Well, you know about this policy, it came in the mail, an offer came in the mail, I filled it out and sent it in. Or here's another one. I was at work. And this person came on our job and gave us a group life insurance policy. However, I retired, and I see my rates going up every five years. And I don't understand why. Well I do I understand why because you're getting older, every five years or maybe there's a rate adjustment, or my cash value. These questions I get asked by the way, my cash value in my policy, I haven't taken out a loan. But I see the cash value is depleting. Every year when I received my life insurance statement, I look at my cash value. And my cash value is as less and less every single year without taking out a loan. But that's because the cost to insure you costs more money. When you have one of these flexible, it's called a flexible life insurance premium, a flexible life insurance premium, it could affect your policy, you're not paying enough into it every month because when you bought the policy, you bought a new job. It goes up every five years because you get an older, okay, and so every five years this policy makes an adjustment because now you're out of the group. The group wants to stay young. And you know, they don't want people that's out of the group, you know, causing the group rates to go up. Because when you're out of the group, that means you're retired and you're older, but they want to keep the group young to keep the rates low to have a group rate and insurance policy. My name is Don Marquez this if this is affecting you. Or if you just like to know what you can do to get life insurance to protect your family when that day comes and it comes from all of us. Life insurance is a gift of love. Mine, my contact number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 located on the corner of Sahara Rancho in the US bank center a for 28 years of experience. I can help you. I've helped. I've helped many of you that think you can't get life insurance. lady came in I mean, he said I've been turned down three times. My son and I've been turned out three times. It makes me really feel good when I could deliver you because I listen So this is a difference I do listen, when when you purchase an insurance online, trying to do it all yourself, there's no one listening to your concerns, your needs, your medications, what type of policy you buy, and you don't have an advisor. The insurance companies have insurance agents for good reason, where we are your insurance advisor, we represent you. And also we represent the insurance company as well. So we have a dual fiduciary role, to be honest, an insurance company with the information that we provide. And also to be honest to you, to help you guide you step by step to make the decisions, the pertinent decisions that you need to make to secure your family's financial future. Now you can save money, that's fine, things do come up, water heater goes out, comes up that's replaceable, you have to replace that air conditioner as summertime here in Vegas. And you know, these, these air conditioning units haven't been cranked up like the rent and night to full capacity, like they are in this heat. You know, just Wednesday night, I wasn't gonna watch a television, and my downstairs air conditioning unit stopped blowing. I'm like what's going on, I started getting warm in my house and humid at the same time. Now the other units were working fine upstairs. But I'm downstairs watching television. And I find myself I need to go turn on the fan. To cool off, I looked at my thermostat. And it was 85 degrees in my house. Oh my god, I like it around 7077 78. That's comfortable, very comfortable. For me. Very comfortable for me. Now when I'm when I'm warming up, because AC unit is not working. Fortunately, you know, I don't know, I guess it needed to take a break. Because the next day the AC repairman showed up. And he said Your fan is working fine. And maybe just maybe he's going out, he's getting older, he's going out. But when it goes out, I know that's another bill. So when I saved my money, when for a rainy day, these are rainy days, okay, now I need an air conditioned fan that cost me XYZ much money this. So I pull that money from my savings account in case of emergencies. This is why you separate your savings account, from your life insurance account. Your life insurance is your protection, you know for the rest of your life savings account goes up, they go down there for things that come up there for things that come up now as hard to save money for, you know, you can add what you can but it's gonna be very difficult. You got to you know, it's got it takes very a lot of money to equal a life insurance policy. When you try to save money, try to save $100,000 How long would it take you to save $100,000 When you can easily get $100,000 life insurance policy, you'll be insured day one, look at it as a savings account. And you're paying money towards your savings account each month. It's as simple as that. It's the same as account that you know is going to be there now know people go out to the state. And I go out there sometimes just just to watch people, you know, come up with all these the system of numbers, how to hit the lottery, you know, he just I just go out. And when I do go out there when I used to go out, I just say just give me six numbers, whatever happens happens, because there's no method to the madness. And only one pill at one person wins. So this is what I don't like about hitting a lot of people I did playing a lot of only like a few a handful of people when just out of millions of people that pay the lottery, you know, there's only maybe a handful people that win. That's not fair to me. That's not fair. If you have a lot of resentment on it. 50 million, 100 million plus, plus, plus, there should be multiple, multiple winners. Even if you only when, let's say, you know, the lottery is up $100 million, and you only win 25,000 Because, you know they out of out of all those all that money, you know, for up for grabs $100 million you know, multiple people won the spread, but only one person wins the lottery that makes no sense. Only one person win and they go to work the next day but though the people that don't win, you know, that's why you get a life insurance policy. No one No one knows who's gonna win the lottery. We don't know. You know, but a sure bet is a
Unknown Speaker 14:34
live a life insurance policy. That's guaranteed. that'll pay when the time comes. It'll pay long as you don't have accidental only when we back it up a little bit. Because if you have accidental only life insurance then you might have a problem. If your loved one passes with natural causes, you will have a problem because you're going to be very upset. The find that your grandfather your father, or your mom or your mother or your you know, your dad had accidental only life insurance. I sound like Stephen A Smith, I get a little excited because it's just wrong just to have accidental only life insurance. And if you're paying that premium every single month and have a life insurance policy, you're wasting your money on an accidental only because the life insurance policy cares accidental within the policy. If you have term insurance, you can advance the money if you have an illness if you have a terminal illness. The only thing we need is a letter from your doctor file a claim to get an advance on your term life insurance policy. Also Universal Life does work as well. But why you still live in you can't get in advance. If you have a terminal illness. You have a terminal illness. Can't you know you get a letter from your doctor, you file a claim with your insurance company, your life insurance company and you can take the money while you're still living now. They may charge a fee with the pull funds. You know before you pass but the money is available to you. It is a living benefit. My name is Donna Marquez, my contact information is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 located on the corner, Sahara Rancho. In the US Bank Center, located on the eighth floor, my business hours are Monday through Friday, from 10am to 5pm. And are some Saturdays I will go to work. I'm off on all holidays and Sunday. I take Sunday off. Because I enjoy being on home on Sunday. I like to relax on my day off Sunday, Saturday and Sunday amusia off on Saturday and Sunday. But there's people just working nine to five. And they need to come in on Saturday. And we'll come in and we'll sit down and take care of your insurance needs. You know I can't stress enough if you have underlying health condition. Please do not give up. Please do not give up. I've insured people with HIV AIDS, you know, up to $25,000 in coverage. I've insured people with lupus, diabetes, type two, one type two diabetics, I've insured people with heart disease COPD, through a life insurance policy, don't give up 702236 to 6247022362624. I want to thank the listeners that came in and purchase home out of life insurance. Thank you so much for your continued support. They listen to the program. And you know, they say you make a lot of sense. You make a lot of sense. I need to come in and talk to you. And I want to thank him so much for listening to the program. I know it's on a Sunday. You know you could text me on Sunday, I'll contact you and we'll set up an appointment. And if you don't want to come in and get out get any heat and come to my office. I understand. I can do a lot of business over the telephone 702-236-2624 I get my number out a lot. So you know if you didn't get it, I'll mention it before the end of the program. I broadcast right here K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more every Sunday morning from 8am to 830. going on now a little over two years. A little over two years. I want to thank the manager staff my engineer, Mr. West he's the man keep the time can make it make make sure I'm on point and I say the right thing. I don't fumble you know but it's all good. It's radio. You know things happen. But you know this is a unique opportunity. And to keep programming like this on the air you know we do have our fundraisers from time to time and when you when you listen to K you on V 91.5 jazz or more, you know the station, any contribution donation would be grateful it is a tax write off. Keep that in mind the key programming music on the air. My name is Donna Marquez, this is your insurance connection. I'm a licensed insurance broker offering all types of life insurance home auto, boat and motorcycle insurance. You know boat season in full swing people out there to Lake me just having a blast. Ride and no people not really riding on a lot of motorcycles. And you know the rule is in by 10 but I do offer motorcycle and boat insurance. When you and I say n by 10. When you own a motorcycle. That's the rule. And by 10 so if you get up early in the morning, six o'clock, seven o'clock in the morning and you meet them you meet the crew at the meeting point and you take off you make a quick ride and you want to be in by 10 no later than 1112 because it gets very hot hot on a motorcycle. But if you find your motorcycle insurance, it's getting a little expensive. 217 022362624 I'm also a motorcyclist. I understand. I like to have coverages on my motorcycle, I do have coverages on my motorcycle, that will protect me no matter what I wholeheartedly believe in that. Very little protection almost like but I've been riding motorcycles for a very long time. I enjoy the relaxation of it. It's a little too warm for me to ride right now. But I do like riding when this fall comes around in the winter, and spring. That's the time I'm out there rolling on my motorcycle. But I do look at my insurance policy on my renewals, I do encourage all of you on your home, your auto look at your renewal coverages, not only your renewal premium, but look at your renewal coverages as well, now your coverage is not going to change, you may be under insured. When it comes to your auto insurance, your motorcycle, your homeowners insurance, I've witnessed a lot in 28 years, homeowners insurance policies are under insured. You know the price and bill of materials have gone up the price of labor has gone up. You know, you need an evaluation on your homeowners insurance policy. Now, if you if your insurance company does keep up with, you know the cost of living the cost of labor, you will see a rate adjustment in your homeowners insurance policy. And you may call me as I'm a homeowner, zoos boats gone up. Why? Because the value of the cost of labor and the cost of building materials have gone up, not the value of your home. You know, because if your house was located somewhere on the beachfront property, it will be worth well over a million dollars in multiple locations on the West Coast, not not to mention the East Coast. But when we're talking about the West Coast, because I'm licensed in Nevada, and also California, but we don't we don't evaluate the cost of rebuild on your house based on the location, the value of it, we look at the cost of building materials in the cost of labor. And this is how we determine how much is your homeowner's insurance policy gonna cost you each month. Now if you have filed a claim, and you know your rates have gone up on your homeowners insurance, this is why they've gone up because you file a claim. Same thing with your auto insurance policy. People don't want to say well, no, I'm saying well, I'm I'm sure it's gonna went up I filed a claim. I had a speeding ticket. Now understand in Nevada, you can't get a speeding ticket reduced down to a parking ticket that's still available to you. Now if you go to the court, and they in a court and the judge said, Well, we're going to do we're going to reduce your speeding ticket down. You're going to reduce your speeding ticket down to a parking ticket. You want to make sure that process is fully taken place because there are certain steps. The courts don't do that they should do. Because when when you have a speeding ticket, and you call me for auto insurance, quote, I read your driving record and I see a speeding ticket. And the first thing you tell me Well, well, no, no, no, that's that's it that should have been reduced down to a parking ticket. But we see it as a speeding ticket. I didn't put it in there. Well, did this happen on this particular date? And you say yes, well, how would I know that? How would I know that? Sometimes, you know, I remember when I first got started in the insurance business years ago, and I ran on a driving record for a young lady. And she thought I put the date in there. She's I know you put that date in there. I said, How would I know? When you got a speeding ticket? The date? The year, the month? The month, the date in here, when you got a speeding ticket? How would I know that? I don't know. But you just put it in there to read my make my regular. It was hilarious. I had to turn a computer ski to run the computer screen around, print out the information. And I said that lady, this is your driving record. Everything that you do on your driving history shows up on this report. I not that good. I'm good. But I'm not that good to know exactly what date and time and you know, you got a speeding ticket. But you know, we're sometimes you know, it doesn't work that way. Sometimes it happens not that often. But sometimes what happens is, you know, it's been a very interesting, interesting career for me, being an insurance agent. I've seen a lot. When I first got into this business with all the state insurance company. My manager told me Mr. Ed Davis,
Unknown Speaker 24:31
thank you, Mr. Davis for giving me this unique opportunity to be an insurance professional. Back in 1997. I interview with him and he said congratulations. You're part of the Allstate team potted up part of the Allstate family, one of the more one of the most exciting days of my life. But he didn't tell me this. He said when you deliver your first death benefit when you write that life insurance policy If you deliver the first death benefit, then you're going to realize how important the role you play as an insurance agent, you're going to realize the significant impact you make in people's lives, when they lose a loved one, it's very emotional time, you know, very difficult time for the family to go through. But now, you know, not only struggling with the grief, you know, you eliminate the financial worry, or you relieve the financial worry, because you offer that family, a life insurance policy. Now, the life insurance is not going to replace a loved one, but is definitely going to help with the finances. Go Fund Me. But you know, I'm on the street corner as asking people for money, going to the church and asking for donations. You know, these churches, they can't afford it. They can't afford these funerals. If they haven't, let's say they haven't two funerals a week. And that's not uncommon for most churches, two services a week for funerals, two a week, and $15,000 for funeral, that's $30,000 a week. Your church cannot afford to pay that. Even your large churches, they they'll they'll pray for you. And probably offer you a room down the hall for reception or you know, or they may even charge you for the church services, where you quickly find out when you lose a loved one. The cost is just unbelievable today, the casket, the container or the vault. The casket goes in the vault today. The dirt does not hit the casket anymore. The the land, the service itself, the headstone. And they're in the flowers in the limos in the reception in the repairs, and the people fly in from out of town and the cost is this unbelievable, expensive today. It costs money. It does. And if you don't have the money, you know, one of the traditional ways to pay for that final expense, so your loved ones won't go into debt is through a life insurance policy. I can make it very convenient for you. You can select the monthly draft between the first and the 28th of each month. You know, we have method of payments that you can pay it monthly annually or semi annually, quarterly. Now, final expense means that you pay for a funeral, but you still have other farm expenses. utility bills, mortgage rent, food, college. Yeah, that just continues car insurance, car payments, childcare. Life insurance can help solve a lot of problems. It passes on generational wealth. I'm here for you. My name is Donnell Marquez, this is your insurance connection for more information 702 to 362624 702-236-2624. I'm very passionate on what I do. You know, I mean, over the many years I've delivered those death benefits. Mr. Davis told me about when you got to realize your important the importance of road that you might have been a life insurance agent delivering that life insurance policy to a family. I've done that many many many, many times in 20 years. And I see the look on their face. And they always say the same thing. We wish he would have bought more. We wish she would have bought more. You know I wish would have paid closer attention. The importance of having life insurance during this difficult time. Don't let that happen to you. Let's sit down and have a conversation about getting life insurance for your family. My number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 Go out enjoy your day to day it's a little warm. We got the Fourth of July coming up. Make sure you stay at home. Or if you do go to a backyard barbecue. You know I don't know what to say I like to say at home don't do on the Fourth of July because I don't want anyone to burn on my house. My neighbors have nuclear weapons they blow up Am I in my cul de sac? So I need to stay at home to keep an eye on these on my house to make sure it doesn't burn up because these these young people, they have these weapons. I call them weapons nothing fireworks anymore. I just call it weapons. I need to make sure I stay close to my house. This is Donald Marquez, your insurance connection 702-236-2624 702236 to 64. Enjoy your day until next week. Just keep it crispy.
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