Staying Safe and Insured in the Summer Heat
Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a key when the studio's original program. The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:25
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host, Donald Marquez, on your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Yes. And we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.
Unknown Speaker 0:46
Good morning. My name is Donald Marquez. Welcome to another edition of your insurance connection broadcasting. That key when the 91.5 Jazz and more Sunday morning from 8am to 830. buckler, the scope. Here we go. Wow, what a summer we're having in Las Vegas, Nevada. We I was born and raised in 120 degrees. I have never seen temperatures like this before my life. And I remember back in the day was like 110 115 and we had swamp coolers. Look at it today. I mean this is really something and we have a little humidity with the two as well. We'll ride this heat storm out Yeah, there'll be okay just stay inside. Stay hydrated. You know I drink about five, six gallons, five or six bottles of water a day. Just to stay hydrated because we have to with this weather we're having at night is beautiful. is beautiful and I but it's still 9080 degrees, but it will survive this August September cannot get his soon enough. Again, my name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. I'm a licensed insurance broker coming out in K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more Sunday mornings from 8am to 830. To educate you about insurance, I love to talk about insurance. This is what I do for the last 28 years 28 years I've been blessed to be able to share my knowledge with my listeners and I want to thank the listeners that came in and purchase home auto and life insurance. You know with the auto insurance I'm finding out Nexus Lexus when you have OnStar Nexus Lexus is a reporting agency. They run your driving they they look at kind of how you drive a they monitor you through OnStar that you know any kind of driving app that you may have on your car so they do monitor your driving activity through Nexus Lexus now is the report that you can obtain next is Lexus inaccuracy report. Now when you drive in fast, you know they you are being monitored when you brake fast. You're being monitored when you're not paying attention and crossing over into lanes. Probably because you're texting and driving, you are being monitored, whether you have the OnStar system and I just say OnStar. But any type of app system on star systems, your car is being monitored, especially now with with the use of satellites. We have navigation systems and our vehicles, but you are being monitored. But keep that in mind, you know, in order to keep all of our insurance rates, auto insurance rate at an affordable cost. First of all, we need to shop and I'm available at 7022362624702 to 362624. And we just need to pay attention pay attention to our driving habits. Quick starts speeding is a little late to get to the meeting or or you know, just give yourself a little extra time to get there. Give yourself a little extra time. You know, you know when I 15 northbound southbound certain times of the day, there's congested traffic, the traffic is a little congested. And you want to make sure you have enough ample time to get to your destination just in case there's some delays on the i 15 i 95 or, you know in in the streets. Of course, our streets are full of those cones. I think that's gonna be our state logo, those coins, those cones, but I'm gonna tell you some I was in California a couple of weeks ago, and you know, I appreciate the roads in Vegas. I really do because I was in Southern California and the roads are really raggedy in Southern California potholes everywhere. I can't imagine what their car insurance is in California but there's potholes everywhere. And as soon as I cross the state line back in Nevada, you know, you can feel the difference in how smooth our roads are immediately. And I'm coming in from California coming up the mountain and and as soon as I cross the state line and Rosa seemed like I was driving on glass. It was so silky smooth and like why out. And then I look at my speedometer, I'm doing 80 miles an hour. And I said to myself, I need to slow down because I don't want my insurance rates to go up. Because of my driving habits or you know, the way I drive. I'm gonna tell you because you are being monitored. The way you drive, do not and I cannot say this enough, Do not text and drive. It is not that important. Whatever you have going on in your life, texting and driving causes a lot of car accidents. Too far too many car accidents, texting, driving, not paying attention, you know. And when you're driving, keep me keep both hands on the wheel. Look ahead. You know, you have to always do this when I'm driving. When I think someone is going to come in my lane, I always look at their front wheels, their front tires, look at their front tires, that's going to give you a little bit of warning, when someone is trying to come in your lane. Look at their front tires. Because when you try to look at the cars too late, they're already in your lane. But when you when you look at the tires, you can blow your horn, you know, give yourself some time. I always look at the tires, and where the tires go. The vehicle goes. Yeah, keep an eye on the motorcyclists out there. It's very hot. I also ride motorcycles and they're trying to get where they're trying to go. I you know, I know. They cut through the lane sometimes but I wish they wouldn't do that I don't do that I cut into lanes is very dangerous. You never know what someone's gonna cross over into the lane, they may or may not hit the motorcyclist coming. You know, little cautions little you know, look, use your mirrors, please use those men all through your mirrors, rear view mirror your side mirrors and keep them clean. You know, another thing to look at your tire pressure, your tire pressure can, you know, you don't want to find yourself on the side of the road with a flat tire. And I grew up there was a Jack in the car, a spare tire and all the cars get a jack get his bad tire is real simple, real easy, because we are Chrome buffers back then, right? So you, you take the chrome bumper, you know you lift it up to the Chrome the car up with the chrome bumper, jacking it up and you take the wheel off with the tools and the tools came with the car, you spin the lugs off, you spin them off and you spin them back home after you would change the flag and there you go. You're on your way. I can tell you today how to change flat. First of all, there's no Jack no spare. I carry in my car that the fleet of phone you know and it fleets a tire. But I put the foam in and just pump it right up. You know, I'd love to get me to my destination. And I do have the motor club to have a motor club technician to come out and help me out. But if I don't have a spare what's the point? So you know, check your tire pressure, check your tires, make sure there's no you know, sharp debris in your tires. You know, and especially if you if you're traveling and this time of the year people do travel. The one of the main things you want to take as you add pressure to make sure you have the correct air pressure with the heat, you add pressure goes up and they inflate in your tires. And you may in fact be overinflated causing you to spend more time at the pump. And you know, and gas is very expensive these days. I remember I remember when my father said he said well when gasoline comes to be $1 gallon I'm not driving anymore. Wow. That did happen. It'd be nice to have it back $1 gallon or 99 cents. That would be a treat. But that probably will never happen for a very very long time when there's a lot of electric cars on the road. Who knows we'll see in the future. My name is Donnell Marquez this is your assurance connection for more information. My contact phone number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 offering auto insurance homeowners insurance yes and life insurance boat and motorcycle insurance are available as well. You know people out there on the lake. You want to compare rates and stuff compare rates but I know you have a lot of fun on the lake because this is high people jump in the water to cool off a little bit but I don't know how you do it on in 30 out down the lakes if that's what it feels like 130 out there on the lake one in the middle of the day like you know like right now it's eight o'clock in the morning pushing 830 But you know people out there having fun has a habit of fun jumping in and out of the boat in the water. I don't know how you do it but be careful because there's a lot of undercurrents on underwater. And you know boating accidents happen all the time. They do boating accidents happen all the time. So be careful out there motorcycle accidents happen on occasion. And you know just be careful out there people. My name is Don Marquez, I'm a licensed insurance broker here in Vegas. My Location is on the corner of Sahara Rancho in the US bank center located on the eighth floor, my business hours of Monday through Friday, from 10am to 5pm. And some Saturdays I will work because I know, accommodates some of my listeners because, you know, they work nine to five during the week. And by five o'clock I'm usually out of the office, I'm in the traffic and we're talking about trying to just take my time to get home and, and navigate through all of our biggest construction and traffic going on at the same time. Now with our life insurance product, I just recently signed up with a new company with multiple companies that I have with life insurance, and they will take if you you or your loved one have AIDS or HIV, I can get you a life insurance policy. Yep, I can get your life insurance, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, heart disease, kidney liver disease, I can get your life insurance policy, final expense, and modified death benefits. I'm gonna go over there. Because when when people contact me, they don't understand the difference when you purchase a modified policy is because you know, the insurance companies, the life insurance companies, look at your current health. They have they're not denying you insurance, but they are putting you on a modified policy, which is sometimes a, you know, two or three year wait period before the full face amount of the policy is available to the beneficiaries. And the why is that in the past, when a person had, let's say heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes, they would
Unknown Speaker 11:43
submit an application to the life insurance company denied. Okay, we got tired. But you know, there's a lot of good people out there live a very long time, but what certain chronic conditions, so we need something for them. The insurance industry, the life insurance industry came up with an idea. Okay, we will insure these individuals with underlying health conditions. However, they will be a modified two or three year wait, period. Now the three year wait period only applies to someone that's under 50. Now, if you're over 50, you have a two year modified policy now, who sells modified life insurance. Most all insurance agents. So modified life insurance, it's not not so much a you know, we have other choices, I have other choices. But your health category dictates you put it puts you in this modified position for the first two years. Now, keep in mind all insurance policies when you first got a life insurance policy, the companies do have an option to look back two years, if in fact, you die within the first two years, you pass in the first two years, they have, you know, they can look back for the first two or three years depending on the age of the individual when they pass within the first two years or the first three years. And the reason why that the life insurance companies came up with this concept. Because if you do have underlying health conditions or loved ones with underlying health conditions, they're offering a policy something is better than nothing. They're offering you money, maybe not a large face amount of $35,000 sometimes up to 50 I can get sometimes I can get up to 50 Just depends. But you know, something is better than nothing. Now people tell me Well, you know I can save the money and you know, I can save Well, you haven't saved it. You know when you save money that's that's what things that come up. That's your things that come up for that they call it a rainy day. I would love some rain happened in Las Vegas right about now but it hasn't rained. But sometime it does rain in your household. You know the washing machine goes up, the water heater breaks. You have you know pool you have to make pool repairs. The AC unit, you know this time of the year, the AC units have taken a heck of a strain. They are being strain to the max I turned my ACS off at night downstairs, I don't have my upstairs downstairs AC I turned it off. And I only have my AC on in my bedroom. Because it gets around by 80 degrees at night and I keep it I keep my AC or about 78 So it's only two degrees different and you're not gonna save on that power. Doing those in and when I get up in the morning, that's when I turn it up. I get up I get up about 637 o'clock in the morning or turn on the upstairs downstairs a sink. But you know that's that's my angle way to you know, conserve a little bit and then you know, oh my oh my power bill. But you know things happen things break. You know, you see breaks, car breaks, you know and that's what you use your savings account for. You know those for those things. easy to break, it's hard to save money. He's really difficult to save money. But a life insurance policy is instant savings. Even if you do have a modified life insurance policy two years go by very quick to three years go by extremely quick blink of an eye. You know, you can remember 10 years ago, that seemed like it was only yesterday, especially when over 50 Time goes by very quick. So if you just turned 50, congratulations, if you're in your mid 50s, you're gonna be in the mid 60s in no time. So it's gonna be a blink of an eye. Something is better than nothing. When it comes to life insurance. The modifier policy is available for people with underlying health conditions, a history of cancer, diabetes, or not so much diabetes just depends. You know, but history of cancer within the last two years, heart disease, kidney disease, on blood thinners, we do have a modified policy for you. For more information, my contact phone number 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. A life insurance policy is instant savings. And it does build a cash value bank. So not only you get the benefit, to have an instant savings, you also have the benefit of borrowing money from the policy if it's necessary. If you don't pay that money back, no matter what the face amount is at a policy, you know, regardless of what loan amount you borrow, they will minus it the life insurance companies will minus it from the death benefit. When you pass plus interest, every seven years your loan amount could double, let's call it rule of seven, it could double. For an example you took out $2,000 Out of my car when the transmission is I need to repair my transmission gonna cost me about two grand Oh, my life insurance policy, it has money in it. And most of you don't even think about that, oh, I have money in my life insurance policy, take money out of your life insurance policy gets transmission fixed, or whatever you need repaired. And you don't pay it back. You don't pay it back. So seven years go by all of a sudden now that could happen. Not all the time. But it could happen. I've seen it happen more than once, where that $2,000 You borrowed to get your repairs done. Now, seven years later, it turns into $4,000. You don't pay it back for another seven years. 4000 becomes 8000. And regardless of the face amount, they will come when that time when you pass, they'll that $2,000 Borrowed now, it could be as high as 8000. Because you didn't pay any money back to the original loan amount. Now your loved ones realize, oh, you know, my dad passed away he had a small life insurance policy, you know, a burial policy to take care of his final expenses. And it was about $35,000. But now come to find out that owes $8,000 $2,000 originally loan amount, but $6,000 in interest. Now total of $8,000. Wow. And you and people wonder why that happens. And sometimes you could borrow money. And it'll just take all the policy face amount away. Because it doubles every seven years. If you take out a loan, because your life insurance policy, find a way to pay it back. pay it back, it doesn't matter how much you pay, just pay something into it. You know make out a plan telling you Life Insurance Company, I'll borrow $2,000.03 years ago, I want to pay on it. You know they don't, you can pay as little as you like as much as you want. They don't tell you a fixed amount, but it is going to be a separate payment from your normal payment. The nice thing about life insurance, you can select your due date between the first and the 28th of each month, only life insurance allows you to do that. Now your car issues may give you some options, when to make your car insurance payment. But life insurance you can select it from day one, from the first to the 28th of each month will be a monthly draft directly out of your checking account. We'll make it real easy for you. And affordable. If we need to add a child rider on the life insurance policy. We can add a on a whole life insurance policy. We can add a person 17 years young, up to 17 years young. And what that does is they are an insured individual on your life insurance policy is very cost effective to do it that way. Now when he turned 25 years young, they'll spin off and there'll be offered their own life insurance. Child right is set up to 17 years John does not require any questions. Very few questions asked me about four questions. There is no physical with children 702-236-2624 Oh 702-236-2624 Accidental Death and Dismemberment, we get little confused with that one sometimes accidental death is exactly what it sounds like. Accidental Death, they just tell you what it is accidental death, it does not pay for natural causes. Stop purchasing, accidental only life insurance thinking that your families are secured with an accidental only life insurance policy, your accidental only your accidental is included. And your policy for natural causes. Accidental only does not pay if you have prostate cancer, accidental only does not pay if you have breast cancer, accidental policies did not pay if you have a stroke, or heart attack, kidney, liver disease, diabetes, and you pass away from these illnesses. Accident only pays for access dental only. So let's stop buying these policies thinking your family's taken care of, because you haven't done anything. And obviously, you know, my credit union. And I've been with my credit union a long time I've heard these stories before. I've been with my credit union for a long time, and they made this offer to me. You know, and I look good, you know, a million dollars with a life insurance. But for less than, you know, less than $10 a month come on for real. Make sense? Does that make sense? I think I'll give you an email when life is your lesson to
Unknown Speaker 21:39
think about it. But they target seniors. And unfortunately, too many seniors fill it out, send it in thick and often so much. And they tell me and I know, I'm also on a budget. I hear it all the time, you know, I'm on a budget. Well, we all are on a budget. But if you're paying more for television, then you are your life insurance. Something's wrong with that, if you're paying more for your cell phone, in your will for your life insurance, you know, we need to rethink our budget. Maybe that, you know, television used to be free. You know, we tell him and I use these examples. Because, you know, when it comes to car insurance is demanded, you must have car insurance to drive the vehicle. That's the law. When it comes to buying and purchasing a home, you must have homeowners insurance that's mandated that is required by your mortgage lender or your lender. Okay, these are requirements you must have, why not have a requirement for life insurance. The law says you must carry life insurance. We will wipe out generational debt overnight. Generational debt will be wiped out overnight weaken I think our economy will be one of the strongest in the on the planet. It would, because now you you get rid of all this generational debt. You get rid ready getting ready getting rid of generational debt because when a loved one pass, you're passing on your debt to your family or to your spouse, and any United States that's over $60,000 When we lose a loved one, when you lose a loved one you passing on average in United States $60,000 in debt. And let's let's add it up real quick. And that's not a hard to do. That is not difficult to do. Or car you have a car right? Because you have a balance on $25,000 That's not uncommon today. One of our $1,000 Your funeral is $15,000 Now we have $40,000 not hard to do today. And sometimes he feels even more than that. But $20,000 We'll keep it we'll keep it within reasonable 15,000 25,000 for the car $15,000 for the funeral. Okay, that's that's that's $40,000 Now, we have other bills, we have credit card bills, but we have other loans we have out there with credit cards let's say you have $10,000 with a credit card now you got 50,000 motorcycle boat, you have other responsibilities out there. You know it just as a very quick that as a very quick and don't Don't Don't say you're immune to it. You know, no one is immune to it. You know the wealthy buy life insurance. And you ask yourself the question, why would rich people buy life insurance? So what they do, they take a large life insurance policy, they get it when they're healthy, and they get it when they're young. It's now not too late to get alive after 86 is too late, but 80 up to 85 years young. You can get a life insurance policy, but the rich, the wealthy, they get life insurance because they want to funnel down money to the next generation. They want to ensure that the next generation will be home because it's a tax free benefit. As the only tax free benefit. You're gonna receive tax free bit of it, regardless of the face amount, they put it in a trust to trust distributes the money to the beneficiaries over time, or maybe a lump sum, and then distribute that money over time. It offsets any liabilities obligations they may have. And I'll now offset obligations and liability is when you pass and there is no way to eliminate your debt. Think about it. Think about it right now. If you were to pass this week, between now and Sunday, how would your family be financially? Ask yourself the question. How would they be financially? And if you'd like oh, man, they're gonna be in good shape. I mean, Call Don Marquez, I need to get in touch with Dr. Marquez and and have a real conversation with me. 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 located on the corner of Sahara Rancho and US Bank building, eighth floor. Now I do have a website. If you want to look at my website, that's fine. But I rarely, you know, use that use that contact phone number. That's, that's that's the best way to get in touch with me. Because I don't, unfortunately, I'm so busy. I'm very busy. I don't look at my website that often. I don't I mean, I had I paid these people all in money to build me a website and I and I don't mean I'm too busy. I am really really really busy. I don't Okay, I mean, look at my website. I know what I look like, was on there. But that's the that's the more lucrative way to get in touch with me. 702-236-2624 Now if you had work, or you know you somewhere maybe a church today, you can text me at that number 702-236-2624 located on the right in the heart of a beautiful city, Las Vegas, Nevada, across the street from the palace station, Hotel Casino. US bank center located right on the corner, Rancho and Sahara eggs zactly on the corner and I have to say like this, because some people go all the way up to Rainbow looking for me, West Sahara, I'm one block west of the i 15. In the US bank center located on the eighth floor, I can help you with a life insurance policy. Let's talk about your car insurance. 702-236-2624 My name is Donnell Marquez, or you can call me Don Marquez either or is fine with me. We'll do this again next week. I can't stress enough stay hydrated. You know put a bottle of water in your car when you travel. I do just in case some I'm stranded somewhere I can stay cool. Because I don't want to get I don't want to end up on the side of the road and it's very warm and gooey. And no no, no water and cars are passing by and my car is bogged down and I have no no way to hydrate 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 Thank you for listening. This is k u and v 91.5. Jazz or more. My name is Dawn Marquez. Until next week. Just keep it crispy.
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