The Essentials of Life Insurance: Protecting Your Future and Your Family
Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a key when the studio's original program. The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:25
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host, Donald Marquez, on your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Yes. And we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.
Unknown Speaker 0:46
Good morning. My name is Donnell Marquez, this is another edition of your insurance connection right here at K u n v 91.5. Jazz and more Sunday morning. Happy Father's Day. To all the fathers. Happy Father's Day. Hope you have a great day today. No basketball game on today. It is what it is. So I don't understand that use it is always a basketball game on Father's Day. teams play throughout the tournament. But no basketball game on today. for Father's Day. Well, we'll find something else to do. Hopefully fathers get the gift that they deserve. Not that tie with favorite dad, you know, those silly gifts that we sometimes receive. You know, if your father if you want to go out to dinner, the restaurants are wide open. Mother's Day is not the same thing. But Father's Day, you can get a restaurant reservation anywhere. As a matter of fact, I don't think you need to make reservations. Jewish Father's Day, it is what it is, you know a lot of times to, hey, do what you want to do. Don't do anything at all. I mean, that's what we do. Anyway, Father's Day, we don't do anything. Every day. You know, anytime we get a chance to take it easy. That's when we take it easy. I don't know when I'm gonna do Father's Day today. I don't know what I'm going to do. But I know my children are coming over and have a nice time and catch up just to just to be around family. That's all I ask. I don't need any special gifts just to be around my children and have a happy Father's Day. That's my Father's Day gifts to be around my children. And you know people that can bet love me. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. I'm an insurance broker broadcasting every Sunday from 8am to 830. license in the state of Nevada and also California. For non California. I have to say this. I can only offer life insurance in California can offer Auto Home renters insurance unfortunately, at this time, but I can't offer our California listeners that listen it to K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more. In the state of California. I can't offer you life insurance, the average expectancy of a male in the United States which I didn't. I did not know. Which is 76 years. Yeah, I didn't believe it. I saw the statistics. And it just blew me away. 76 years young. That's the average lifespan of a male in the United States. blew me away 76 years. Yeah. And the reason why I said is because I was curious because Jerry you know that it sold recipes Jerry West famous Laker. I'm a true Laker fan, whether they want to lose, I'm a Laker fan. But when Jerry West passed away, I talked to a friend, and we were having a conversation and he said well 86 Jerry West pathway at 86 I'm like, Well, you know, that's over the lifespan of a man that's 10 years over almost over the lifespan of a man in the United States. And and, and this we'd looked it up. And it was right 76 years old. Now for a woman 81 women outlive men. And the way we rate life insurance policies is based on your medication that you're taking your health, your age. You know, it's called the mortality chart, the mortality chart. It tells us in the insurance industry, how long you're projected to live the race based on how long you will live and that amazing and that is truly amazing. So you know what the insurance company with the life insurance policy as they look at your health with your smoker, nonsmoker height weight age, not all policies will ask about height weight, you know, but there are policies that will I do offer policies that don't ask How tall are you? What is your weight, and those are Whole Life policies under 35,000 35,000 is the max you can take for 1000 to 35,000 from age from age one to age 85 You can you can Get a policy or a whole life policy up to that, up to 35,000, if you have underlying health conditions. Now this policy is for people that have underlying health conditions, or you just want to pick up a life insurance policy to take care of your final expense. Everybody needs life insurance. Everyone. If you're breathing, you need life insurance. Because the cost of funerals today are very expensive. Let's let's put that on the table. And I just said the average lifespan of a man is 76 years young, the average lifespan of a woman in the United States is anyone. Now, there are options. When it comes to life insurance, we have the term policy, we have the whole life policy and a universal life policy. Now, you may not qualify for determining universal life, because if you're in your 70s, but no life insurance, who's gonna pay for that? Who's gonna pay for the funeral? Who is going to pay for it, it is your responsibility to pay for your own funeral service. It truly is. Why would you want to pass that down to your loved ones is Father's Day, you know, as Father's Day you can give the gift of love and get a life insurance policy and say, You know what, I have something for you to thank you for my gift on Father's Day, but I want to give you a gift to I'll put you down as my beneficiary on my life insurance policy. And then if you have a life insurance policy, and is going up on you or you haven't had a review in quite some time, our offer no obligation insurance reviews. My contact phone number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 located on the corner of Sahara Rancho, in the US Bank Center, located on the eighth floor, my business hours are Monday through Friday from 10am to 5pm 702 to three 626 24 If you have underlying health conditions, we're talking about diabetes, lupus history of cancer stem the heart blood thinners so many people out there with blood thinners you have to watch a diet you believe in only watch sports and I love to watch sports. We're bombarded with pizza commercials, burger commercials, beer commercials, nothing healthy. You know, it'd be nice to have a commercial with a nice fruit salad on we had this fast food restaurant we offer fruit salads and you know a salad. something healthy. Carrot Juice? No is sodas, is burgers is tacos. And what happens is we see that and we crave it, you know, because it's almost like they're programming us to want this food. It's amazing how it works. When you watch you know, when you watch television, you see all these fast foods and to make that make it very convenient because it's right around the corner from your house. And all of a sudden, you know, like, Hey, I'm gonna get this burger around the corner looks really good until you bite into and he's like, oh, you know, I don't like the names out there. But I don't go to the fast food restaurants to get my burgers. You know, I just don't I just I really make it myself.
Unknown Speaker 8:16
Well, if I do buy a burger, I go I know there's Mom and Pop, you know, restaurants that offer amazing burgers, but go into the fast food restaurant and get a burger. No, no, I don't I don't think so. It's just processed in a way that is unhealthy. Now if you do it every once in a while, it's okay. You know, we need to backup red meat a little bit in you know, in the United States we be we very unhealthy. We really do. And when we have these underlying health conditions because we taking this medication that causes other problems. We take a medication that's causing other problems. That's why we need to exercise we need to get out and walk. Eat a fruit salad. Or just if you don't want to, you know chew your vegetables, you can put them in a blender and just blend them all up. That's what I do. So what I do, I go to the grocery store. I get a large, you know the press mix. I will do kale in it with spinach in it all after all that in that together. I put it in my blender along with some carrots, apples, strawberries, blueberries, honey, little Tumeric blend it all together a lot of strawberries, blend it all together and I drink it and you have to water down a little bit just to you know, so you can swallow it but it's very nutritional. I do it every morning and I start my day. It really is helpful because I feel energized I've got all these natural products in my in my system. Now later on. When I do eat and I eat one meal a day. You know and then I can just eat what I want to eat. But I just tried to drink plenty of water that's very important expressing especially this time of the year. You have to drink plenty of water. I find myself like you know I only had one glass of water said So one bottle of water today. And to find myself getting more water in my system, we need to hydrate and if you if you're smoking when it comes to life insurance, and the reason why I'm talking about all this because all this sometimes you know, it creates rates for you on your life insurance policy. And you wonder why your rates are what they are and your life insurance policy because you live in an unhealthy lifestyle. Now, we could turn this around, you know, we could turn this around if you you know, retired, you know, your belly starting to grow. You know, it's because you're not exercising, you have to get up and walk, walk in the neighborhood, get your treadmill, and just don't let it sit in the house. Walk on it, you know, we have to be a lot more healthier today. Because we're not living as long as we should live a healthy life. Now we're living you know, but we're not living a healthy like healthy lifestyle. Because we're bombarded with a pizza, commercial burgers, commercials and tacos and sodas and everything was wrong for you beer, everything was wrong for you on a consistent basis. You know, because you crave these foods and you go get them and all of a sudden, you know, it makes it very convenient to go get these foods but you know, it's not real good on your body. You know, when we when we do evaluate you for life insurance policy, we do sometimes take physicals expression for the term policy, universal life insurance policy, there will be a physical now the whole life policy up to $35,000. There's no physical, no physical, we don't ask height and weight. You know, we've made it very convenient. With a final expense life insurance policies monthly draft directly out of your checking account, you're going to select the due date between the first and the 28th of each month. We can also add your children on the whole life policy, as long as they're 17 years up to 17 years. And you know, 17, one to 17 we can add them on as a writer on your life insurance policy. Now when they turned 25 they'll spin off on their own life insurance policy. My name is Donald Marquez for more information. 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 If you are a smoker, I was in one of these convenience stores just last week. And I just have an ex lady behind the counter. So how much how much is packs a pack of cigarettes today? When she told me I couldn't believe it. It just blown me away. So how do people afford to smoke? I can't believe a carton of cigarettes almost $200. That's that's almost $10 A pack of cigarettes, or maybe even a little bit more than that. Wow. I mean, growing up, I remember I my mother used to write a note. Is it go? Go give me some cigarettes. And I was you know, I was young. And a note to the clerk. And some of you can recall this too. I would hand the note to the clerk. Is it okay. Now we'll take it over to my mother now she will probably give me less than $1 to go with this. Adam. I don't remember what they call it back then. But that was some time ago. I'm telling my age, but it's okay. That was back in the 60s. So tell him age and so I gonna store get cigarettes. You know, sometimes I just give me a little extra minute or give me a candy bar. But cigarettes today. If you are a smoker, it is really, really bad for you, especially menthol. Mithila are the worst. They're both bad, but menthol are the worst. Now, when you rated as a potential insurer for life insurance policy, we asked you do you smoke? Now, if you do you one of the questions is this if you're a smoker, have you had any form of tobacco in the last 12 months? Let me say that again. The health question we ask for smokers. Have you had any tobacco products in the last 12 months. So if you have stopped smoking for 12 or 13 months, you're not going to be rated as a smoker? Because a lot of people say well, you know, I used to smoke, you know, it was over five years ago, and I get that every now and then people come in as well. I stopped smoking, you know or quit smoking, or you know, and and which is good because it's very unhealthy. But now we're only looking for 13 months, 12 months in a day and you're good. You're really good. And we will not rate you as a smoker that's going to be a difference in your life insurance rates. There's going to be a difference in your life insurance rates if you have AIDS or HIV. I can read your policy from 40 to 8040 to 80 years old, HIV or HIV or AIDS. And that window was closed because that insurance company is not going to write that policy within the next couple of months. So if you ever have a loved one with HIV or AIDS, you know We need to we can we need to get the man as soon as possible. I can write them up to $25,000 in coverage if you know if you or no someone with HIV or AIDS that needs a life insurance policy and they definitely need a policy up to $25,000 in coverage 702-236-2624 My name is Donald Marquez, or you can call me Don O'Donnell is okay, either 170270223626241 of the other health questions that we ask drug or alcohol abuse. Now, what does that mean? Sometimes people get confused with that. Drug alcohol abuse. Now, if you abuse drugs, alcohol, drugs, you know, is like, you know, street drugs, we're talking about street drugs. But if you're a cannabis smoker, and you smoking it for health reasons, or you know, or you just recreational, we do not rate you as a drug abuse that is not rated as drug abuse. So you know, people come in and one of the questions we ask alcohol or drug abuse, well, I smoke cannabis. I don't know what the category they put cannabis cannabis anymore. We will not reach as a smoker or drug abuser. Now, is cannabis a drunk? I don't know. I really don't know. I mean, I don't know. It's and you know, people said, well, that's a natural plant. You know, tobacco was an anthro plant. But we don't rate you as a smoker or drug abuser. Now, alcohol, there's something about that one, if you're an occasional drink a social drink. Now, what's the describe a social drinker, that means you you know, have a drink maybe two or three times a week. You know, a couple of beers on the weekend, cocktails, martinis, whatever you do a little bourbon on the weekend, that's fine. That's a social drinker. But if you're getting up in the morning, having a drink before breakfast, or during breakfast. I've seen people I used to work in the casino business. I've seen people and as soon as they finish eating breakfast, they go have a drink, I don't know how you do it.
Unknown Speaker 17:05
And smoking cigarettes. I know you in Vegas and on vacation and all that, but right up the breakfast, want a cocktail, I just don't just don't work. You know, to me, I'm a social drinker, if you're gonna have a drink, it's got to it has to be up at five o'clock. Unless you're at the ballpark, or at a barbecue, you know, and you're in the backyard having a couple of beers. And you know, having a barbecue, but that's cool. But if you are a alcoholic, we still can get you a life insurance policy and alcoholic describes a person that has to have a drink every single day and drink all the time. Now, if you if you are an alcoholic, we do have a life insurance policy for you up to $15,000 in coverage. However, you know, that's a that's a very difficult disease. I mean, because it does ruin your liver, your kidney, your body function and your organs and your decisions, your decisions. It really affects your decisions. And I'm talking about these Pacific health conditions because people that have these specific health conditions think they cannot get a life insurance policy. If you have diabetes, whether you have a diet, you know, taking insulin or the shot, we can get your life insurance policy up to $35,000. Now, keep that in mind, regardless of you know, you ate once, he may be below seven, but you're still on the medication. Or if you if you prescribe. Here's another thing too, if you fail the medication and don't take it, we base your insurance rates on the fact that you are filling these prescriptions because they we will look at your prescription history. And don't do not let this deter you from what I'm talking about. I'm trying to get you pre qualified address. So people that think that they have these underlying health conditions are not insurable. And this is why I'm bringing this out. Cancer if you've had a history of cancer, I had a phone call. And I felt really bad for these folks. I had a phone call. And they asked me and as well. I heard you on the radio at kegonsa v 915, jazz or more. I have a loved ones. She's on hospice. We need life insurance. And I said How long does she have to live because some people can survive hospice. We're looking at about seven months or less, maybe even five. And that's I really feel bad for you. I really, you know, I know what your family is going through a lot right now. But it's too late. They have to make funeral arrangements, they have to make some type of arrangement life insurance is not. It's not set up that way. And that's a totally misunderstanding. If you have a loved one that's had less than 12 months to live, then you need to go to the funeral home and make arrangements. But if you have you have a history of cancer or you're in remission, or if you'd like you know you have more than 12 months to live. You know, you'd like your chances of a well over 12 months to live then we can get you a life insurance policy. You know, stage one stage two cancer, we can get you a life insurance policy and perhaps even a stage three. If in fact you have over 12 months the disease of the lungs, including COPD or emphysema, other than asthma. Now, COPD is a cause of smoking in most cases, you know, and if you are, if you do have asthma, we won't. We won't, you know, not qualify you for the policy. But you know, every circumstance is different, we have to just talk about, you know what medications you're taking along with the asthma. If you're on blood thinners, we can get you a life insurance policy up to 15,000. If you have a stent in your heart and blood thinners, up to $15,000. Again, if you're a diabetic. And you don't have any diabetic, I had no history of diabetic comas, blindness, kidney disorder, we can get your life insurance policy up to 35,000. Again, we still have to review your current medications. My name is Donald Marquez, this is your insurance connection, my phone number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624, you know basic information that we're going to need for the application, your name, of course, the phone number, address, social security number, date of birth, you know, just to normal, and your beneficiary. If you who is going to be your primary beneficiary, your primary beneficiary is a person of trust that you're gonna leave your legacy behind who will receive tax free benefits. When that day comes in, it comes for all of us. Keep in mind life insurance is also a living benefit. Whether you get whole life term universal life, it is a live living benefit. With the universal life insurance policy, you know, there's a living benefit, because you can take an advance on that policy, or you can surrender the policy and take the money out on a whole life policy, it does build a cash value asset. If you need to borrow money, you won't cancel the policy. But if you need to borrow money against your life insurance policy, you can, as long as you've had it for a while, I've had people say I took out a life insurance policy, I want to borrow money against it. No, no, no, it doesn't work that way. It does take time to build up the money in the policy in the whole life policy for the cash value. You know, there's times when people need to borrow a couple $1,000. And okay, instead of going to these payday loan places, use your life insurance policy. Now, we don't tell you how much you have to pay back. But with a separate payment, you will pay your loan back through a separate payment. Now you do have the option not to pay it back. But keep this in mind that when you don't pay your life insurance, loan back, they minus it from your death benefit. In other words, when you pass the life insurance company will minus it from your death benefit. Keep that in mind plus 7% interest, annual interest. Now, as is much better interest rate than a credit card. But you know, you're borrowing from yourself. You use your life insurance policy as a bank, you when you purchase a life insurance policy, you are creating a bank. Now you're in control. Life insurance is one thing is simple, is you're buying money at a low cost. You just mind money, that's all you're doing is buying money. If you can qualify for the larger life insurance policy, we're talking about 100,000 or, you know, two or let's say to a million dollars or more, you just bind money. It truly makes sense. Especially the larger policies. Now underlying health conditions up to $35,000. That's a burial policy. That's what it's for, for people with underlying health conditions. And you know, and to pay for funeral as well. But if you can qualify, like if you're in your mid 30s, or you're young 40s or 50s. And you can qualify for the larger policies. Why not get a larger policy, take advantage of your health, because now you're creating a bank for yourself. You know, you're creating generational wealth, even at a $35,000 whole life policy, you're still creating generational wealth, you're not creating generational debt to pass on to your relatives. When that day comes and it comes from all of us. You know, they can take your life insurance policy to the funeral home say okay, my, my dad passed away his his policy, okay, we'll take the policy, we'll assign it, we'll take our portion out, then you file a claim to get the balance of the policy to the life insurance company. Now, that's the pay for a funeral up to 35,000 on all life policy, but let's say you have a 500 to a million dollar life insurance policy. There's so many advantages with a life insurance policy 500,000 or million or even 300,000 Even 100,000 That's fine too, but I want $1,000 is not what it used to be. This this million dollars is not what it used to be. But you can create generational wealth. When you say to yourself, you know, I'm in my mid 40s, or my mid 30s, I'm gonna contact Don Marquez, and we're gonna talk about a million dollar life insurance policy, why not? You can take that million dollar life insurance policy, and put it in the trust, and create your own generational wealth through a bank to pass down to you to the next generation for many, many years to come. You know, if you if you're an independent, in other words, you have your own business, this is really the way to go. Because now you can create a bank or if you're working, and you, you know, you put money in your 401 K, that's one thing to do. You know, you know, you're getting ready to buy a house that's good to invest in a home. But you know, think about generational wealth. You can work every day of your life, and it's really hard to save a million dollars. But if you take out a life insurance policy for a million dollars, that's instant, think about how long it would take you to save a million dollars versus getting a life insurance policy qualified for life insurance policy. And you instantly a millionaire. I can make you a millionaire. My name is Donnell Marquez 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. And keep in mind, although you do have a life insurance policy, and you say and you said well, the only way I'm gonna see that million dollars my family well, what's wrong with that? You can see the money you can take an advance on the money, let's say you, you know you've had a life insurance policy for five years and all of a sudden now you get ill, and you have less than 12 months to live, you're ill you can take an advance up to 80% of that life insurance policy. In other words, you could take up to $800,000 of that policy while you're still living to take care of your farm expenses to pay your house off. I have people calling me as well you know what to take out a life insurance policy to pay my house off and they're well in their 70s.
Unknown Speaker 27:00
Now if you willing to pay it and you can qualify this fine, I could do that. But just think about the price. You know, whenever when when I do offer a policy to my clients and we do do all the paperwork and we're done. The first thing they say to me, I should have did this a long time ago. I should have done this while black. Take advantage of you youth take advantage of your health. And if you have underlying health conditions, that's okay too. I can find a policy that will fit in your budget. My Location is on the corner of Sahara Rancho. In the US bank center a work by appointment only some of us showed up with I do appreciate everybody that came in that heard this program okay you envy 91.5 jazz or more. I thank you so much for coming in. 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 offering car insurance, homeowner's renter's boat and motorcycle insurance stay hydrated Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Have a wonderful day. My name is Don Marquez. We'll do this again next week. Just keep it crispy. Thank you for listening
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