Navigating the World of Insurance with Donald Marquez
Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a key when the studio's original program. The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:25
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host, Donald Marquez, on your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Yes. And we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.
Unknown Speaker 0:46
Good morning. Good morning. My name is Donald Marquez, this is your insurance connection. Broadcasting right he had k u n v 91.5 Jazz and more early Sunday morning. 8am to 830. Thank you so much for the listeners that contacted me and came in. And we talked about home auto life insurance. And thank you so much for your continued support from K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more, so much to talk about always, when it comes to the insurance world that I'm living in breathing in every single day for the last 28 years. And I come on the air to help you better understand insurance. And I'm a licensed insurance agent right here in Nevada. And also in California. If you have loved ones in the state of California that need some advice on insurance, am the man they can contact me at 70223626247022362624 I love what I do.
Unknown Speaker 1:47
I do I you know I was I've been in jobs, okay, this is a career.
Unknown Speaker 1:53
And it was and it was my destiny to be an insurance agent because I love what I do. But I've been in jobs that I didn't like very much. And my career and my life. You know, I've been around for a while. And I born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. And I've had jobs I didn't like I did, I felt like you know, and I was servicing people in the casino industry. You know, and nothing wrong with that. And I'm not knocking people work in the casino industry, you do what you have to do. But I didn't feel any fulfillment. At the end of the day, when I got off work, I just took people's money as a dealer. I was a dealer and, and I did it for 18 years, I was a Dell for eight years. And then I went into management for 10 years. And I just felt like I didn't have a sense of accomplishment when I when I clocked out when I left for the day. And then the next day and the next day and the next day was the same thing. And I got tired of working weekends and holidays expecially Superbowl Christmas, you know, I mean, I just didn't want to go to work those days. Thanksgiving, I didn't want to go to work those days. But I had to, I had to do what I had to do, because time waits on no one. But in that process of working in the casino, which was very good to me at the time, don't get me wrong, I made a good living. And I was able to support my family. However, you know, the sense of accomplishment, the sense of helping people was my destination in life. And that's why I say to you listeners, I enjoy what I do as an insurance professional. It has taught me a lot. And I've learned a lot. When I was in the casino business. It was the same thing every day. You know, you know, the dice were rolling, people were coming in, they were drinking, they were smoking they were having a good time. And that's what people does. That's what people do. Excuse me when they come to Vegas. You know, Vegas is an entertainment capital of the world people come here to gamble have fun. You know what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Usually what happens in Vegas happens but your money stay here
Unknown Speaker 3:56
this beautiful strip that we enjoy today. You know I looked at I look at pictures from the past. You know and that was like back in the day even back in the 70s when I was growing up, you know just dribbling totally different than than it does today. And the transformation has been amazing and so many amazing things happen to our city. The growth is overwhelming you know Northwest in the town is one of the fastest communities growing and Southern Nevada but with growth you know people are transporting from other other other cities and they come here and I think the car insurance is a lot lower than where they came from but you know they get a rude awakening come to find out that you know hey my auto insurance is a lot less where I where I came from. But you know this give and take maybe well, you came from the tornado Scott coming through your community. Maybe there were earthquakes in your community, or maybe the severe weather was too much for you to bear when you retire. You want to get out of the snow. Every city has a little sun. So when you come to Vegas and you find out right away what
Unknown Speaker 5:00
The car insurance rates are, you know, the the rates are what they are. You know, sometimes people were like, I can't believe I thought Las Vegas is gonna be a lot less. I don't know why people think that. I don't know why I just, I never thought about it because I was I was born and raised in Vegas. And you know, the car insurance rates are what they are now they're not over the top, we can shop for you for competitive auto insurance rates that your insurance connects. And I'm a licensed insurance broker offering home auto life insurance. And I will shop the rates for you also include boats and motorcycle insurance, as well as to shop for your boat, your motorcycle, your recreational vehicles. If you are an Uber driver or Lyft driver, I do offer the endorsement on your own your own your personal auto policy to endorse you as a Lyft Uber drivers called Share ride, and you need that on your auto insurance as a share driver. When you share your vehicle with other passengers. You do need the endorsement on your car insurance. And you know you're in business to make money and I I've caught Lyft and Uber quite often in these I've had the confidence now to catch Lyft Uber, you know, because like all of us, it was a transaction, you know, a transition where we have the trans, you know from catching a cab or calling someone to pick us up at the airport, to to be able to just feel comfortable driving, you know, riding around in a person's car that they sell on their personal vehicle we didn't know. But now you know the transaction has happened. You know, they're everywhere. And they're very convenient. But I noticed to talking to some of the drivers with Lyft and Uber, they just don't have the endorsement on their car insurance.
Unknown Speaker 6:49
And if you are a Lyft or Uber driver and you're listening to this program right now, you know you can contact me at 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 Let's get that endorsement on your personal auto insurance policy. I have companies that will offer the insurance and also the the endorsement on your personal auto insurance policy. And what I'm gonna do as an insurance professional, I will look at your current auto insurance policies. If you are a Lyft Lyft or Uber driver, share ride driver to make sure we have the correct coverages. I just don't care with the minimums. Just don't do that you're in business, you are in business. And you should think like a business person. Now. Your vehicle not is only a personal use, but it's also business use. And when you pick up the passengers in your vehicle, you should have the confidence to know that if there is an accident, you do have enough coverages on your auto insurance policy to cover some of the damages now to my understanding the Lyft and Uber drivers Lyft and Uber also will cover the passengers in the vehicle. But just in case you know you have an accident. It's better to have that endorsement and not need it than to need it and not have it my name is Donnell Marquez for more information. My contact phone number is 702-236-2624 You know, along with you know being able to ensure Lyft and Uber drivers also insure autos home boat motorcycle, yes and life insurance. You know sometimes with the auto insurance, you know rates people shop for rates and they want a competitive rate they want to lower rate when you listen to the programs on television, you know 15 minutes to save you they're not talking about Vegas
Unknown Speaker 8:47
they're not talking about Southern Nevada that's that's a nationwide advertising What 15 minutes can save you 20% I don't know what you know, you've heard the commercial, you've heard the commercial and you know and you go online you trying to buy auto insurance and you wonder why you're receiving so many phone calls from all over the country people calling you from all over everywhere to to have you switch your auto insurance carriers be you know, buyer beware, because when I write an auto insurance policy, I only share the information with the company that I select for you. And that's it. I don't share your information with other resources like lead resources that buy the lead when you go online to shop for your auto insurance. You know everybody's looking at what you're doing. They're gonna call you over and over again and maybe even a couple of months later asking you to switch to their car insurance or they use the you name Mr. Mrs. Jones. We have auto insurance quote for you not think it's rates very competitive, they have most of your information because you put it out there. You put it out there on the computer. So everybody has your information out in a way you live because you have and they're calling you out you know they already know your information.
Unknown Speaker 10:00
because you put it out there, along with your phone number, your email address, all the information you were seeking a quote. And now you're getting bombarded by all these phone calls. I personalize your experience, when you come to see me or when we talk on the phone. It's personalized, because, you know, I love this industry because I have found my style, let's say, as an insurance agent.
Unknown Speaker 10:25
Every insurance agent has its own style the way to do business with their clients. And yes, really depends on the company you work for. I I'm gonna broker that's what gives me the advantage. Because now I can shop for your car insurance rates, your auto insurance rate, yo your auto insurance rates, your homeowners, and your life insurance rates, I can shop, you know, so that makes that sets me apart because I represent multiple companies. When it comes to different lines of insurance. This is the difference between me and what I used to do. As an Allstate agent or as a triple A insurance agent, I can only sell their products and services. In 2015, I decided to be an insurance broker because I was very limited what I could offer when it came to life insurance, when it came to the auto insurance product, if it didn't fit in that arena with those captive companies that can only sell their product with Allstate and AAA. You know, I was started with Allstate back in the late 90s. I stayed there for seven years with my agency decided to move forward, you know, we parted ways. I sold my agency and I started with Triple A's. You know, I had a great career with both companies at AAA and also Allstate Insurance Company, I learned a lot of information. But what I found myself doing,
Unknown Speaker 11:43
was contacting an insurance broker, I will contact an A insurance broker, and I say, Hey, Mr. insurance broker, I can't write this client, because they have, you know, speeding tickets, maybe even a DUI. Can you write that? Well, can you write this client for me as my client, I have the homeowners and I have the life insurance. And it's a no problem. I won't touch the homeowners other life insurance. But I will write the article and I kept saying quite a bit of business to the brokers. And that's why I need to be a broker, why should I keep continuing to send in insurance business to a licensed insurance broker, and there's no problem for them to find a company that will write my clients that I couldn't write at all see, and AAA. So in 2015, I decided, You know what, I want to be an insurance broker, it not only gives me the opportunity to own my own business, and be an entrepreneur, because we live in a capitalist society. I mean, it's all set up for capitalists, you know, I mean, owning your own business, I wake up every day motivated, I have to get up every day to motivate myself and I motivate myself every day. And I love what I do, I'd love to meet you, and talk about your insurances. Now, with the experience that I have, and being a broker has given me has given me the opportunity to to listen better, understand your concerns, and also find the right company that fits with you and your lifestyle. You know, your lifestyle will dictate what company out select for you, whether it's auto insurance, homeowners, or life insurance. Now with auto and home, we're gonna put you with the same company, two separate policies, two separate policies auto pay out differently than homeowners. So this is two separate policies, but you know, put those two together give you a home and auto discount. And then when they call it the bundle, okay, because the home and auto discount each other, they call it the bundle. I like I like the little catchphrase the bundle, but with life insurance is separate. Totally separate. Now would company I put you with with the home annatto there's going to be a different company with the life insurance. Yeah, now I have been appointed with the company, that if a person has HIV or AIDS, I can I can write them between age 50 and 80. Between 50 years young and 80. Now I did have a company that would write between ages 40 and 80. But they decided no longer to do business in the state of Nevada. You know, it happens. So if you if you own offense, and you know you've heard this program for quite some time, and you say you know, I need to call Donna Marquez, I need to pick up the phone and give him a call. I've been listening to this program for almost two years now. He's been on the air for a little over two years. I need to give him a call. But this is what happens when you when you don't act when you let time pass you by. Yeah, there was a time when I could write people with HIV or AIDS, you know, and it was a 40 years young of the ad. Now that companies left the state didn't have that.
Unknown Speaker 14:47
And that's their choice. They can do that if they want to that. Well. You know what we're no longer offering that type of life insurance in the state of Nevada. Well, we're writing people with HIV or AIDS, but fortunately
Unknown Speaker 15:00
This week, I found a new company that will write people with HIV, or AIDS. Ages are from 50 to 80. My name is Donald Marquez, I can help you if you have, you know, underlying health conditions, diabetes, lupus, history of cancer, heart disease, kidney, liver disease, don't give up. Don't give up, I can write a life insurance policy for you. diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and the list just goes on and on. But I can find a company that will find a policy that will fit in your budget. What's the point of buying life insurance if you can't afford it? And if you do buy a life insurance policy, keep it. And if you have been listening to my program, what are you waiting on? You know, time is valuable. Each and every one of us have 24 hours to make decisions for the rest of our lives. That makes a change in our life. You get the same 24 that I get. But I try to use my 24 wisely. I try to educate myself every single day on the products and offer to my clients. I do I research the companies. I want to make sure the companies are a plus rated. I'm on the radio. I do not take any chances on companies that I don't feel that maybe not because it's not so much the company's I look at the claims. I looked at it pay out the claims. What are the exclusions when it comes to underwriting? How easily come back? Clients qualify? Do they have to take a physical or not? Can I get a finally life and final expense life insurance policy? Or not with your company? How often do you turn down customers that are applying for life insurance, because a lot of these companies are very conservative conservative when it comes to that customer. They don't you know they don't want customers with underlying health conditions. You know, life insurance have found a way the life insurance companies have found a way instead of turning these people down, there are companies out there will write individuals with underlying health conditions, benefits are paid within 24 hours. It is a whole life policy, whole life policy up to $35,000 in coverage that will pay for that very expensive funeral. That is guarantee we all will have one day I don't like to use the word guarantee. But I guarantee you, we will all pass when people listen to this program. Not today. Hopefully not tomorrow. But one day, we'll all will pass and who's going to pay for our very expensive funeral. You know, I'm putting your family at risk with the GoFundMe. He's, you know, asking strangers to help them bury a loved one. That is embarrassing. It has to be and if you need some help with your life insurance, your current life insurance policy, if you don't quite understand why why your policy is going up. Or if you took out a loan on your life insurance policy. And you haven't paid any money toward the life insurance. Now it's time to get an insurance review. With no life insurance at all. And you're 55 and older. With no life insurance, let's have a conversation, or if you recently retired. And that benefit did not carry you. You know after you retired with your life insurance. Let's have a conversation. I know you've been listening to this program from 8am to 830. Every Sunday morning, right here que un de Nani 1.5 Jasmine Mark 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. My Location is on the corner, Sahara Rancho. In the US bank center. I'm located on Eighth floor my business hours are Monday through Friday from 10am to 5pm. And some Saturdays I will work to help you out because I know a lot of you work nine to five. I'm a kind of tend to five worker but I don't go in at night because traffic I live in Green Valley. And my office is located right in the heart of the city on the corner of Sahara Rancho, across the street from the palace station hotel US bank center. Tall, beautiful brown building. I'm on the eighth floor with an amazing view of our Las Vegas city that has grown tremendously in the last in the last 20 years. My goodness. We have a baseball team just come in. We have Lady Gaga lady ACSR. They they are amazing to watch. I was privileged to go see the lady aces playing the aces on mine, that that's a game to watch. To watch the women play that signing the watch. And they just ball they run it up and down the court. They make meantime just watching them. And I think to myself I wonder Can I just run with one of them?
Unknown Speaker 19:43
It would just run all over me. They're really topped top shape and our ladies right now four of our aces are only US basketball team. Let's go USA. Let's take home to go
Unknown Speaker 19:57
you know that's what that's what I'm so proud of our City Football.
Unknown Speaker 20:00
All the Raiders. Were getting ready to start with the preseason pretty soon. And I'm looking forward to Vegas cooling down. Oh my god. You know, when I came to the studio, the temperature is like 105105 today and I'm like, wow, this is nice.
Unknown Speaker 20:21
Because the 120 is just a little bit too intense. It's just you know, I can see the sidewalk, the walk, melting and sidewalks is melting. I mean, these people are ditches miserable. Now, you know, when when there's 120 Enough friendly, all the time you get friendly when you go into cool place. Hi, oh my god, it feels so good. And it but the 120 I've never seen Vegas that hot. Hopefully, you know, we figured this out, you know, we need to pull this planet down a little bit. But in the meanwhile, you know life goes on, we have to do what we have to do. I know it's warm outside still at 105 is warm, but it's a lot better than 120. If you don't want to come in to see me. Because at a wedding, there is an option, you can come pick up the phone and contact me at 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 We do a lot over the phone, we do a lot over the phone to your insurance connection. When it comes to life insurance. We also read a policy over the phone when life insurance for your life insurance needs. If you have a loved one that's kind of out there in the streets living that life in the streets and you concerned what you know about that phone call one day I that phone call may happen one day and I pick up the phone and find out my son, my daughter, my loved one is out there in the streets. And with no life insurance. And now what are you going to do and you you could be the responsible person just have to take care of those final expenses, we can get an insurance policy on them, only thing we need is their date of birth social security number, we'll have Christine Banagher write up a power of attorney for that individual. And to get a power of attorney is very affordable, it's not that expensive. What that'll do for you is allow me to ask you all the health questions in their behalf, you get signed for them and their behalf, you own the policy, you're the owner, where you you make the payments on the policy, you're the beneficiary.
Unknown Speaker 22:22
This is so simple, so easy to do. But it gives you the peace of mind knowing that, you know, I have a life insurance policy on my son, my daughter, because they're out there in the streets. And I'm really very concerned about that, you know, one day maybe getting that phone call. And you never know what without any life insurance, it devastates family maybe up to max out your credit cards to pay for a very expensive funeral. pull money out of your 401k Who wants to do that? Or you know, just ask people to help you. You know, people come up to you and say, Hey, is there anything? I'm sorry for your loss? There's anything I could do? Yes, you can help me pay for this vehicle. And watch it change their tone real quick. Well, all united mean that, you know, maybe you need a ride to the grocery store or something. I don't know what people mean. You know, when he says anything I can do for you. I mean, it's a nice thing to say. But say I need you to help me pay for a funeral.
Unknown Speaker 23:13
And watch a tone change. Because you know, I mean by saying that it sounds so nice gesture. It really is. But what do they really mean it? Well, you know, I'm a little I'm about $10,000 short, can you help me on that? Well, wait a minute, I didn't mean it that way. They'll change it up.
Unknown Speaker 23:32
Let's get you a life insurance policy. And if you need life insurance on yourself, if you need a larger life insurance policy, no problem. We can start at $100,000 with a life insurance and go up as high as you can afford. My name is Donald Marquez, this is your insurance connection. 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. But as I said early in the early, early part of the program, I love what I do. I've been I've had jobs where I just didn't really felt any gratification when I got off from work. But this is a little different. This is a lot different. I've delivered that death benefit to families. I've seen the look on family's faces, you know when they get that life insurance policy that benefits. I've seen the look. And it's the look of gratitude and innocent Thank you. And they always say the same thing. We wish they would have bought more than we should have bought more life insurance, you spend money. We're consumers. We spent a lot of money consuming stuff that we really don't need. Life insurance is an asset. Every family needs it in their household. Every person in that household needs it. Because one day you're going to need that policy to pay for this very expensive funeral. Now what I don't offer funeral packages, but I do offer enough life insurance to pay for the entire funeral. I don't I'm not an advocate of the pre need package because you know when
Unknown Speaker 25:00
get healthy, get a life insurance policy that was a cash value asset. Money if you need to borrow against the policy with his whole life universal life, you can borrow money against that policy term, you could not borrow money against the term policy. With a pre money package from the funeral home, there was no money to borrow a set payment. With that pre need policy, there's a life insurance within that policy. You know, it just gets you pass away before you pay it off. Because they got to make sure they cover themselves. Well, we're gonna give you all we're gonna, you got to pay for a life insurance policy within the pre need. So why not just get a policy that does a lot more. If you have a terminal illness, you can kick, you can take an advance on your policy. I've had a lady she contacted me, she had a $300,000 life insurance policy. She was very ill, our doctor gave her less than a year to live, she had the answer policy 80% of a life insurance policy while she was still living. And if you could do that, too, if you have a terminal illness, there's ways to do it. But you need a licensed insurance agent. This is we're here for this is why we are here to help guide you through the process of knowing what to do with your life insurance policy. I've talked to people that never open their life insurance once they receive the packets, they never open their life insurance policy. Well, you know, as it's been sitting on my dresser over there, and the drawer, dresser drawer over there, and I've never opened it up. I don't know what I have. But I pay on it every month. And they always want to know what they pay that well that doesn't tell me a whole lot I need to see the policy.
Unknown Speaker 26:37
I can offer you no obligation review.
Unknown Speaker 26:40
Well, you come in with your life insurance policy and let's go over your policy line by line. You know, I've helped people better understand life insurance. Even if you have a loan out there, let's put a strategy together where you can pay your loan off a lot quicker. And you know, sometimes you buy a policy, a universal life insurance policy, or a whole life policy that has flexible premium. And you know I can explain to you with flexible premium is pretty much in a nutshell. You can adjust your premium payment, whatever you want to pay, but your policy may run out before you pass. No, there is what we call a target premium or flexible premium. For an example if you are required to pay $150 a month on your life insurance policy or on a flexible premium you only want to pay half you can do that with a flexible premium just in case someone come up you know I don't want to but uh you don't want to cancel your policy once you receive your life insurance policy. You don't want to cancel it you never know you helped me change. Your health could change on you. And you weren't when you were healthy when you took out the policy. Now you unhealthy but it's also good to get a review because you may be paying on the wrong policy.
Unknown Speaker 27:48
You know, I can help you do the process. No Obligation doesn't cost you anything that comes to me. I need your life insurance policy in hand when you come in. We'll go over the policy line by line just in case you purchase that policy. An insurance agent didn't come to your home to explain the policy to you line by line. If you receive an offer in the mail before you take that offer in the mail. Let's have a conversation. 702-236-2620 470-223-6264 My name is Donna Marquez I broadcast right here at K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more every Sunday morning from 8am to 830. Stay cool, stay hydrated. We'll do this again next week. Until then just keep your crispy. Thank you for listening
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