Prioritizing Life Insurance: Planning for Security and Peace of Mind
This is a KUNV Studios original program.
Wesley Knight
The following is a paid program sponsored by Your Insurance Connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz & More, the University of Nevada Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Donald Marquez
Good morning. This is Your Insurance Connection. I'm your host, Donald Marquez. On Your Insurance Connection, we talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowner's insurance, yes, and we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.
Donald Marquez
Good morning, my name is Donald Marquez. This is your insurance connection broadcasting right here at KUNV 91.5 Jazz and more Sunday morning from 8 a.m. To 8 30. Welcome to my show Keep it locked right here at KUNV 91.5 for valuable information about insurance. I'm a licensed Insurance broker right here in our beautiful state of Nevada and also, California and it's beautiful too as well Love California with the oceans and the beaches and it's just the atmosphere and the weather I'll trade you guys as weather any day of the week
Donald Marquez
Vegas and got real real hot in the summertime, but fortunately we're in a winter time and just another couple of weeks before the holidays and Christmas and New Years and All of that and for you know the first city of people think they're gonna You know do a lot of things they commit to do a lot of things, but I think on the list of commitment. Okay, I'm gonna do this this this this Let's put on your list. Let's take let's take care of our life insurance Let's take care of that. Well, if you're gonna wait to the first of the year, which is fine
Donald Marquez
I'm ready now But if you really want to go forward the first of the year to get an insurance review I am available I am available. So, you know people have checklists for the first year. There's always I'm gonna do this get lose weight that's kind of stop smoking lose weight that's probably you know one of the top fives out of there. You know then you know you have other commitments too of course we always want to make more always want to make more money maybe even change
Donald Marquez
careers. If you're looking to change a career I mean insurance industry is a great industry to get into. Insurance is going to be around for a long time you know things are going to come in and come and go Maybe one day is there there will be no more gasoline everything all the vehicles will be all electric That's gonna happen someday. We know it the future is coming to us and we can see it happening But insurance will be around it's gonna always be around forever
Donald Marquez
Great, if you're looking to change your careers Why not the insurance industry you do have to go to class and take a course now and they make it very convenient today. You can go on a computer and look up insurance classes. And if you're looking to change your career, why not insurance? Now, you don't necessarily have to be an insurance agent or an insurance broker. You can look at maybe being a customer service rep in the claims department. So many different departments within insurance. If you're looking to change your career, if that's one of the things on your list to change coming in to
Donald Marquez
2025 yeah, whoo where'd the time go? Time is such an asset. It really is Cuz you can't get it back It is a valuable asset every single day when I get up in the morning. I have a positive attitude I am very positive. I don't get out of bed said oh I got off up off the wrong side of the bed or I got up on the wrong side of the bed.
Donald Marquez
Just to say it a little clearer.
Donald Marquez
I don't say that.
Donald Marquez
You know, it's a bright day. You know, the birds are chirping. They're excited, because they can go out and hunt for whatever they eat. You know, the insects, and take it back to the little ones.
Donald Marquez
And you know, they chirp for the next day. Because when the sun is starting to rise, the crocodile, they're excited, and they're busy. I'm a morning person. I like to get up in the morning. I like to get up early in the morning
Donald Marquez
and take care of things I need to take care of and by the midday I'm almost done with everything. Unless I have appointments and customers like yourself that are listening to this program contact me at 702-236-2624. We'll talk about your insurance. If I have appointments at the end of the day, you know it's great because when you come in, we focus in on all your insurances, your life insurance, your
Donald Marquez
home, your auto, renters. If you have a motorcycle or a boat, I can review all your insurance policies, no obligation. 702-236-2624.
Donald Marquez
Donald Marquez
I'm licensed for life insurance in the state of Nevada and the state of California. Now auto insurance homeowners, I'm licensed in 48 states throughout the country and I want to thank the people that contacted me from other states. We talked about the auto insurance, people from Georgia. I just recently wrote a policy for people in Georgia. They're listening to KUNV, 91.5 Jazz and More.
Donald Marquez
They contacted me and they had a son in college and they needed insurance on their son. I wrote a policy for them. They bought him a car. This happens all the time. KUNV, people listen to KUNV all over the country and I want to thank you for your continued support. California
Donald Marquez
They call me and we take care of business either over the phone Or you can come into my office smile office location is on the corner Sahara Rancho in the US a bank center located on the 8th floor. I work by appointment 702 Two three six two six two four the US Bank Center is on the corner of Sahara Rancho across the street from the Palace Station Hotel and Casino.
Donald Marquez
My business hours are Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and there are some Saturdays I will work because I know some of you work 9 to 5 but I will come in on the Saturday by appointment 702-236-2624. A lot to talk about today. You know if you know the weather's changed check check your tire pressure On your car check your tire pressure. You can go in some of these tire companies offer free tire tire
Donald Marquez
Check for your air to make sure your air pressure is where it's supposed to be If you do have a warning light on you on your car saying you need to check your air pressure take that serious Because you could lose air pressure rapidly and you can create an accident. Now if you do have an accident, a car accident, one of the first things you want to do is you know get the information from the person that hit you or if you hit someone give their give up your information. You know if you hit someone regardless of what
Donald Marquez
happened you know let's say a change information make it easy you know the police officers don't show up unless there's a conflict or if there's bodily injury there's a lot of times they don't even show up uh... but you know if you do hit someone from the rear uh... ninety nine point nine percent ufo because you were following too close
Donald Marquez
I get these calls sometimes you know it was it was just driving too slow and all of a sudden they stopped and I hit them in the back well ufo you have to give yourself a safe distance and please please people I see it all the time on the i15 on the 215 on the 95 people are driving and texting what do you need to text for it is not that important for you to text and drive at
Donald Marquez
the same time don't do that that's one of the main reasons we have so many rear-end auto collisions and some of these auto collisions can be fatal people lose their lives because you just wasn't paying attention I'm sorry I was texting and I don't know why I was doing it when I was driving. It is a bad habit. Stop it.
Donald Marquez
Please stop it. I see people driving in excess over 70 miles an hour and have the phone in their hand and they're texting not even looking at the road. You cover a lot of distance and you're doing it riding at 70 miles an hour.
Donald Marquez
Driving at 70 miles an hour and you're texting, you're creating a hazard for everybody, including yourself. My name is Don Marquez. This is news you could use. I'm a licensed insurance broker right here in Las Vegas. Licensed for many years, 28 years in the insurance business.
Donald Marquez
And I absolutely love it. Well, wait a minute, hold on, 28, I'm going on my almost 29 years now. So 20, we got a new year coming up. So we're talking about now 29 years. If you're just tuning in, my name is Don Marquez. This is your
Donald Marquez
insurance connection broadcast every Sunday morning here at KUNV 91.5. Jazz and more. Public radio. That's right. I love public radio. I hope it's around for a long, long time because you know with public radio we have many other talk shows on KUNV 91.5 Jazz and more. And these talk shows that we have at KUNV 91.5, they benefit you. They definitely benefit you, help you prepare for your life. It gives you direction.
Donald Marquez
I listen to talk shows. I do. When I'm at home listening to the radio, I listen to other talk show hosts right here at KUNV and other stations too as well because they're very educational. When you listen to what they're talking about, I know we all want to hear the music. And I get it. We all want to hear the music, but sometimes if you just say, hey, you know what, I'm going to listen to a few of these talk shows and see what they're talking
Donald Marquez
about, and maybe it can improve my lifestyle. And more than likely, it will. I offer insurance. Life insurance is one of the main topics I talk about because I find the need for life insurance. Everyone needs life insurance. Everyone will have a final expense. It's going to happen.
Donald Marquez
Who's going to pay for it? And that's the question I ask over and again and again. Who is gonna pay for your final expense? Why would you wanna leave that responsibility on someone else to pay for a very expensive final expense? And final expense is not only paying for a funeral, which is about $15,000 to $20,000 today, but you're going to have final expenses when you
Donald Marquez
leave behind maybe a mortgage, rent to pay. If you're renting and the people say, well, I'm renting. Why should I worry about that? Because your loved ones, now you're the survivor you're the last survivor so your spouse passed you're the last survivor or you live alone and now you're renting now your family members have to come in and close out you know your estate they have to come in and maybe even come from out of town and take out of your apartment or your home you're renting all your valuables Valuables everything that you own they have to get the house rent ready now someone has to do that
Donald Marquez
May have they may have to take time off from work. We have to fly in from out of town to close out your estate What if you have a car payment left behind? You know and you want to have you have intentions of giving it to someone This is money that they're going to need them pay the car payments They may have to pay the rent for a couple of months until they get all your valuables out of your home or a mortgage. If you have a mortgage, you leave a mortgage behind, right? And you've taken care of business and you're going to pass
Donald Marquez
this home on to your family member. Now they have to pay those house payments because the mortgage company really doesn't care who gets, who the payment is coming from, as long as they get payment. Now you have to make sure you have someone on the deed of your home to transfer it or a will or a trust. More than likely a trust or someone on the deed of your home that will take over your property when that day comes and it comes for all of us. You know, first of the year is, you know, people have checkpoints the first of the year.
Donald Marquez
We talk about it all the time. I'm going to do this, this, this, this, and this. Maybe about 20 to maybe even 30% of your checklists get done. Because what we do, we procrastinate far too long. We procrastinate. We kick the can, say I'm gonna do it next tomorrow, I'm gonna do it next week. You know that we need to stop doing that. If anything on your checklist, one of the top items on your checklist is stop procrastinating.
Donald Marquez
Really, procrastination is a waste of time. Time is money and time you cannot get back. It is a valuable asset. You know, I get up every morning with a positive attitude. And it's hard sometimes to keep a positive attitude all day Because you know in the environment we live in people are a little mean sometimes, you know But you got to stay positive. Maybe you say to yourself, maybe this person has had is having a bad day today But you're not going to let it interrupt your flow
Donald Marquez
If you if you if you talk negative about people negative things come to you. It just happens when you think negative you surround you you have this negative energy that you surround yourself with and negative thoughts create negative energy create negative things happening in your life. When you think positive positive things happen and positive things continue to happen in your life. Of course we all gonna have bumps in the road but you know we have to reset and always think positive and moving forward. It's going to be okay. But get
Donald Marquez
your house in order. I do recommend get a will or trust and have everything together available for your family members when that day comes. They know what everything is. They know what a will, the trust is. They know what a life insurance policy is. If you have a piece of paper you can write down you know You know your mortgage company or your landlord you rent from, phone number, information on how to get in touch with them. If you have a car loan, this is my
Donald Marquez
car loan finance company, this is the phone number, this is my account number, your banking account, oh this is a big one, your bank account information, your credit card information, have all that down on the piece of paper so your family members know exactly where everything is. And also have your life insurance with all of this information. This is what I have. I have my trust, my life insurance policy,
Donald Marquez
I have everything, even my birth certificate, my marriage certificate, I have everything all together so my family members don't have to go in my home and tear it up looking for this valuable information they're going to need to take care of my final expenses. We all will leave final expenses behind. In this country, people leave debt on an average of $60,000 in debt. And that's not hard to do. Think about it. Pay for a funeral. That's about $20,000. Okay? Now, here we go. You have a car. You owe $20,000, $25,000 on your car. Let's say that's another $45,000 between a funeral and a car that's
Donald Marquez
$45,000 you have $10,000 in credit card debt That's $55,000 and a miscellaneous. Let's say miscellaneous. I talked about earlier paying the mortgage paying the rent for a couple of months. That's $60,000 easy in debt probably even more than that on average, but I'm just getting you and giving you an idea without any type of life insurance without a savings account if you're terrible at saving money why not get a life insurance policy it's just like having a savings account it's the instant savings account you get a
Donald Marquez
hundred thousand dollar life insurance policy and you pay a little toward it every month you just put a hundred thousand dollars in your savings account that's all it is and it's for a rainy day now people think well you know but you know people got to die for that money to be collected. Not necessarily. Because you can take an advance, even on a term life insurance policy, if you have a
Donald Marquez
terminal illness. If you have a terminal illness, you contact your life insurance company. Of course, they are going to verify all the information through your doctor. You can get an advance on your life insurance policy, either 60% advance or up to 80% advance on your life insurance policy if in fact you have a terminal illness Keep that in mind. My name is Don Marquez This is your insurance connection. My phone number is 702
Donald Marquez
2 3 6 2 6 2 4 7 0 2 2 3 6 26 24 I make it very easy for you. You come into my office, we sit down, we have a conversation about your insurance needs. How much can you afford to pay a month on an insurance policy is one of the conversations
Donald Marquez
we will have because I want to make sure it fits in your budget. What's the point of going through all of this and you can't afford the policy? We're not going to get there. And then you hold it for six months and cancel it. That's wasting everyone's time. But when you're serious about a life insurance policy,
Donald Marquez
you know, to protect yourself and protect your family from going to financial debt. You know, there's times when family members lose a family member, and this has happened a lot. You don't have time to grieve. You don't.
Donald Marquez
You don't have time to grieve because now you have to go into, I'ma do this mode. I'ma pay for this mode. Oh my goodness, I don't know where anything is. We talked about life insurance But you know that we never got it You know time went by so quick, you know because I'm gonna tell you something when you hit 50
Donald Marquez
It's like a blink of an eye and you're 55 and now you're pushing 60 and a blink for not 10 years goes by so fast Now you're 60 hitting 70 and you wonder and you wonder what happened to the time. Where did all that time go by? And you say, wow, time go by so quick. And it does. It goes by one second at a time.
Donald Marquez
So utilize your time wisely. You know, have your checklist for the beginning of the year. And one of the vital things to have on your checklist is get yourself a life insurance policy. I offer life insurance policies. I represent 60 companies. I have whole life, term, universal life insurance. I can help
Donald Marquez
you guide you down the path to the right policy that fits your budget and also fits you. Every part of our policies don't fit everyone. Now if you may be in a better position to get term versus whole life or universal life. It just really depends. And you know, people that's in their mid-30s with a young family, you can get a lot of life insurance for a very low cost. You know, a family member, or if you're a single parent, why not get yourself a life
Donald Marquez
insurance policy? I can make you a millionaire for what it costs to get your nails done. You know, and I'm not picking on people to get their nails done. I get pedicures, manicures myself because I like to stay neat. But I see so many women coming into the nail shop and they're spending every two weeks about $200 get their nails done. That's $400 a month. And of course I know you want to look good ladies I'm all for that. But you know
Donald Marquez
you're getting your nails done for $400 a month but you don't have any life insurance and you have three young children at home. You have three young children at home. Or here's another one if you have a you know you have a really nice luxury car and no life insurance. You know we we concerns ourselves more with auto insurance than we do with life insurance. We need to change that around. Life insurance will pass on generational wealth. There are so many benefits and it's a tax-free benefit. You can get a
Donald Marquez
million dollar life insurance policy. You pay zero dollars in taxes. Let me say that again. You can get a million dollar life insurance policy you pay zero dollars in taxes. It's to offset your taxes. Now if you have a large estate and you need to offset it with a life insurance policy because you know it's a thing called death taxes and sometimes people do offset with a life insurance policy. Well I have a life insurance policy I owe all
Donald Marquez
this money you know when I die my family members are they gonna inherit my debt We can offset with a life insurance policy my contact phone number seven zero two two three six two six two four seven zero two two three six twenty six twenty four My name is Don Marquez my office hours are Monday through Friday from five from 10 a.m. To 5 p.m. and
Donald Marquez
Some Saturdays I will work now my office location is on a corner of Sahara Rancho in the US Bank Center Located on the 8th floor. We make life insurance affordable easy to pay a monthly draft come directly out of your checking account You can select a due date between the 1st and the 28th of the month. So a lot of people like the 15th,
Donald Marquez
or I get paid every third Wednesday on my social security. You know, social security is a savings account in a sense, because when you start working, you pay in the social security. Now, not all employees pay in the social security. Now, you may work for PERS or the government,
Donald Marquez
you may not pay in the social security, but it's a nice benefit to have as you age. But sometimes, you know, people on a tight budget, I get it, when you're on a tight budget, we all on a budget, I'm on a budget. I can make it easy for you to fit in your budget
Donald Marquez
with a life insurance policy. Someone has to take care of your final expenses. Why leave this burden on your loved ones? And now, also, I said earlier, it is a living benefit. If you have a life insurance policy that has equity in it in other words It has built cash value over time. That's money you can use now
Donald Marquez
That's money you can borrow against yeah I highly recommend you pay it and pay it back And it's not a set payment if you take out five thousand dollars on you on your life insurance policy And I've seen this happen over and over again now people don't pay it back. It's called a rule of seven. So you take out 5,000 on your life insurance policy,
Donald Marquez
let's say seven years go by, that $5,000 could turn into $10,000. Now another seven years go by, now all of a sudden now you take out five, now you're on your 14 years and you still haven't paid any money toward that loan.
Donald Marquez
That loan could double. I had a lady come in once and she took out $2,000 and it was almost 21 years ago. I said, did you ever pay anything on it? She said, no, but I heard you talking on the radio about borrowing money on a life insurance policy. I didn't pay any money back. I just need to know where I'm at right now. Now she had a $50,000
Donald Marquez
life insurance policy and nothing I sold her. She's had it for a while and it was almost going 21 years she had the policy she owed over $24,000 would accumulate an interest on that and it was getting ready to double again it was getting ready to double again so she said I have $50,000 worth of life insurance policy I contact her life insurance company find out how much she owes she's oh my god over $23,000 I can't pay that. I said, well, that's what you owe.
Donald Marquez
She said, I only took out $2,000. I said, what happened? It doubled, and it doubles every so many, and it depends on the interest rate too. And I think she had a really high interest rate on money borrowed against her policy.
Donald Marquez
That's why she accumulated from borrowing 2,000 all the way up to 23,000. So what we did, and then she was sitting there, she was so nervous sitting at my desk, I said, don't worry about it. Found out she was healthy enough
Donald Marquez
to get another life insurance policy. We surrendered that policy. She got another, I think they sent her a close of $2,000. On the surrender, we opened up a brand new life insurance policy. A brand new policy, and then so she could move forward.
Donald Marquez
Now, the new policy cost almost as much as the policy she was paying for that she had purchased almost 20, 25 years ago. And the funny thing is, uh, she signed a new policy. She was like, Oh, I just need to ask you one question, Mr. Marquez. I just want to know. I just, what about that $23,000? I said, that debt is forgiven.
Donald Marquez
That's over because you surrendered the life insurance policy. You no longer owe the 23,000. The life insurance companies are going to send you a check close to $2,000. And what am I doing with that money? I said, whatever you want to do with the money, it's your money.
Donald Marquez
This is a living benefit. I help people like this all the time. That's not the first time I've helped someone get out of a life insurance policy that has accumulated, you know, a loan where the loan has accumulated over time.
Donald Marquez
They took out a small loan. They never paid into the loan because when you make that life insurance payment, that none of that money goes on your normal payment toward your loan. That's a separate payment.
Donald Marquez
And you have to make arrangements with the life insurance company to pay on the loan. It doesn't matter what amount, as long as you're paying something toward that loan to offset the interest rate and the balance of the loan. For more information, my name is Don Marquez.
Donald Marquez
This is your insurance connection 702-236-2624. 702-236-2624 located on the corner of Sahara Rancho in the US Bank Center on the eighth floor. I work by appointment, business hours and money through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 702-236-2624.
Donald Marquez
Now if you have a loved one that's a little overweight, can't been turned down for life insurance, I have a policy there's no health examination, just a few health questions to ask. I've insured gentlemen, I've insured people that weigh in excess over 400, 500 pounds and there's no question asked how much you weigh. Now if you have diabetes, lupus, multiple sclerosis, a history of cancer, stage 1, stage 2 cancer.
Donald Marquez
We can talk about a life insurance policy for you. If you have a stint in your heart, I can write a policy from day 1 up to 85 years young. I'm a licensed insurance agent throughout the country for auto insurance, homeowner's insurance, 48 states. Now for life insurance, I'm licensed in the state of Nevada and the state of California. Let me guide you through the process.
Donald Marquez
You're spending a lot of money out here for Christmas. You know, I mean, one of the valuable gifts you can give to your family is a gift of love. Tell them, hey, you know what? I took out a life insurance policy with Don Marquez. I made you my beneficiary
Donald Marquez
of my $100,000 life insurance policy. Merry Christmas. They're gonna look a little puzzled at first, but that's not a bad. And if you wanna leave, let's say your church or you maybe you make a donation to a Nonprofit organization or if you want to make a donation you could take your life insurance policy
Donald Marquez
Take out take out a change of beneficiary form and if you want to leave your church or a nonprofit organization Some money you could do that with your life insurance policy. Okay, I'm gonna leave 10% to whatever organization 5% 20% whatever you want to leave behind to an organization, maybe help children with cancer, you know help the veterans, you could do that with a life insurance policy. Or you can assign, if you're concerned about your family members, you can assign a funeral home a percentage of your life insurance policy to cover your final expenses. This is news you can use.
Donald Marquez
My name is Don Marquez.
Donald Marquez
For more information, 702-236-2624.
Donald Marquez
702-236-2624. We'll do this again next week. Happy Holidays everyone. Be safe. Be safe. Do not drink and drive.
Donald Marquez
Have a conversation with your family members when you get together for the holidays. Let's have a family meeting. Talk about who has life insurance, who doesn't have life insurance, and what we're going to
Donald Marquez
do about it.
Donald Marquez
You can always contact me at 702-236-2624. Have a conversation with your family members when you get together for the holidays. Let's have a family meeting.
Donald Marquez
Talk about who has life insurance, who doesn't have life insurance, and what we're going to do about it. You can always contact me at 702-236-2624.
Donald Marquez
Have a conversation with your family members when you get together for the holidays.
Donald Marquez
Let's have a family meeting. Talk about who has life insurance, who doesn't have life insurance, and what we're going to do about it. You can always contact me at 702-236-2624. Have a conversation with your family members when you get together for the holidays. Let's have a family meeting.
Donald Marquez
Talk about who has life insurance, who doesn't have life insurance, and what we're going to do about it, you can always contact me at 702-236-2624. I can help you and your family members moving on to 2025 with a life insurance policy to secure your future and also their future from additional filing expenses that's going to occur on somebody. Someone has to pay for it, why not start paying for it a little bit at a time. 702-236-2624.
Donald Marquez
My name is Don Marquez. We'll do this again next week from 8 a.m. to 8.30 right here at KUNV. 91.5, jazz and more. 91.5, jazz and more. Until then, just keep it crispy.
Transcribed with Cockatoo