The Importance of Life Insurance: Ensuring Financial Security for Your Family
Unknown Speaker 0:00
The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:20
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host. Donald Marquez, on your insurance connection, we talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance, yes, and we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.
Unknown Speaker 0:41
Good morning. I'm your host, Donald Marquez, right here at K, U, N, V, 91.5, jazz and more. Sunday morning, talking about insurance. I'm your insurance broker, and I love what I do. I love to meet you. I want to thank the listeners that came in and purchased home auto, yes and life insurance. Thank you for your continued support. Listening to this program at Kun V 91.5 jazz and more. It's hot outside, as always, Vegas is never surprising. It's just too hot for me. It was so it's so hot I've seen dirt move around to get a to get some shade. I mean, it's, it's getting really too hot. I can't take these days anymore. I'm too old for this. You know, growing up, we had a swamp cooler here in Vegas. I'm born and raised in Las Vegas, but it is just too hot. I can't get over these, this temperatures that we're having 116 120 I just be glad when September gets hit. Cool down. A little bit football starts. I just want to congratulate all the Olympians to represent the United States. Wow, we're just doing the job over there in Paris. And if you haven't watched the Olympics, it's amazing. These amazing athletes are breaking records, especially in track and field swimming. The swimmers are also breaking records. I think the track over there is just a lot faster track than they ever ran on before. They're breaking records. If you can tune in, I think this weekend is the last weekend for for the Olympics. So if you can, you know kind of recap on what's going on and and right now we're leading in gold medal category. So congratulations to all the Olympians representing the United States in Paris and all the athletes all over the world, because it takes a lot. It takes a lot to do what they do, and I'm a huge sports fan, but they get to showcase once every four years, once every four years. And in between at their training, they're getting ready and they're getting prepped to, you know, for the grand states, and they only get one opportunity to do this every four years. My name is Donald Marquez. This is your insurance connection. One of my favorite subjects, as you well know, is life insurance, and this is why, just, I'm gonna break it down, just, and this is what people do. And you know, people wonder why they just can't get out of a rut. They stay in the rut, you know, and I like to use this word, but poor people pay bills. And just, you know, every week when they get paid, or every two weeks when everyone had to get paid. They make enough money just to pay their bills. And it's sad to think about it, because when you pay your bills, you go to work, you work all week, work for two weeks, 10 days, and then you get paid. Or once a week you get paid. You take the money that you earn and you give it to someone else. You know it doesn't stay in your family long. As soon as you get paid, you got bills to pay. And I understand that, you know, I've been in a position in my life where, you know, that's what I did, too. But let's take, let's go look at the middle class. You know, the middle class, what they do is establish credit, you know, and good credit. And what they do, they pay for things over time, they buy goods, they establish credit, and they buy over time, sometimes things they cannot afford, but their money is circulating through things they can afford over time. Now the middle class can't probably pay cash for it, but they have to buy out over time. So the person that's not making as much as a middle class person learn how to pay, you know, you know, over time, but they purchase, you know, smaller items that don't cost as much. But the middle class, you know, is in this country, which is a beautiful thing, don't get me wrong, you know, we're able to purchase items over time build credit, you know. But again, our money is recirculating, making other people rich. Now rich people, this is what they do, you know, unlike poor people and middle class people, they take their money and they recreate money with their money. It's, you know, I was, I was told when I was very young by my uncle. He said, It's not how much money you make, it's what you do with the money you. Okay, so whatever category you in, whether you in the category, the lower income category, the middle class category, but you still have the opportunity to reinvest in yourself. Money comes with no instructions. But once you start reinvesting, no matter the dollar amount, those dividends will pay off in the long run. What other better thing to do is invest in a life insurance policy? This is a policy that will create generational wealth, give back to your family members when they need the money the most, or it couldn't. It can be a living benefit for you and your family when you when that time comes and you need to borrow some money against your life insurance policy, or if you have a term life insurance policy and you have a critical illness, you know you can advance up to 80% of that term life insurance policy. When I come on in, I talk about insurance. I love the subject about insurance, especially life insurance, car insurance. You know, people looking for the same thing with car insurance. How can I get a cheaper rate, you know? But of course, we have to look at your coverages on your car insurance. But I pay more attention to life insurance, because this, what people really don't understand, is life insurance and that and purchasing the right policy that fits you and your lifestyle. Everyone. Everyone doesn't fit the same box, you know. I take my time with you. I listen. I want to make sure that you fit. If it's a right fit for you, you know, and if you don't qualify for that larger life insurance policy, we do have, you know, other companies I work with that can find a policy for you to fit in your budget. Now, it may not be as much as insurance as you like, because now you have underlying health conditions or medications you're taking post covid. I'm gonna say this post covid, these life insurance companies, you know, they they're scrutinizing people like I've never seen before. They're really going over the underwriting guidelines with a fine tooth comb post covid. And, you know, eventually it happens, but they want to make sure that, you know, you're a good risk, because if something happens, and the reason why they do this is simple, because take out a life insurance policy, and then, of course, they take, you know, they take body fluids from your height, weight, blood pressure. They do, you know, get records from your doctor. They do all of that. But all of a sudden, now, you know, you pass them within the last within two years, then they're like, Okay, they may have, they pay that. They have to pay that policy app. They have to pay that face amount of policy out. Because they've done all their due diligence up front, the medical, the research. They do it. They did everything because they want to make sure you are good risk. What the life insurance companies do? Whatever face amount of policy you take out, they put that money in an escrow account for you. When that time comes, and it comes for all of us, that's a guarantee. This is why rich people, they recirculate money back to the family. Middle class people do it too, and people with lower income do it as well. But I find out and 28 years in the business, not people with the lower income, not as much as people with higher levels of income. And don't say that because they can afford it, no, they just think about money differently than most populations. They understand that when they make money, the percentage of that money has to recirculate back to the family. They understand that continuing to recirculate those dollars back to the family, reinvested in the family, eventually those dividends will pay off. I can help you better understand how all of this work. My contact phone number is 70223626247022362624,
Unknown Speaker 8:57
my location is right on the corner of Sahara and Rancho in the US bank center located on the eighth floor, 702-236-2624, my location again, right on the corner Sahara Rancho, right across the street from the Palestinian Hotel and Casino, one block west of the i 15, Oh Sarah in the US Bank building. My business hours are Monday through Friday, from 10am to 5pm and there are some Saturdays. I will come in and work to help you out, you know, because, you know, some people work that nine to five, and I get it, and they'll contact me say, Oh, I can't come in Monday through Friday. But what about Saturday? I don't work on Sundays. Although you hear me broadcasting on Sundays. I like to reserve those Sundays to stay home, relax, you know, sit by the pool in the backyard and maybe put a little meat on the grill, enjoy myself, and then go back to it first thing Monday morning. My name is Donald Marquez. If you're just tuning in for the first time, welcome to the show. This is your insurance connection, broadcasting right here at. K, U, N, V, 91.5, jazz and more every Sunday morning, from 8am to 830 I have the privilege of coming on air, coming on the air, and talking about insurance to my beautiful Las Vegas Valley, which I was born and raised in. And I'm also licensed in the state of California, if you're listening to this program and you're in California, or you have love family members that you love and that you would love for them to tune in, they can just download the app K u n v 91.5 jazz or more, and tune in not only to our talk shows, but our amazing music. That's 20 477, days a week at key UNV 91.5 jazz and my show from every Sunday from 8am to 830 broadcasting right here for the last two and a half years. And I just want to thank Dr Ridley for giving me this amazing opportunity. And also my engineer Wes to keeping me on time, and then make sure, you know, I say the right thing. Because he was like, Hey, man, you can't say that. It's all good. It's all good. But my point is, I want to send the message out to all my listeners. I know we see the commercials on television. It's like, oh, you know, for only that small amount, less than $10 you can get a policy, and they're like all excited, and they always target seniors. If you notice in these commercials, you know, you can get a policy low as 999 you know, as low as 999 as low as 999, per month. Now just think about it, 9999, a month. Let's break it down. Let's maybe two gallons of gas today. So how much life insurance you're gonna get for 999 let's say 999 can you go eat at a restaurant? You know, depends on, can you go get a burger and fries and the whole works for 999 there's a couple of restaurants that's out there for, you know, fast food restaurants for 999 you can get but can you really get life insurance? I'm just making a comparison. Just think about it. Because I've had people come to me and they said, Yeah, you know, I want to do that 999 plan. And I said, how much the insurance you think you can get for 999 what is the value in your mind for $9.99 cent, you know, you can't get a good meal for 999 you can only buy two gallons of gas for 999 what? You know, what can you really buy today for $9.99 you know, back in the 60s, that was some money. But not today. 999 you can't even catch a ride, or, you know, transportation, you know, I remember well, you know, you could catch a cab for that. You can't do that anymore for $9.99 My point is this, $9.99 doesn't hold out a lot of value for life insurance. It just doesn't. When they have that commercial on television, when you see that commercial, only thing they want you to do is pick up the phone contact that particular insurance company, which I do not represent, because it's a bait and switch. They they bait you in the call and I want, hey, I'm looking at 999 plan, no, no, physical, no, you know. Now the low rate starts 999 how much life insurance I can get for 999 first of all, they want to know your age. How old are you? Tell them your age. You're a smoker, non smoker. Now I'm a non smoker. Okay, the rates are locked again for the life of the policy blah, blah, blah, blah, 999. Is only worth to you at age 70, ish, probably less than $1,000 worth of coverage. Let me say that again. Let me make this clear that's only about $1,000 or less worth of coverage. So what can you really do that with that today? What? What? 99 $1,000 worth of life insurance coverage covered today? Nothing, absolutely, maybe flowers, that's it, but it doesn't cover much. And can you bar against the policy? No, because 999, paying that every month is not going to give you a lot of coverage. So don't get misguided. My whole point is this, do not get misguided. The life insurance companies have insurance agents like myself for a reason to guide you in the right direction, to make sure it's a right fit for you. You know it's a right fit for you. I don't have any gimmicks. I come on the air and I'm a straight shooter. I tell it like it is. My name is Donald Marquez. At your insurance connection. That's the name of my agency. I represent multiple life insurance companies, Prudential, mutual, Omaha, Lincoln, heritage, life insurance company, trans America, well known companies. I don't, I don't. I don't play any games and gimmicks. I'm a straight shooter. I just tell it like it is. People want to hear the truth today. They want to hear the truth today. If you tell me on blood thinners, you know, I know what policy to get for you. You tell me have a history of cancer within the last five years, I know exactly what policy to get for you. You. You tell me you have kidney I had a history of kidney liver disease. We know a policy to get for you at your insurance connection. I'm not going to misguide you. Throw something against the wall, see if it sticks. That doesn't work for me, that doesn't work for me, and it's not going to work for you again. It's just it's real simple, real easy. I take a lot of pride in what I do every day as an insurance agent. I get up and I motivate myself. I've been doing this for the last 28 years. I've seen families that are devastated, that lose everything, that lose everything. I was watching the comedian the other day online, and it was really funny. What he said. He said, he said, I wouldn't buy life insurance for myself. I put a million dollars life insurance on myself because his wife is a housewife. She doesn't work. And the wife asked him, he said, Well, why didn't put any life insurance on me? He said, Well, if something happens to you, we'll be we'll be sad, but you know, our life won't change, but if something happens to me, then our life changes. You know, we're not you know something happens to you. You know, you know. You know we don't have to move, we don't do anything, I mean, but that's why I didn't put any life insurance on you, because I generate all the income. I mean, that's all good and everything, but I look at it. You know, housewives, even homemakers, whether you're a woman or a man, as a homemaker, you do have value. I think he got a little twisted. It was funny what he said. But, you know, look at him from my eyes and my listening and my ears. It's, it's important for me to go over the life insurance with the wife, the husband, or whatever relationship you in today, that make sure both parties move, both spouses are covered. Because, you know, as as a non working spouse, you do contribute to the household. You make sure the household is running. You make sure that the children are taken care of. You know, you know, you make sure the children, when they come home from school, have a nice, warm meal to eat, or you're there. You know, for them, daycare is very expensive, so you do have a value. Although you are homemaker, they call them homemakers today. Back in the day, used to call them housewives, or today it's a homemaker or a non working spouse, because there is a value to a non working spouse. My name is Donald Marquez. Let me take you to this process, step by step, I can find a life insurance policy that you can afford in your budget, because you cannot afford not to have this coverage. Again, when I started this conversation, I talked about how to recreate money for the family. How much different classes spend money? Now, this is not for everybody, but this is in general. This is what happens. So the middle class they they buy things on time. You know that sometimes they can't afford but they add, hey, I can buy it over six years. No problem.
Unknown Speaker 18:00
No problem. I can't pay cash. Who can pay caps for these cars today? My God, come on, now, for real, I can't pay caps for these cars today. I remember back in the day you could, but not today. You know? No, no, I remember a brand new car used cost you less than $4,000 but not today. Yeah, not today. I'm telling my age, but it's okay. But this, you know, the car this day is 4550, you know, that's, that's a chunk out of your savings account to pull that money out all at once. So, yeah, people pay for it on time. But when you're paying for a car, that's, that's and you have to put insurance on the car. Now you have car payment, car insurance, you know, car guy, you know, put, put gas in the car, if it's a gas car. But, you know, we put we spent a lot of money on vehicles. We spent a lot of money on a car payment, car insurance. And how much money, in comparison to the car payment and the car insurance, are we spending to recirculate dollars back to the family? Cars do depreciate as soon as you pull them off the lot. But a life insurance policy appreciates. It does. It's appreciated money. It's appreciating income for you. It doesn't how much money you it doesn't matter how much money you make is what you do with the money that you make makes a difference in your life. My name is Donald Marquez. My contact phone number 702-236-2624 702-236-2624,
Unknown Speaker 19:32
benefits. What a life insurance policy goes a long way. I've been a beneficiary of a life insurance policy more than once, twice, actually, twice. I know what it feels like to receive a death benefit from losing a loved one in my family. The money was needed to take care of that final expense, my own personal experience, money to go to the funeral home to say, Okay, I lost my my loved one. One. Here's the policy. The first thing the life insurance company will be notified. That's the first thing that's going to happen. The life insurance company will be notified there's a death in the family. The Funeral Home will verify the life insurance policy is active and it's not an accidental only policy, that the policy premiums are paid and up to date. That's the very first thing they're going to do. They're going to file a claim on your loved ones policy, the beneficiary, only the beneficiary or the trustee, if your life insurance policies and a trust can Can, can make this happen. Now, if you're not on the life insurance policy. Or if you're a relative or a family member or a friend that's trying to get this done, and you're not the beneficiary, it's not going to happen. Or you're not the trustee of the life insurance policy and a trust, it's not going to happen. Now, if the beneficiary, the primary beneficiary, without a trust, let's say, or, you know, has passed, and then you have to go through a whole lot of it's going to be a mess. The policy may go into probate. It's just going to be bad for a while, till we get everything straight now. But it can happen, you know, usually they go to next to Ken, and you have to prove next to Ken, but that's a lot of time is going to go by. But when you lose a loved one, you need to take action immediately. Sometimes families don't have time to grieve. They just don't no life insurance got to pay for this $20,000 funeral, and the loudest one in the room is one with no money. It happens all the time. It happens every single day. Let, let's take a positive approach, a proactive approach, and get some life insurance for you, your family, your wife, your husband and I know you may say, Well, you know, I got life insurance on my job. That's all I need. No, it's not. It only pays three times your salary. Now, if you're making, you know, $300,000 a year, that's 900,000 that's pretty good. But what happens when you retire, or if you're not making $300,000 a year, let's say you're only making less than $100,000 a year with a young family. How long would that last? It won't last very long. And the younger you are, the lower you will pay for this coverage. Now sometimes I talk about people that are seniors, and the reason why I target our seniors because they're being targeted by but in the mail, but all these companies is contacting you for accidental only by way of mail. You know, accidental only, and then you're like, Oh, my damn man, that looks good. I can get a $300,000 worth of life insurance for 999, I like that, but it's accidental only, and there's so many exclusions with that accidental only policy, and it will not pay if you pass away from a heart attack or natural causes. Let's get a real life insurance policy. Rates and benefits are locked in for the life of the policy. You can select a monthly draft, the due date between the first and the 28th of each month. We can make it happen. Or if you want to pay for it in full, for the annual premium, you can do that as well. We have quarterly payments, semi annual payments that will fit in your budgets. There are only a few health questions. Answer yes or no, we can make it happen. And you just sit back and just relax and let me do all the work. Or if you, if you want to, don't you don't want to come out in the heat. And I understand. I don't like to come out in this heat either. We can do everything over the telephone. My contact phone number is 702-236-2624, 702-236-2624, my name is Donald Marquez. This is your insurance connection. I'm here to help you, to educate you. Is an educational program so that you can understand the value of having a life insurance policy. 50% of Americans do not have life insurance. That's the statistic. When a person passed in our families, they leave debt, on average in the United States, $60,000 in debt behind. $60,000 in debt for someone else to assume, to someone else to change their life, their whole complete life because you didn't take action, and how quickly they find out, how quickly you're messy your finances is when there's no life insurance and there's a death in the family. Now, some people, you know, I got enough money saved up in the bank. You know life insurance is as a savings account. It's an instant savings account when you take out $100,000 life insurance policy, and you're paying less than $100 a month, you're paying less than $100 a month. It takes a long time to save 100 less than $100 a month, to get to $100,000 with a life insurance policy. When you take out $100,000 life insurance policy, that's like putting 100 $1,000 in your savings account, immediate funds in your savings account, and you just pay a little toward it every month. Buying life insurance is buying money. Go to the bank and say, I want to borrow $100,000 and put in my savings account, and I only want to pay less than $100 a month, they'll laugh you right out of the bank. It doesn't work. Life insurance is a fundamental purpose. It has a fundamental purpose, to be there for your family when that time comes to to recirculate dollars back to the family. When that time comes, and it comes for all of us now, it also is a living benefit. You can borrow money against your policy with the if it accumulates cash value over time, you can borrow money, and you have the option to pay it back or not. But I do recommend you do pay it back. I do right now, some people don't pay it back, but the money that you borrow will come right off the top of the death benefit plus interest, plus interest. Now there are flexible premium policies out there. Now, if you see your policy adjusting, the cost of insurance, the monthly pyramid is going up, and you don't understand why. This is why I offer no obligation reviews. I'll review your life insurance policy. I don't charge for reviews. 702-236-2624 702-236-2624, my name is Donald Marquez. This is your insurance connection located on the corner Sahara and Rancho in the US bank center located on the eighth floor, Monday through Friday, from 10am to 5pm you know, stay cool, everybody. It's hot out there, you know, I mean, it's, we're gonna cool down. It's just a matter, you know, a couple more months of this, or less than a couple of months of this, and maybe about six more weeks, I should say, and then we'll get back to normal, 702-236-2624, my name is Donald Marquez, this is your insurance connection. We'll do this again next week, until then, just keep it crispy. Thank you for listening.
Unknown Speaker 27:12
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