Securing Your Future: A Comprehensive Conversation on Life Insurance Benefits, Coverage Options, and Policy Management

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a kunv Studios original program.

Unknown Speaker 0:03
The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:25
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host. Donald Marquez, on your insurance connection, we talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowner's insurance, yes, and we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show you.

Unknown Speaker 0:46
Good morning. My name is Donald Marquez. This is your insurance connection. Broadcasting right here at K, U, N, V, 91.5, jazz and more. Happy Sunday morning, from 8am to 830 every Sunday. My name is Donald Marquez. I'm a licensed insurance broker. Keep it log right here at K u n v, 91.55, jazz and more for our more talk shows and, of course, our amazing music broadcast every single day. At K u n v, I'm a licensed insurance broker. Coming on to educate you about insurance, life insurance, homeowners, auto insurance, but primarily I focus on the life insurance because I find in all populations, we need to have life insurance in our households. You know, let's, I'm gonna get you qualified for a life insurance policy just by listening to this broadcast, I'm gonna ask my listeners to think about what I'm asking you these questions to qualify for a small benefit, whole life insurance benefit up to $35,000 in coverage. Now, who would need a policy up to $35,000 in coverage? Let's say you have a history of diabetes, lupus, cancer, multiple sclerosis, you have underlying health conditions where you've been turned down before, or if it's not for you, maybe for one of your loved ones have been turned down. So let's get right to it. You know, benefits are paid in 24 hours a whole life. Benefit up to $35,000 in coverage. And this is what I really do enjoy, to tell my listeners, there's no health examination, just a few health questions to ask. Most people qualify with even with health issues and rates and benefits are locked in for the life of the policy to age 100 once you qualify for the insurance. Know there's no physical and the rates and benefits are likely and for the life of the policy, one of the questions I get asked most often is, can I raise my life insurance? Can I increase the benefit? I get that question asked quite often now, if your policy has been in effect for the last two years, what we'll do? We just, if we can, we'll write you a new policy. But let's say you take the full 35k I would have to find another insurance company, a whole life company, with your underlying health benefits to write an additional policy, because you've taken the full amount up to 35,000 or if you take less than 35,000 let's say you only take 20,000 but now you have an additional 15,000 to apply for. My name is Donald Marquez. Well, I'm gonna make this real simple, real easy. Now if you want to include accidental death benefits, we do have accidental death, single dismemberment and death due to a car accident is also included in the policy benefits. Now let's here are the questions, because some people get a little concerned about, you know, the process when it comes to getting a life insurance policy, the first step is take your name, your address, you know, just your basic information, your phone number. Of course, we're going to need your date of birth and whether male female just go down the list. You know, then we want to know if you want to have any child writers, anyone, any child 17 years or younger, can be added on to your life insurance benefit. Now, when we go on for final expense, we have a monthly payment method, monthly draft or annual draft. Or you can have select a semi annual draft. You know, this is not that difficult. You can select the due date between the first and the 28th of each month with the child writer, your child is included on your life insurance policy because sometimes family members want to add their young children or even their grandchildren onto the life insurance policy. Now they're insured up to age 25 they will spin off and offer their own life insurance policy. It's a cost effective way to include your young family members 17 years or younger on the life insurance policy. There's no physical required for the young person added, whether it's your child or grandchild, or if you're a guardian taking care of child, you can add a life insurance policy on your child, but they would be on your policy as an additional writer, your primary beneficiaries and your contingent beneficiaries. Let's talk about that for a moment, because sometimes I get mis written down who's the primary who's a contingent. Now your primary beneficiary is going to be a person, or persons up to 100% of the death benefit. Now, the face amount of the policy, they will receive the face amount of the policy when that day comes, and it comes for all of us. Now they're going to be the ones that who receive the benefit. Now your contingent beneficiary is a person that's in a in a hold position, just in case your primary beneficiary passes before the applicant passes. In other words, the owner of the policy if the beneficiary pass, then the contingent beneficiary automatically moves up in the primary position at a percentage, or at a full 100% just keep in mind your primary beneficiaries has to, if you have multiple primary beneficiaries, that it has to add up to 100% and let's say, just for an example, if there's two people, 5050, or however you want to divide it 6040, and that. Oh, and here's another one too, if you like to leave your church or non your organization, or whoever you would like to leave the policy to, you can also assign the primary benefit not to only a person, but also to a non profit, or, let's say, a church, or if you would like to you can do this too. I've seen people do it. Add their feudal home of choice as your primary beneficiary. So, you know, you don't really don't have to add a person as a primary beneficiary. That's my whole point. And again, I spoke about the contingent, but I've seen this happen. People write down they have two beneficiaries. They'll have 50% for the primary beneficiary and 50% for the contingent beneficiary. That is filled out, absolutely incorrect. Absolutely incorrect. Now, if the primary, as I say, the husband and the husband passes away before the wife, as an insured individual, then the contingent person, if there is one, will automatically moved up. So many of you out there have lost your primary beneficiary through time, but you haven't replaced that primary beneficiary yet. And I cannot say this enough. I've said it many times on my show. You need to contact your life insurance company, get the form, get the form, fill it out, get you a new primary beneficiary because you don't want your policy to go into probate at that time when your family really gonna need the policy most. And they felt like, well, you know, Dad died years ago, and mother, she never did, put a new primary beneficiary on the life insurance policy. That's why it's also good to have an insurance review so we can get updated on your life insurance. I offered no obligation reviews to have you come in. We sit down together with your life insurance. I'll review it, no charge to you. We'll review all your policies, your home, your auto, especially your life insurance, because I find that the life insurance is always one to look at, and there could be something wrong. If there's nothing wrong with your life insurance, I will push it back and say, keep what you have. But you know, I would say seven out of 10 people that come to see me on an insurance review, there's something wrong. A lot of times you may have accidental only life insurance, and I know it, or your policy could expire when you turn in your mid 70s. We don't, we don't really have time to, you know, on our side, you know, time goes by so valuable. It's valid. Time is valuable. It goes by so quickly. You know, just three weeks ago, I've been in the studio. In almost three weeks, this is my first time back, and I think my loyal listeners to continue to listen. But I had covid and the flu, so I've been in, I've been out, uh, trying to heal, trying to get well, but it's good to be back in the studio. Uh, let's continue. Let's continue. Um, now if you are a tobacco smoker, which I get very few tobacco smokers calling me, where are my tobacco smokers? Cigarettes? You smoking cigarettes? Or if you smoke, if you smoke a cigar, on occasion, we may not rate you as a smoker. Or if you smoke cannabis, which it is legal in the state of Nevada, we will not rate you as a smoker. I licensed. I am licensed for the state of California and also for the state of Nevada.

Unknown Speaker 9:35
Now, if you have HIV or AIDS and you have less than 12 months to live. That's one of the questions we ask. Or if there's an applicant that is bedridden, hospitalized or in a care facility, receiving hospice care, this is one of the questions I will ask now, nine more questions here, and these questions only go back two years. Disease of the heart, including heart attack or. Surgery or congestive heart failure, disease of the circulatory system, including stroke, aneurysm or been advised to have surgery to improve circulation. Now, if you answer noted that those questions I just previously, previously asked, then you know you're almost good to go. We're halfway there cancer, other than basal cell skin cancer. So if you have cancer other than basal cell skin cancer, we can still get your policy regardless. Disease of the lungs, including COPD or emphysema, other than asthma, we can get your life insurance policy. Disease of the liver, kidney, had an organ transplant, still can get your life insurance policy, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, organic brain syndrome, or ALS Lou Garrison's disease. Now, if you or you have a loved one that has Alzheimer's or dementia, we would need a third party, an additional person, maybe a wife or relative, to answer the questions in your behalf, and also have the money come out of their account to pay the premiums. We cannot have the premiums coming out of the person's account with Alzheimer's or dementia, they we need, we need an additional individual to sign for that individual with Alzheimer's or dementia. You know, it's very simple. It's not that difficult. If we need to, we can authorize a POA power of attorney. I have Christine Bernard as a team member of your insurance connection. She can put together a POA Power of Attorney. So you will be full author, so you'll have full authorization to speak in this individual's behalf that has Alzheimer's or dementia, and also you can sign for them real easy, very simple, alcohol or drug abuse, alcohol or drug abuse, if you have alcohol or drug abuse problems, we can still get your life insurance policy just so don't give up there. Complication of diabetes. This is one that you know, you know a lot of diabetics out in Vegas. I had no idea that with that many diabetics. But, you know, cut down on your sugars. You know, sodas, pizza, breads, ain't really not good for you. Complication of diabetes mean, meaning, including amputation, diabetic coma, blindness or kidney disorder. Now, if you don't have complications of diabetes, including amputation, diabetic coma, blindness or kidney disorder, you're good to go. You're good to go. Most people don't have those complications. So if you are a diabetic, you know, really watch. You watch what you eat. You know, just stay focused. You know, you can always go online and find the do's and the don'ts, what foods are good to eat and what foods are not good to eat. Has the applicant been advised to have a diagnostic test relating to any of the questions that I just asked, except for those for HIV AIDS, which the results have not been received, these are one of the questions I'm asked, Are you waiting on test results? Now we also want to know, does the applicant have an existing life insurance that's a yes or no. All these are yes or no answers, by the way, and will the policy replace or change other insurance or annuity contracts. Now, we want to know if you have a current life insurance policy, or will this policy replace the policy that you currently have. We want to make sure it is to your benefit to if you need to replace your current life insurance for a new policy. Sometimes you may have term and the term policy is running out. The beauty of our whole life policy is it stays with you to age 100 now there's three type of life insurance that I offer, term, Universal Life and whole life, my whole life product is for individuals with underlying health conditions, lupus, cancer, COPD, if you have, you know multiple sclerosis, you know lupus, that's another one. Diabetes. People get turned down for these underlying health conditions. Or if you you know, you wait, if you have a certain weight, and you've been turned down for life insurance, I've never asked what your weight is, your height is on this application, the question is not there to ask, how tall you are, how much you weigh. They don't ask the question. Fortunately, up to $35,000 worth of coverage. I've insured a gentleman. He weighed over 600 pounds, and one of the questions was not on there, sir, how much do you weigh? Or, ma'am, how much do you weigh? How tall are you? We don't ask that question. We get to qualify for the life insurance and benefits or rate are locked in for the life of the life insurance policy. And in most cases, you have day one life insurance. Day one there's not a two or three year wait period. Now, some of these policies you receive, these offers you receive in the mail, there's a two to three year wait period. So yeah, the buyer beware. I never advise people with. Comes in the mail, and they come from well known resources, your credit unions, your banks, your department stores, and you say, oh, okay, I'm I'm familiar with that brand name. I'm gonna sign up for this accidental only life insurance policy. Do not get fooled by an accidental only life insurance policy, because they don't pay for natural causes. Keep that in mind. They only, only, only pay for an accident again. You know the delivery method is the policy will come to you by way of mail. Once we complete the application, we get the authorization to to move forward with the life insurance policy. Once you receive your life insurance policy, once you per you know, you purchase it for through me, then you'll call me, we'll make another appointment, and we'll go over the life insurance policy line by line. It's very simple. It's a whole life insurance policy that builds cash value over time. You know, we could do it over the phone, or we could do this policy in person. It doesn't take that long only about 45 minutes of your time. You know you can select the due date between the first and the 28th of each month when you want the policy premiums pull some people like the middle of the month, for whatever reason, it works better for the middle of month. Of course, we want your bank information, not your debit card. We would like to only have your checking account. And the reason why we don't want your debit card because debit cards change over time. They get lost or misplaced, or they may expire, and you get a brand new card, and people don't notify the life insurance company to say, You know what, my debit card has expired. This is why we want checking accounts and routing account numbers, because they usually stay the same. They don't. They don't change unless you change banks. But if you do change the banks, we need to know. Here's another question I get asked from time to time, if, if you start in an account, open your you open your account with, let's say Bank A, and you've had it for a couple years now, you move the bank B, we need to know what the bank that is, because we won't know. Or you could also select an additional due date, or you know, or you can, what I'm saying is you could change your due date. You could change your due date. If you selected the 15th of the month, you can change it to a different date of the month, up to the 28th My name is Donald Marquez. This is your insurance connection. My contact phone number is 702-236-2624, 702-236-2624. If we have a policy that's over $20,000 in coverage, we need to know the name of the medications you're currently taking now, whether you take them or not, but you fill the prescription, they're always going to show up. Some people come to me say, Well, you know, I I do fill a prescription, but I don't take the medications. But, you know, life insurance company doesn't know that, but you are filling the prescription, no matter what it is you're filling the prescription. So the life insurance companies, when you take into those pills or not, they're still going to rate you accordingly. What they look at you know, you're taking the medication. That's how they look at it. You're taking the medication. Now, when it comes to your child rider, that was only a few health questions. They want to make sure the child is healthy. There's no physical for your child. As a writer, as I said earlier in the conversation that you can ensure your child or even your grandchild as a child rider, as long as they're 17 years or younger, we can add the child on the life insurance policy. There's no physical there's only four health questions. We want to make sure the child is not institutionalized in a care facility or receiving any type of hospice care, and also your grandchild or your child is not diagnosed with the following diabetes or heart, heart condition, cerebral palsy, muscular different spin this bifenia or a, you know, a cystic fibrosis. I messed that up a little bit, but hey, we'll fix it later. And also, we want to make sure the child is now doesn't have AIDS or HIV. You know, this is not that hard. This is not that difficult. I'm still struggling a little bit with my with my slinging around. I got a little flu going on, a little cold going on, look, congestion. But I'll be okay. You know, I'll be okay. My name is Don Marquez. For more information. My contact phone number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 if you're going to plan on doing a little traveling coming up next year, just keep in mind

Unknown Speaker 19:40
we have up to May 7 of 2025, to get the real ID. The TSA is acceptable accepting REAL ID at the airports, at the checkpoints. It's a star that you put on your driver's license. But we have up into May 7 2020, Five to get the real ID for checkpoint purposes in the airport. Keep that in mind. You can, you can make an appointment with the DMD to go down and get your REAL ID. It's probably a good time to get your REAL ID when you your driver's license is getting ready to expire. That way, you can take care renewing your driver's license and getting your REAL ID at the same time. 702-236-2624 702-236-2624, I'm a licensed insurance agent right here in Las Vegas and also California, you know. And if you do have loved ones that need life insurance. If you do, you need, you need life insurance for yourself. Everyone needs a life insurance policy. With the rising costs of funerals today, I don't know how you cannot have not have life insurance. Someone has to pay for this very expensive funeral. Just had a friend call me up the other day. I'm so unfortunately, you know she lost her husband, and you know she didn't know what to do. We're fortunate enough to get her 80% of the life insurance policy before she receives the death certificate. Now, she didn't know she can have this money coming to she this money that was available to her as a beneficiary. She said, What do you mean? I can get the money now. I said, you can get up to 80% of the death benefit before you receive your death certificate and the real and the reason why you want to do that is because, because when you take your loved one to the funeral home, right, the funeral home will use a when you use your life insurance policy, they will use a third party, and they do charge interest on the money that's going to take to bury your loved one. Let's start. Let's go for an example, you take your life insurance policy into the funeral home. So this is my dad's policy. They are okay, add up what the funeral is going to cost. Total cost, let's say 16, $15,000 okay? $15,000 for the funeral, they'll add an additional percentage. Now, use this about 10% but it could be even higher. And so 50 on $15,000 at 10% that's an additional $1,500 up to $1,500 at 10% you know, up to 10% let me say, up to 15. That's $1,500 add it on to what you're already paying for. So if the funeral costs 15,000 now, they add another 10% on top of that. Now you write at 16 five, you could save that money by taking in advance, and then the money will be in your account within a couple of days taking an advance, and you don't have to pay that additional fee. You don't. And then this is why it's important to have an insurance agent that you can talk to. When I find out one of my clients have passed away, I pick up the phone and I contact the beneficiary, give my condolences to the family, and explain to them as the beneficiary, what is the process to getting the money to take care of these filing very expensive filing expenses? It's not that difficult, and I will give my authorization. If I wrote the policy, and we go through Lincoln heritage Life Insurance Company, I can authorize up to 80% of the face amount of the policy to be in your checking account within 48 hours. My name is Donald Marquez. This is your insurance connection. My contact phone number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. Again, on a whole life insurance policy, there's no medical exam, just a few health questions that they're yes or no questions. I laid out the questions so you can, in your mind, answer yes or no, whether you have these conditions or not. Where are my smokers? I rarely get anyone calling me for life insurance that smoke with the cost of cigarettes at $10 a pack. How can you not afford not to have life insurance? Just reduce your cigarettes at $10 a pack of cigarettes. If you smoke a pack a day, that's $70 a week. That's $280 a month. If you buy a pack of cigarettes every single day, $280 a month. And you know, in California, you cannot buy menthol cigarettes anymore. They in the state of California, they stop selling menthol cigarettes because they understand the dangers with cigarettes, especially menthol cigarettes. I am here to take you through the process, step by step. It is not that difficult to you know, life insurance is a gift of love. I mean, you can look good on the outside, drive nice cars. And I talk to people, single people, you know, they have two or three cars, and you can only drive one car at a time, but you do need life insurance. And I've heard people say, You know what? I'll just leave that up to my children. I've taken care. Of them all my life, it's time for them to take care of me. I don't think that's fair to them, because they have their own responsibilities, and now all of a sudden they're burdened with an additional bill of 15 to $20,000 to take care of your responsibility. I don't think that's fair to leave anyone in a position to take care of your responsibility. And it's not that difficult to do. It is really not I mean, we spend money on other things, like I said, some people, one person, may have two or three cars. Do you really need two or three cars? Or they may have toys. Do you really need all these toys? And I hate to say this, ladies probably get upset with me when I say this, but these Gucci bags for four or $5,000 Are you serious? No life insurance? I mean, you can look good on the outside, but when it comes down to your finances, your family's gonna find out. You know, looking good on the outside really doesn't matter, because not only they gotta take care of the funeral, but you have to take care of other final expenses, moving your furniture out of the house, maybe paying the mortgage for a few months, paying the rent for a few months, because, man, they maybe they have to fly in town because they don't, they don't have the luxury of being here and take care of these final expenses that's going to come up. So, you know, a funeral, let's say it's 15 to 20,000 but we're going to add on additional fees, because it's gonna cost that if you need to pay a mortgage for three months, just just imagine what that cost additional. If you have to pay rent two or three months, just imagine what that cost additional now you have to move all the furniture outta out of the home, get it rent ready or sell it. How long will that take while the home was being in the process of selling, if you could sell a home, because now your name is on the deed, or, you know, the property's been passed down to you, you have to wait for the will. I mean, it's a it's a waiting process. People go into debt. A lot of times they have to file bankruptcy because that loved one that did not get take out a life insurance policy secure their finances. Usually in the United States, they leave up to $60,000 in debt to their loved ones. Losing a loved one is one of the leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States. The United States, one of the leading causes of bankruptcy is because someone just didn't take the time out say, You know what, I can't afford a life insurance policy because you cannot afford not to have one, because you do not want to burden your loved ones with this very expensive lesson to learn. And it only takes one or two funerals to realize that, hey, you know what, we're not going to do this again. And I've had many people come in to tell me, you know, we pay for two funerals. We're never going to do that again, and not only the funeral, the additional costs involved too. My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection. My phone number is 702-236-2624, 702-236-2624, my location is in the heart of our beautiful city, right on the corner of Sahara and Rancho in the US Bank building located on the eighth floor. I work by appointment. My business hours are Monday through Friday, from 10am to 5pm 702-236-2624 702-236-2624, you guys. Have a good week. And you know it's gonna get cool down here in a little bit. Just, just, just be patient. We get out of this 100 plus degree weather, get down to the 70s and 80s. Can't wait for that to happen, and football is right around the corner. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. Have a great week until next week. Just keep it crispy.

Unknown Speaker 28:42

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Securing Your Future: A Comprehensive Conversation on Life Insurance Benefits, Coverage Options, and Policy Management
Broadcast by