Policies, Savings, and Financial Planning
This is a KUNV Studios original program.
Wesley Knight
The following is a paid program sponsored by Your Insurance Connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz & More, the University of Nevada Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Donald Marquez
Good morning, this is your insurance connection. I'm your host, Donald Marquez. On your insurance connection, we talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowner's insurance, yes, and we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show. Good morning, good morning.
Donald Marquez
My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection happy new year everyone 2025 yes 2025 I know some of you already broke your new year's resolutions I don't make new year's resolutions I just don't why should I wait to the new year to to take care of what I need to take care of now I don't wait to a certain date because most people you know two or three days maybe I think it's like three or four weeks into the new year people break their new year's
Donald Marquez
resolution but if that's what you need to do do it but with your new year's resolution it's always good to okay I need to check on my life insurance I need to check on my auto insurance and have her insurance review with Don Marquez broadcasting right here at KUNV 91.5 jazz and more Sunday morning 8 a.m. to 8 30. This is my first show for the year. Yeah, this is my first show of the year. I took a couple days off, you know, just to relax a little bit. Enjoy the holidays, you know, just enjoy the holidays. I had a
Donald Marquez
great Christmas, a great, you know, New Year's going into the new year. Celebrating with family and friends and it was it was great and I hope yours was great too. Let's get right down to it. My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection. I'm a licensed insurance broker offering auto insurance throughout our beautiful country and life insurance in the state of California and also Nevada. My hometown, I love Nevada. I do. I'm a southern Nevadan and I've been many places around the world and I love coming home.
Donald Marquez
We don't really appreciate what we have here until we leave it. We really don't. I mean, just simple things like a nice rope. You know, we get mad because all the cones are in the road. But I was in California, actually in California,
Donald Marquez
spending some time in the Southern California area and the roads are just rough. I mean, just bumpy, just whole potholes everywhere. As soon as I crossed the state line, everything just smoothed out. Just, it was like driving on glass. When I passed Buffalo
Donald Marquez
Beatles and it was like it was smooth sailing. It was like oh wow. You know and the little things like that I do appreciate about the city. I don't like the cones everywhere but they are you know making road improvements here in Vegas and you know it's an inconvenience but we'll get over it and then when the roads do open up and all the construction is done we're like this is nice. And meanwhile, while all the construction is going on, please pay attention.
Donald Marquez
And the reason why I bring this up, because there's a lot of accidents because of the construction. People on their cell phones are not paying attention. They're looking at people passing by on the side of the road. Maybe they ran out of gas, or maybe they ran out of energy.
Donald Marquez
You know they didn't put enough electricity in their car and they just stopped. And they're on the side of the road. I call them looky loos. The looky loos, you know, they slow traffic down. And unfortunately people have car accidents, rear end collisions. And it just keeps happening.
Donald Marquez
And when you switch lanes, or you think someone is going to go in your lane, look at their front tires. Their front tire will tell you that they're getting ready to switch in your lane. You can just kind of predict when they're moving over and just blow your horn. Pay attention because it's a lot of accidents. You know, I mean, unfortunately Vegas have are taking auto insurance rates. I'm getting, I'm receiving calls, people want an auto insurance quote because their rates, you know,
Donald Marquez
they have taken a significant hit in the rates. You know, you've heard the slogan on television, you know, people don't get rich off of auto insurance accidents, but you know, these attorneys make you think that, hey, you know, you get in a car accident,
Donald Marquez
you're gonna get paid compensated well if you're injured. Now, if you're not injured, you know, they could care less about getting your car repaired, but it's all about the injuries of course for them, but they're gonna take up to 40% of your money Yeah 40% of your money. I do recommend that you try to the process
Donald Marquez
Yourself it happens a lot quicker and your settlement is gonna be the same regardless. I mean they can they can sell it they just they just Create the price of an insurance has gone up and the reason why it's going to people get upset with the insurance companies, but you know, you got to think about all the claims that are paid out, the attorneys have to, you know, you go out and get an attorney to file an insurance claim. Think about it.
Donald Marquez
Okay, you had a car accident, you're going to need your car repaired. You have a little small bodily injury, soft tissue, you can take care of all this yourself. This is why you have insurance agents. And that is your option to get an attorney. It really is. And there's nothing wrong with getting an attorney because sometimes people really do need them
Donald Marquez
But I and I see in the insurance business for for soft tissue claims for frivolous claims That you can do yourself follow claim yourself get it all taken care of in a shorter period of time and get settled a lot quicker without an attorney but one is one of the driving factors of our rates going up in the state of Nevada is because of You know what? I just talked about the attorneys are driving the rates and and rates are getting very
Donald Marquez
expensive it's almost a good thing into the point was almost annual premium is around fifteen to two thousand dollars a car i mean is getting expensive that we're talking about will collision comprehensive on the coverages
Donald Marquez
and you know look at your rates uh... and and and if you do have a file a claim car your agent try that first but you do have a option to get an attorney that's your option that's your option now there's a serious accident you may need an attorney an expressivist you know with a commercial vehicle but you have the right to use that option I recommend my clients to call me first contact me first let's go
Donald Marquez
by step by step perhaps we can get this done a lot quicker you know a lot done quicker to get you compensated, get you, you know, get you go to physical therapy, get your physical therapy going and you, you know, and you get your settlement. Life goes on 40% up to 40% of your settlement
Donald Marquez
goes to your attorney. Think about that. You know, they have, they say, we won't take more than you. Okay. In my experience, oh my God,
Donald Marquez
I've been burned so many times car accident I hate being in a car accident and not the fact that I caused them because I've only caused one car accident in my in My life and I'm gonna tell you something. It was I'm glad I have good I'm glad I have high coverages on my policy because it was a bad accident Unfortunately, I got caught up in the construction made a left turn and you know, two people in the car was injured both cars totaled out I was fortunate enough nothing happened to me but the people that I hit
Donald Marquez
they had to go on a paramedic vehicle unfortunately but they're okay now today and we settled and life goes on my name is Don Marquez this is you know your insurance connection just talk about a little experience on myself I'm no I'm no different than you I come on the radio to help you better understand your insurance coverages, to better help you understand how insurance works, and also to save you money. You know I've been in broadcasting right here at KUNV 91.5 Jazz and More.
Donald Marquez
We're going on our third season here at KUNV. I call it the season. A third year at the KUNV 91.5 Jazz and More and you know I love what I do. I love meeting the customers that are listening to this program and come in and purchase home auto and life insurance or simply have a no obligation insurance review. My contact phone number is 702-236-2624. License in the state of Nevada, California for life insurance. I do a lot of business over the telephone. 702-236-2624. Now for auto insurance, I'm licensed throughout
Donald Marquez
the country, 48 states. Unfortunately, not California. Yeah, California is a whole nother I Don't know what's going on in California I think it's the insurance people people move from California because the cost of living over there is very expensive And the car insurance is getting really expensive in the state of California Homeowners insurance, I mean it's difficult for me to write a home in California So I'm I'm licensed in 48 other states other than California to offer home and auto, boat, motorcycle insurance.
Donald Marquez
In the state of California, I can only offer life insurance. And I say that because I do receive calls from people from California that listen to KUNV 91.5 Jazz & More. I thank you for your support, California, and all across our beautiful country. But when it comes to California, I'm just, you know,
Donald Marquez
I'm only offer, I can only offer life insurance at this time. Hopefully it loosens up in the future and I can offer you more products that I have. And what separates me from a regular insurance agent? And nothing wrong with your agents, I'm just saying as a broker,
Donald Marquez
I was a regular insurance agent. What do I mean by regular? Captive agent. That means I only sell for that company. I started with Allstate, I could only sell Allstate products and services.
Donald Marquez
Then I stayed at Allstate for seven to eight years. Went to, had a great offer to go to AAA. I went to AAA, stayed there long enough to retire. I can only sell AAA's products and services. In 2015, I decided, you know what, enough of selling just your products and services, I understood my value to my customer. I wanted to be able to offer more insurance products to my customers. I found myself many many times in my career picking up the phone calling an insurance broker and say you know what I can't place life insurance on my client because they have diabetes.
Donald Marquez
I can't place life insurance on my client because they had a history of cancer. But by now, 2015, I decided to be a broker. I retired from AAA. Now I'm an insurance broker. And that opens up a whole lot more products and services
Donald Marquez
so I can fully service my clients. My name is Don Marquez. I love what I do. As an insurance professional, and I would love to meet you my office is located right on the corner Sahara Rancho in the US Bank Center
Donald Marquez
Located on the 8th floor my business hours are Monday through Friday from from 10 a.m. To 5 p.m And some Saturdays, I will work by appointment. I only work by appointment 702 two three six 26 24 let's get into some questions people ask me and I get a lot of questions asked Can I buy a policy on someone that's not related to you? Yes, if there's a financial hardship
Donald Marquez
If there's a financial hardship because you may feel suffer financially You know paying a person's medical bills credit card bills. Now this happens when you Let's say coexist in a home. Now. It's a couple. They're not married, but they do coexist. They're, they don't want to get married for whatever reason, or they can't get married for whatever reason, but they do live in a household together. And yes,
Donald Marquez
can you can buy a life insurance policy on that person and pay for the policy, be the primary beneficiary and also be the payer on the policy. Now we could be limited to the face amount of the life insurance that we can get, but we can go over there doing the insurance process. And we want to make sure that you're comfortable too as well. Everybody has a final expense.
Donald Marquez
Everyone is listening to this program and many others that's not listening to this program has a final expense. And who is going to pay for it. So if you do have a you know if you cohabitate and you need to put life insurance on each other we can sit down and go over the conversation. What I want to know about is your medications that you're currently taking and if we if you don't decide to come in my office we can do it right over the telephone at 702
Donald Marquez
236 26 24 702 236 26 24 or if you do decide you want to come in by appointment my location Sahara Rancho US Bank Center Located on the 8th floor again. My business hours are Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. To 5 p.m And some Saturdays, I will work 7 0 2
Donald Marquez
2 3 6 2 6 2 4 now if you have a neighbor and he's getting up in age or she's getting up in age and you and you just want to put some life insurance on them you don't really have a financial interest there if you're not gonna suffer by their way of their loss and what I mean by suffering so you you may have to pay for the last final expenses those those bills credit card bills you may suffer because now you you have to pay bills on a car payment car insurance, et cetera, mortgage, rent.
Donald Marquez
Then you have to pay people to move the furniture out of the home. This is, and on top of that, you have to pay for a funeral. Oh my goodness. And they're renting anywhere from 15 to $20,000 today. Even if you want a cremation.
Donald Marquez
And people say, ah, I'll just get a cremation, you know, they don't cost that much. A cremation with a ceremony is averaging eight to $10,000 with a ceremony. What a ceremony means is you have your family members, your loved ones do a viewing, they'll have a service, after the service they will cremate the remains and they give you the earn to do whatever you want with it, but that is a cremation with a service and those
Donald Marquez
are running from $8,000 to $10,000. I've said this many times on my program, if you are a veteran, do not think the VA will pay for your services if you're not out after duty. If you're a disabled vet, and I'm going out to my disabled vets, you may or may not have coverage with the VA. The VA is only going to pay for the plot at the Boulder City Cemetery now you get a lot with that you get the opening the closing the headstone you also receive the containers whether you get a cremation
Donald Marquez
or not you get the containers for both you and your spouse and they can stack you on top of each other or side by side and yet again you don't have to wait till that day comes you know where your loved ones have to figure all this out as long as you have your DD 214 you can make arrangements now at the Boulder City Cemetery to even pick out your space you just have to contact them and and and go over the details now I have no connection with them at all but I
Donald Marquez
just want to inform you because you know I've talked to many disabled veterans oh you know I'm 60% I'm 70% disabled vet and I'm a hundred percent you know now if you are at a hundred percent there may be some options for you but your loved ones need to know they need to know how can they get in how okay how do they do this when you lose a loved one I mean you sometimes you don't have time to grieve because you need to figure everything out okay what do I do I don't know where the
Donald Marquez
important paperwork is I don't know if he has a life insurance policy or not. I don't know if she had what she had a life insurance policy. I don't know where the policy is. Don't know who the beneficiary is. And I said right before the holidays, people are getting together. That's the perfect opportunity to talk over, have a family meeting, say, you know, okay, who has life insurance? Who doesn't have life insurance? Who are the beneficiaries? We need to know. The worst thing can happen to you is this,
Donald Marquez
you lose a loved one, especially a close family member. And they didn't wanna talk about it for many, many years. And like, yeah, I don't wanna talk about it, I don't wanna talk about it. It's a reason why they don't want to talk about it.
Donald Marquez
They may or may not have life insurance, you know, and they don't wanna talk about it because they passing this debt on to you and you could be the responsible person so you should insist I need to know because when that and don't say if something happens to you don't stop that stop I had a gentleman in my office the other day he said well if something he said that
Donald Marquez
about three times I don't know four times he's gonna say it if something happens to me I stopped him right there so listen there's no ifs in the cemetery. We all going to have a day where we're going to be here today and gone today. My uncle used to tell me, my uncle Melvin used to say, it's not here today gone tomorrow. It's here today gone today. Now when that day happens for you, what family member knows what to do?
Donald Marquez
I encourage my listeners to put everything down on a piece of paper. Just write it down. Okay this is my car payment information. This is the phone number, my account number. This is my banking number information. This is my banking information. You know and put people in position to be able to take care of your final expenses. It gets very disheartening for a family member to come in a household and don't know what to do. They tear up the house looking for paperwork and important documents like a
Donald Marquez
life insurance policy because they know that the remains have to be taken care of. Through a funeral home the funeral home wants the money. Let's stop all that. When people pass the GoFundMes and, you know, car washes. You know, to order a bury somebody today at $20 a car, you have to wash 750 cars. That's $15,000.
Donald Marquez
And that's a lot of cars. That's a lot of cars to wash, you know, at $20 a car. Think about that. My name is Don Marquez. Let's get yourself a life insurance policy. And when you come in to see me, you know, be prepared
Donald Marquez
because I'm ready. You should be ready to go too. There's really nothing to discuss. We've already discussed, okay, the biggest thing is when you come to see me, what is your budget? I'm going to ask you what your budget is. The reason why I'm going to ask you that so we can just get behind all the Qs and As, and I don't mind answering questions, I really don't, but it boils down to how much you can afford per month how much coverage we can get for you at your
Donald Marquez
current age you should already know your budget there's only thing to talk about is okay this is much insurance we can get he showed me the options let's go ahead and get it let's get the process started when purchasing life insurance it's not like buying car insurance you can call around to get quotes for car insurance once they run your driving history and when I run you when you get a quote for me for your for your car insurance I'm gonna tell you what the rate is because I'm running your driving record. I'm running your claims history
Donald Marquez
So this is the rate that's going to be offered to you. It's different with life insurance It's not a quoting game with life insurance You can call all around all you want or go online, but that really doesn't dictate anything your body dictates the rate, your age, your medications you're taking. It's a lot of gray area when it comes to purchasing life insurance. This is why it's important to talk to a life insurance agent like myself that's experienced. I've been around for 30
Donald Marquez
years in the business. I can help you through the process. I can make it very 702 two three six twenty six twenty four seven zero two Two three six two six two four. My name is Don Marquez This is your insurance connection and I love coming on K you and be ninety one point five jazz tomorrow
Donald Marquez
I want to say again. Happy New Year everyone. Let's make the best of this year Yeah, we've had our challenges post Colvin, but we're gonna get through it. We're going to get through it. I get up every day positive attitude I don't I don't get up every day with a negative attitude I think when you start your day negative it is negative or negative you draw a negative attention When you start your day negative, but when you start your day off on a positive And you may hit you may get involved with some negative people and you might say hello
Donald Marquez
Good morning, and somebody like oh, what's good about it? How was your holidays ah just another day don't let that disturb your positive energy Just keep flowing keep a smile on your face. Let's stay positive folks I mean, it's enough negative out there and stop watching the news. Oh my goodness I had to turn the television off turn on some music. I listen to KUNV, 91.5, jazz and more to relax me, to keep me in a positive mood. But when you have a positive attitude toward life, things come to you that are positive.
Donald Marquez
And what I talk about on this program is positive, good information. People just don't understand sometimes when it comes to buying life insurance, they just don't know what to do. You know, they bombard it with a lot of information that comes in their mailbox just sign here will give you a million dollars worth of life insurance for less than ten dollars
Donald Marquez
a month that's an accidental only life insurance policy and it targets seniors all the time from well-known resources as you well know from your banks, your credit unions
Donald Marquez
even your department stores getting in on accidental only business because they know they're going to receive more money than they're going to pay out. So it's a great business to be in. And who do they target? They target seniors.
Donald Marquez
The seniors, unfortunately, you know, you're pushing your 70s, you're in your 70s, and you're almost 80, and you don't have any life insurance, and you get this offering in the mail, and it looks, oh, this is what I've been waiting on. Oh, God has answered my prayers. I have to say that because sometimes people think this is a gift. No, don't, don't, don't. No, because it's accidental only. You know, think about it. You're gonna get a million dollars worth of life insurance for a little less than ten dollars a month and you're
Donald Marquez
in your 70s. You know something's wrong with that. I'll take you through the process step by step. It's not that difficult. You know, we ask a few health questions, get it done, get it submitted, get you insured. So you all have the peace of mind knowing that you have life insurance. I have life insurance. I do. And I have life insurance on my children.
Donald Marquez
And they're grown.
Donald Marquez
Yes, I do.
Donald Marquez
My two boys, I have life insurance. And I pay the premium. And I don't mind paying my premium and their premium because I know the policy is going to stay in force. And when you're young and you're 25, you're 30 year olds, I'm gonna tell you right now, you can get a lot of insurance for low cost. A lot of insurance for low cost. You can get a million dollar policy for less than what it costs to get your nails done.
Donald Marquez
And I get a little excited because when I see what it costs to get your nails done, I'm saying, I'm not saying not get your nails done, but I'm just doing a comparison. It costs less money to go out for dinner for two to get a life insurance policy today, regardless of what your age are.
Donald Marquez
Because going out to dinner for two people, a nice dinner, one bottle of wine, and you know, dessert, most people don't eat dessert anymore, but you're talking about almost $300 150 to $300 really easy just to go out to dinner
Donald Marquez
And if you take your lunch to work every day good for you because you're eating healthier And you're saving money, but if every okay, I have an hour for lunch I'm warm ago today, and you go to the snack shop unhealthy food Right you eating this garbage every day burgers fries Pizza oh
Donald Marquez
everyday burgers, fries, pizza, oh my goodness you know you're loading up on the carbs, the calories and your stomach is like turning and burning because you're eating this daily or in the morning before you go to work and this happens to a lot of people they go to the coffee house they pay five to seven dollars a cup for coffee I don't even know what to call it double whip latte. I'll stop going to the coffee house
Donald Marquez
because I don't even understand the language. I just want a cup of coffee. Do you want a tall or small or what?
Donald Marquez
Wait, okay.
Donald Marquez
A tall is a small and a small is a venti. You know what? Just forget it. I'll just go home and I'll prepare my own coffee in the morning. And that's easy to do.
Donald Marquez
I take my lunch or I eat before I go to the office. Or I take my food to the office with me. It's very rare when I go out to lunch because I started adding up how much it cost me to go to my lunches. And I like to eat good, you know. I'll go to a power lunch, I'm like, that's $35 today.
Donald Marquez
Or next day, oh, I need, okay, a couple hours, I'll go to lunch and take care of a little business. Another day, okay that's another $25 bill. And I'm adding up throughout the week. This is when I was doing this. And you know, this is why I'm telling you, you probably be doing it too. But on average, I was spending probably about $30 a day for lunch. You know, $30 a day for lunch, that's $150 a week or if you even cut that down in half you know that's three hundred dollars a month for lunch that's a lot of money for lunch that's a lot of money
Donald Marquez
there there are ways to okay make some adjustments in your life to get a life insurance policy because the main one of the main questions i will ask is what is your budget for life insurance and it's not a guessing game once i know that information it's going to take me to the next level with you. I'm going to show you your options. You could do this, this, and this. We have universal life, we have whole life, and we have term.
Donald Marquez
Depending on the medications you take, you're going to fit in one of those categories. My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection or you can call me Donald Marquez. 26 24 7 0 2 2 3 6 2 6 2 4 I broadcast right here KUNV 91.5 Jazz and more every Sunday morning from 8 a.m. To 8 30
Donald Marquez
This is gonna be a good year. We're gonna stay positive things will work out in your life We just sometimes have to make a few adjustments I'm willing to make adjustments to make my life a lot easier a lot affordable and and secure my family's future My show is all about insurance financial literacy And if you do have a speeding ticket or you need a power of attorney One of our team members her name is Christine Bernard is on on team your insurance connection
Donald Marquez
She can help you with a power of attorney or trust Get rid of a speeding ticket get a reduced down to a parking ticket seven zero two two three six twenty six seven zero two two three six twenty six Twenty-four happy new year. Everyone will do this again next week until then just keep it crispy
Transcribed with Cockatoo