Planning for the Future: The Importance of Life Insurance and Financial Preparedness with Donald Marquez
This is a KUNV Studios original program.
Wesley Knight
The following is a paid program sponsored by Your Insurance Connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz & More, the University of Nevada Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Donald Marquez
Good morning. This is Your Insurance Connection. I'm your host, Donald Marquez. On Your Insurance Connection, we talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowner's insurance, yes, and we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.
Donald Marquez
Good morning, my name is Donald Marquez. Welcome to another edition of Your Insurance Connection, broadcasting right here at Public Radio KUNV 91.5 Jazz and more Sunday morning from 8 a.m. to 8 30 welcome to the show yeah don't don't don't change the town turn me up I'm a licensed insurance broker this is what I do I come on the air to educate you about insurance this is an insurance education program been on the air over here at KUNV.
Donald Marquez
We're going on two and a half years, almost three years now. So, you know, buckle up, get your favorite beverage, and let's talk insurance. All we need to know. Before we get started, I just want to send my condolences to the many famous people that recently have passed away. I mean, only two weeks ago we had James Earl Jones, Frankie Beverley, and we have this week,
Donald Marquez
Chris Christopherson, John Amos, Mutombo, I hope I said his name right, Mkembe Mutombo. He was a basketball player. I think he was like seven foot two or something. He was tall. He was known for blocking shots.
Donald Marquez
John Amos, if you don't know who he is, he was the father on the Good Time Show with Jimmy Walker. He also played on Coming to America. He had the hamburger stand. He said, McDonald has the golden arches. He has the golden hearts. So, you know, let them rest in paradise. It's just every week, you know as we age we see this more frequently. My mother told me She she one day. I'm one of my mother's house and I noticed all the obituaries my mother had
Donald Marquez
It's mom. Why you have so many obituaries and she had a stack of them And she said son almost all my friends are passing People that I know are passing and and I see you collected obituaries and she had a quite a few of them She said just watch when you age, when you age, you're gonna see a lot of your friends go too. You know, you always have that one person
Donald Marquez
that calls you up and say, you know, guess who that? I don't wanna guess, just tell me. It's like the person, the informant, that calls everyone and say, you know, just on top of everything, people that I grew up with, I was born and raised in Las Vegas by the way. Born and raised in Vegas. Went
Donald Marquez
to school here. Went to UNLV. The list just goes on and on. People that I've lost over the years. I'm a senior citizen by the way. I'm a senior citizen and I see the frequency of people passing as we age. It seems like the mortality is between the age of 75 and 85. That seems like it's the number between 75 and 85. Any person living over 85, God bless you, you know every day we wake up we have an opportunity to start over, to restart our life or improve our lives. Every single day we get up we have an opportunity to change something. You
Donald Marquez
know as a professional insurance agent for 28 years many many times in my career I've had people come to me and say that we have buried a loved one and we're not going to pay for another funeral. How can we do this with a life insurance policy? We don't mind paying on it a little bit every month because we know we've experienced this and some families have come to me and they've experienced it more than once when they had to put a loved one to rest and to pay all these expenses not only
Donald Marquez
the cost to be a funeral around 15 to 20 thousand dollars today that's on a traditional burial 15 to 20 thousand dollars now if there's a cremation $15,000 to $20,000. Now if there's a cremation involved, those prices vary. They start around about $3,000 and up for a traditional cremation or a direct cremation. So a traditional cremation is, when I say traditional cremation, is when they take the remains,
Donald Marquez
have the viewing, and after the ceremony, then they cremate the remains. That's more of a traditional. Those are running anywhere from 6,000 to 8,000 depending. There's a repass involved. So it gets expensive. I'm saying this because it gets expensive.
Donald Marquez
This is what people don't know about cremations. When you have a cremation, whether you do a direct or not a direct cremation, before I get into that, a direct cremation is when there's no ceremony and they're just you know just a cremation just a direct cremation no ceremony they give the urn to the family and the family can have their own private ceremony now if you don't want to have the urn in your home if you don't want to have the urn in your home then you would have to buy
Donald Marquez
a purchase a grave site or a crib though that's an additional fee on top of the viewing because you rent the casket they do the but they have to do the embalm, they do everything, the prep, the makeup, the clothing. You know, so I'm telling you this because people are not aware with these funeral costs, with the funeral's cost today. And you have to be proactive, prepare yourself for that day when it comes, and it's going
Donald Marquez
to cost you or someone money to bury a loved one. It is what it is. I mean I cannot tell you enough experiencing it myself and fortunately for me when my family members passed we were prepared and I know a lot of family members out there they collectively come together and have paid for a funeral or you know there's many times when when there's only one family member responsible for everything not only paying for a funeral let's move forward after paying for the funeral let's say the funeral a traditional
Donald Marquez
burial that was around let's say $15,000 now we have the repass and that's gonna cost another three or four three to five thousand dollars for people to come over and eat Drink, you know socialize that could get very expensive because you know people want to eat Now three to four thousand dollars for maybe even more for repairs You have to buy a headstone That's not included in the 15,000 problem more than likely is not
Donald Marquez
However, my veterans, you know, if you are a veteran you can be buried in a Boulder City Cemetery and the plot, the headstone, the opening closing, very minimal cost, is free as for a veteran with the DD-214. But that helps. That helps a lot because you know when you're talking about the grave site itself going for you know eight, nine, ten thousand dollars, that's a huge expense. That's the minus from this experience. You know, nobody goes into these funeral mortuaries.
Donald Marquez
Nobody goes there. Nobody goes there unless they absolutely have to. And you know, that day is gonna come, it's coming for all of us. And you know, and sometimes people, oh, you know, I don't wanna talk about,
Donald Marquez
you know, what's gonna happen in the future. To all of us, it's not a if, it's a when. You know, when people say, if something happens to me, you know, once, when that day comes, you know, or you can't take care of it because you're gone. You leave the debt behind for your loved ones. You leave the debt behind for your family members to absorb this huge responsibility.
Donald Marquez
It's always good to have a piece of paper that's written down with all your personal information. Where's your life insurance policy? Who's the beneficiaries or the beneficiaries? This is my mortgage. This is my mortgage phone number with the loan number This is and I'm gonna say something about the mortgage. Okay, if you and this is my own personal experience if you
Donald Marquez
Own a home and you're on there
Donald Marquez
by yourself What you whether you married or not Even if you're married and your spouse is not on the mortgage Now you pass you're on the mortgage your spouse does not have access to the mortgage company for information Now if her name or his name is not listed as a personal contact
Donald Marquez
It is almost impossible to communicate with the mortgage company. If your name is not listed on at the mortgage company as a person that you know they allowed to talk to about the mortgage. Now let's say your name is in the mortgage you pass and your spouse or your family members don't have access to the mortgage company that's going to be a problem. That is going to create a problem. Now you still continue to pay the mortgage you know because mortgage company don't care as long as they receive the payment
Donald Marquez
each month when a person passes. But in order to access information maybe here's one of the key things right that happens quite frequently. The individual passes they were the only one on the mortgage now you now you of course there the money was pulled directly out of the account each month on auto pay. Now you call the mortgage company to let them know that your loved one has passed and we need to change the banking account information so the money can be pulled
Donald Marquez
out each month. Well the mortgage company is not gonna let you do it. They're gonna say well we need to talk to the to the person that's on the mortgage. I said well that person is deceased. This happened to me and we were going back and forth back and forth. First my mother-in-law passed and my wife, she took care of all of her mortgage business. Then, you know, after my wife passed back in 2018,
Donald Marquez
and I'm trying to contact a mortgage company for my mother-in-law's mortgage, and they said, no, we need to talk to Sybil Marquez, my wife, and I said, well, she's passed, and they would not talk to me. I had to refinance my mortgages. I have to refinance the mortgage in order to communicate with the mortgage company. And then all of a sudden if you do have access to
Donald Marquez
the mortgage company, right, and they sell the mortgage to another mortgage company, and now as a person of contact, the new mortgage company may or may not pick up you as a personal contact. It's always good to have your name on a deed. Now that avoids probate. Now you put yourself in a beneficiary position when you're on the deed. If there's only one person left and you know what I let's say there's a husband and wife, husband passed and they're both on the deed. No trust. No will. The house goes to and to probate
Donald Marquez
There's a lot of expenses when it goes into probate. These are this is news you can use. My name is Don Marquez I'm trying to help people better understand the responsibility of their finances Your home is a business, you know as in a professional insurance agent I've come across many scenarios with families. I've had people come to me without life insurance and they said, you know, we don't want to bury a loved one again without life insurance.
Donald Marquez
We want to insure the entire family. And we're going to keep the life insurance policy. We're not going to take it out for a short time and let someone else talk us out of it. And that happens sometimes. That happens sometimes. You take out a life insurance policy to protect you and your family's best interest and then someone tells you
Donald Marquez
You don't need life insurance because usually you know, sometimes people like to pass on great news, right? Hey, you know, I just took out a life insurance policy I don't I went through the process with Donald Marquez and now this person tells you out of nowhere Well, you don't need life insurance you could do this Well when a person tells you bad advice like that You ask that individual if I don't need life insurance are you gonna take care of my final expenses when that day comes?
Donald Marquez
Well, they'll back up that conversation very quickly When it comes to life insurance, I will find a policy that will fit in your budget Price is very important for all of us. It has to fit in your budget and don't say you can't afford it You cannot afford not to have it because someone has to pay for these final expenses. They're not free They're not free. Just call any funeral home and just they'll to get to just get an idea what what that costs and not only the Funeral itself, but the continuation of life
Donald Marquez
The continuation of the mortgage rent the utility bills TV now is a utility, right? Remember when TV was free, but now it's a utility and what I don't like about television if I'm paying for television Why do I have to look at all these commercials? On certain channels, you'll watch five minutes of programming and 15 minutes worth of commercials. I don't know what's up with that. I don't
Donald Marquez
want to see all these commercials. When I go to a channel, certain channels, I'm not gonna pick them out, but you know what I'm talking about. I'll record the program and watch it later and go through the commercials. But if I'm paying for television, why do I have to see all these commercials? And I'm just saying this because now television is a utility. There's a lot of these channels you may or may not need.
Donald Marquez
You could probably free up some of your money, your cash, to buy a life insurance policy. If you go into the coffee house two or three times a week, that's $7 a cup of coffee, that's $21 a week. That's $21 a week, that's $84 a month. That'll offer you a life insurance policy. Well, you can easily go to the grocery store,
Donald Marquez
get your coffee beans, grind them up, or some really good coffee from a different grocery store and save you a lot of money. And not to say that how much gas it's gonna take to get there. I don't understand the language at these coffee houses. The whip, the tall and the small
Donald Marquez
and the small and the tall. I can't do it. I just refuse. You know, give me the whip and this. And I think people just go there just to out talk each other when it comes to ordering a simple thing like a cup of coffee. Just give me a cup of coffee, no sugar, just cream. And that's it. I don't need all that language to learn a vocabulary in ordering a cup of coffee. But here's another one. If you go to lunch at work every day you go to work every day and you go to lunch and you go to these fast-food restaurants and and the fast-food restaurant the average cost
Donald Marquez
for lunch there is about 15 to 20 dollars just to get a burger, fries, sodas which is very unhealthy. Really it is. I mean it that really adds up to the palette You know, it's very unhealthy for you where you can easily put a salad together Take it to work with you or take you know your leftovers from from dinner You know to work with you instead of spending 15 to 20 dollars for lunch every single day. It gets very expensive though those
Donald Marquez
Those fees add up. When you say you can't afford a life insurance policy, this is what you're doing on a weekly basis. You're buying your lunch, you go to the coffee house, then you buy your lunch. That's $20 a day. All day, every day.
Donald Marquez
Not to talk about the gas to transport yourself back and forth from these fast food restaurants. And by taking your food yourself to your job, you can save money. Annually eat a lot healthier. My name is Donald Marquez. This is news you can use. My contact phone number is 702-236-2624.
Donald Marquez
702-236-2624. Let's walk through the process of getting yourself a life insurance policy. If you have underlying health conditions, diabetes, lupus, a history of cancer. Let's sit down and talk about a whole life insurance policy. Up to $35,000 in coverage, benefits are paid within 24 hours. No health examination to apply, just a few health questions. One page application that I fill out, you just sit there or if you don't want to come in my office, we can
Donald Marquez
do a lot of business over the telephone. Most people qualify for the coverage even with health issues. Rates and benefits are locked in for the life of the policy. When I say rates and benefits are locked in for the life of the whole life policy, that means your policy is never going to go up and the face amount will never go down. A lot of you out there that's carrying accidental only life insurance benefits, that's not going to pay for filing expenses.
Donald Marquez
So when accidental only, and there's a heart attack or stroke, or you may pass away of natural causes, cancer, all these different natural causes, accidental only life insurance policies does not pay for natural causes,
Donald Marquez
regardless how long you've been paying on it. And I've heard this, I've had this conversation many times, but people have come to me,
Donald Marquez
for whatever reason,
Donald Marquez
they want to hold on to this accidental only life insurance. I heard you talking about it at KUNV 91.5 that that accidental only it doesn't pay for natural causes. It doesn't. Just read the fine print. You're wasting your money every single month. And I know you receive this information from from your credit union, from your banks, maybe department stores. You just received it in the mail from companies that you recognize.
Donald Marquez
But accidental only policies, the life insurance companies make a lot of money on accidental only policies because they don't pay out. They don't probably less than maybe 1%, a half of 1%. They make a fortune on accidental only policies because most or most of us don't have an accident and who wants to dive an accident and you say well You know just in case I have a car accident. Well, let me tell you something The car accidents are excluded or accidental only policies. They are now I do offer a whole life policy that does include accidental death from an auto accident
Donald Marquez
But it's it's a rider attached to a life insurance policy. In other words, it's an accidental death benefit enhancement. I do not ever ever offer my clients accidental only. Now if you uh, you know, if you have an evil Knievel lifestyle, maybe we could talk about accidental only, but that's really rare. And as we age in life, we have to be, you know, careful about the policies that we take because some of these policies that come in the mail are the worst offers that these life insurance companies can make. You buy a policy, the rate looks good, but it may only last for 10 years. And all of a sudden now, 10 years
Donald Marquez
go by and you know as we age we find out five, ten years go by in the blink of an eye, you're stuck with making a choice either continuing this policy, which after 10 years, after the policy expires, is your rate is gonna go up because the rates are based on your age. Right, your rate's gonna go up.
Donald Marquez
You guys, oh, okay, I need to cancel this. I can't afford it. Instead of getting a policy that's gonna take you out throughout the rest of your life that you don't have to worry about, you have the peace of mind
Donald Marquez
knowing that you have a life insurance policy that has a continuation throughout your entire life. I can help you through the process with a whole life policy. Up to $35,000 in coverage. There's no health examination, just a few health questions. Most people qualify even with health issues. Rates and benefits are locked in for life. I will find a policy that will fit in your budget. My name is Donald
Donald Marquez
Marquez. This is Your Insurance Connection. My location is on the corner of Sahara Rancho in the US Bank Center located on the eighth floor. That's right across the street from the Palisation Hotel. Sahara Rancho tallest building on the corner with US Bank on the top. 702-236-2624. 702-236-2624. I work by appointment You know I work by appointment just so I want to appreciate I do appreciate the people that came in to see me That purchase home auto life insurance. I do offer home auto life insurance
Donald Marquez
renters boat and motorcycle insurance Now I do work by appointment again 702 236 2624 I just want to give everyone a heads up the real Nevada ID, the Nevada real ID, we have a deadline to purchase this real ID and the deadline is May 7th, 2025. If you have to get your driver's license expired or you have to renew your driver's license,
Donald Marquez
that's a good time to do it. You do have to make an appointment with DMV to so the countdown for the real ID is on We have to May 7th 2025 to get our real ID and what they do they put a star on your driver's license When you go into the airports, you know, they can see this star on your driver's license You know, it's another thing we got to do. I
Donald Marquez
know on top of other stuff we have to do but get your real ID going and you know get to the airport as quickly as possible. Well yeah I was I was coming back from Washington DC and I was I think I was in Houston and sitting down putting my shoes on going through the you know and you know you got to put shoes on, go through the metal, whatever it is, they check you out at the airport.
Donald Marquez
I sat on a bench, lady sat right next to me on the bench and she sneezed. Ooh wee, she sneezed so bad, she didn't cover her mouth. I think from that sneeze, I caught COVID and the flu. I was out for a month. So if you listen to my program every Sunday from 8 to 8.30. And all of a sudden you
Donald Marquez
heard, oh, that was a I've heard that show before. I just want to let everyone know I had the COVID and the flu at the same time. So I was, I was out for about a month. I was out for about a month. It was really rough. And my children, I would I would, I was, hey, bring me some food. He said, well, daddy, what do you need? I need some food. I'm hungry. I was too weak
Donald Marquez
to cook my own food. I live alone and they would bring me my food, leave it at the front door, ring the doorbell, and take off. I do appreciate them, I love them, but good God. I mean, when you're sick and you're alone, I think it makes it worse. You do have the peace of mind, you know, people down downstairs watching television and, you know, I'm making a lot of noise. But when it comes to, you're like, oh man, I'm at home alone by myself, no company, and I have to deal with this illness, but I was out for a month. So if you're listening to this program every Sunday,
Donald Marquez
and you heard some, you know, reruns, I just want to let you know this is a pre, you know, a program that I love to come on and talk to listeners about insurance, but you know, I just want to apologize if you heard those reruns. But I'm back, and I'm getting all updated to what's going on and hey football season is here it's really hot in Las Vegas for whatever reason we're in October it should not be this hot in October I mean it's just 105 104 what is going on what is going on I don't get it I want to reduce my sprinkler system my water my
Donald Marquez
grass in my house and I looked at my water bill and I said, my God, what's going on? I'm about to get artificial turf. The water is getting very expensive. Just go out to Lake Mead and you'll understand why we have to be conservative when it comes to our water. Anyway, my name is Donald Marquez.
Donald Marquez
This is your insurance connection 702-236-2624, 702-236-2624, with a whole life insurance policy. two, three, six, two, six, two, four, with a whole life insurance policy, you do build a cash value. Cash value builds up over time
Donald Marquez
that if you need to borrow money from your life insurance policy. I'll tell all my customers, when you do borrow money, pay the money back, pay it back. Where are my smokers?
Donald Marquez
I rarely get people call me and say, you know what, I need life insurance, I am a smoker. That's really rare for what's for whatever reason and you're the main people in the life insurance Now if you don't have any life insurance or or you just retired and you quickly find out from you Career that you worked on for many many years That your life insurance policy out of the group. They don't offer any life insurance when you retire that happens quite often Let's sit down and have a conversation. I will find a life insurance policy that'll fit in your budget. 702-236-2624. 702-236-2624. I'm licensed in
Donald Marquez
the state of Nevada, California. I can find a policy that will fit in your budget. It's just not that difficult. Now, if you do have a life insurance policy, I do offer no obligation insurance reviews. No obligation insurance reviews. You have to bring your life insurance policy in or your car insurance, your homeowners. Bring it in. I'll review the policy and if you have a pretty good policy with your life insurance and it's going to take you for the rest of your life, I'll push it back
Donald Marquez
and say you know keep this, you know keep this. But if you do have a life insurance policy and I've seen many of you, seven out of ten people that I have an insurance review with with life insurance have the wrong life insurance policy seven out of ten because you had it toward a cliff eventually you're gonna pay into a policy and you in the policy is going to change or if you're experiencing right now with a flexible policy premium in other words so when
Donald Marquez
you initiated the policy it was at one price. Now as you age you see the price change. We need to sit down and have an insurance review offer up. No obligation insurance reviews. There's three type of policies out there. Term, Universal Life, and Whole Life. Now your Universal Life insurance policy more than likely have a flexible premium that adjusts as you age. Your term policy is 10, 15, 20, and 30 year terms. And at the end of these terms, then you go into the extended term.
Donald Marquez
It gets very expensive. I can insure you from day one to age 85, 702-236-2624. My location is on the corner of Sahara Rancho in the U.S. Bank Center located on the 8th floor 702-236-2624. My name is Don Marquez. This is your Insurance Connection broadcasting right here at KUNV 91.5 Jazz and More.
Donald Marquez
You have a beautiful day. Until next week, we'll do this again. Until next week, we'll do this again.
Donald Marquez
Just keep it crispy.
Transcribed with Cockatoo