Understanding Life Insurance and Auto Insurance Essentials with Don Marquez
Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a key when the studio's original program. The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:25
Good morning, this is your insurance connection. I'm your host, Donald Marquez, on your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Yes, and we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.
Unknown Speaker 0:46
Good morning. This is Don Marquez with another edition of your insurance connection. Right? He had k u and v 91.5. Jazz and more. Thank you for listening. And I just want to say that I received several phone calls about my show. Last week, I was talking about a young lady that came to see me she want to cancel her life insurance policy. And, you know, to save money, and because she had a terminal illness, that she wasn't working and her health insurance is only paying 70% of her chemotherapy. However, I encouraged her to contact the claims department and you know, take an advance on her term life insurance policy. Now, because she had a terminal illness, he was eligible to receive these benefits. So I've received calls people like, well, I can give money on my life insurance on a living benefit. Yes, you can, if you have a cash value asset, but if you don't have a cash value asset, like in her case, she had a term policy, we needed a letter from a doctor saying that she had a terminal illness. And we were able to advance her some money, significant amount of money to help her out and she was just overwhelmed. Very thankful. And I received a few calls. Asking how how people can advance their life insurance policy as a living benefit. But unfortunately, these people didn't, you know, fortunately, I was just say they didn't have any terminal illness to to advance the directive on a life insurance policy. I'm a licensed insurance broker. And I know I received many questions from you listeners. And I thank you so much for tuning in. Every Sunday morning from eight o'clock to 830. I know it's early in the morning, but you know, usually I get up in the morning, about seven ish, six ish sometimes and just get my day started. I like getting my day started early. And tuning in and listening to the program. I know so many of you do. And I appreciate all of you that call me and we have discussions about your auto insurance, your homeowners insurance, yes. And your life insurance. It just really intriguing to me that so many of you are listening early Sunday morning, and you have questions, a lot of questions. Now. Again, you know, my focus is to educate you on insurance. I am a licensed insurance broker, I do offer home auto life insurance, representing over 60 Life insurance companies, not as many auto insurance companies as I used to represent. Because, you know, a lot of these companies are leaving Nevada, unfortunately, expecially Southern Nevada, and that's probably somewhat known in Nevada, they want to get out of Southern Nevada. You know, when you get in a car accident, of course, you want to file a claim as you have every right to do so. But you know, it's just a lot of moving parts why the insurance rates, it's so expensive in Southern Nevada, you know, it's the car you drive, this is the rate of to insure your vehicle, it's the cost of the vehicle is replacement parts. It's it could be even your age, without any tickets or accidents. And if you bought part getting ready to purchase a new car, and I've said this many times on my show, if you're getting ready to purchase a new vehicle, whether it's pre owned or brand new, you know, you want to make sure what what the insurance costs on the auto before you sign the dotted line. Because you know that, you know, the one thing is about the dealerships, they go over everything. But the insurance you notice, you know, it would to me it'd be would be wise if the car dealerships would have an insurance agent on site. You know, at some certain locations, of course, you know, because the high end luxury dealerships, you know, they get high end client, that high end clients got already gone come in with their insurance already. Everything's already set. And you know, not only the high end, but you know, a lot of these major dealerships would already have clients that's coming in. They can afford insurance have their own insurance in place, but you know, some of these dealerships they get people with no insurance, or they're buying a car for a very for the very first time and they don't have representation. They don't have they don't have auto insurance, so when they bought a car Are all of a sudden they said, Do you have auto insurance? Do you have proof of insurance at the dealerships? And I said, No, I don't have proof of insurance. So now, they get them on the phone call up, they get insurance. That's how it works. never could quite understand why the dealership don't have an insurance agent on site. But it is what it is. And I'm glad because, you know, it, you know, keeps that separated, it keeps us separated. But if you look into purchase of the vehicle, you know, some of you receiving that tax return, I don't know what that looks like. It's been a very long time, as all I'm gonna say, well, but you know, some of you getting a tax refund, and you're going out and you purchase your car, because you need to replace the vehicle you're driving, but always inquire first, before you make that final purchase, you know, you can contact your insurance agent or you can contact me at 7022362624702236262 for find out how much that car is gonna cost you. So you can understand the bottom line, your monthly payments, for your premiums on auto insurance and also your monthly payment. I do encourage you, if you're not putting a lot of money down on a car, please get the GAP Insurance, I cannot stress that enough. If you're just putting especially with zero down, or no tray, no money down, you need the GAP Insurance and it's okay to purchase the GAP Insurance from the dealership they cover over a lot of different items, you do have options when it comes to the warranty. When you purchasing a pre owned vehicle, you do have options you don't necessarily and they may pressure you to buy their warranty. But you don't have to do that is there's other outlets for warranties out there. That probably is more cost effective you can shop I noticed oh I will put it in your loan and say all of a sudden, you know you just added a you know a few more $1,000 on your car, you know on your car loan. And with interest. You know you may be you could shop for a warranty and pay cash for it. And not have that additional payment and additional entries that you know over over many years you have to pay for keep that in mind. This is News You Can Use. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection, broadcasting every Sunday morning from 8am to 830. K und 91.5 to jazz and more. Last week was you know, you know Mother's Day and all the mothers aren't Well was it last week, I think it was last week, for the Mother's Day holiday. It's Mother's day every day. And I just want to say, you know, the ladies that come to see me, they always come to see me with a smile on their face to have the paperwork together to review the home auto life insurance. I know this is Memorial Day weekend, be very safe out there, you know, be very safe out there because a lot of people are driving and so reckless drivers out there. I was only to 15. And these guys were racing each other, you're not going that far, you know, and in and out of traffic. The reckless drivers cause harm to others, they really do when you when you're driving, and you're speeding and trying to get in or just to show off. This this is one of the reasons why we have higher car insurance. Because you know, and I know a lot of you call me up and your son or daughter is graduating from high school and you want to put them on the policy. You know, you maybe you want to think about that when they turn 1819 Because they're rates your rates are gonna go increase. It's not like it used to be, you know, let's say even 15 years ago, when you put that student driver on your auto insurance policy, it's expensive. So you may want to hold back from them getting their driver's license, now they have a driver's license, they will be automatically added on to your auto insurance policy. Keep that in mind. And you know, I've we've heard all the excuses. Well, you know, they don't drive they don't have a driver's license for ID identification purposes. But they're gonna be adamant on your policy, it just the rules of the insurance, because they want to make sure if your son or daughter, take the car down the street, go to the store, come back. And as a car accident, you are covered there protecting your best interest. You know, and all that although no, my son or daughter did not drive my car. I've heard this a lot. But why did they get a driver's license with where they can easily get an ID card. Keep this in mind when expression when it comes to your young drivers in the household with an ID card. You can give them an ID card looks just like a driver's license. And you know and they won't be rated on your policy. If they're not driving. There's so many different ways to transport now you have the share rides. We didn't have that when I was growing up. No share rides when I was growing up and united taxis and the bus. And sometimes you can hitch a ride, but nobody's picking up hitchhikers today. I don't even see people able to thumbs out anymore. Back in the day, everybody was, hey, give me a ride, you know, I never I had no problem jump in. Or if you have a pickup truck, hey, jump in the back, I'll do well, I'm headed this direction. Sure, you know, a few miles down the road, I'll let you off.
Unknown Speaker 10:26
Not anymore. People are very concerned about, you know, hitchhikers. So that's the thing in the past. No reason I'm saying this because this is a form of transportation. This is from getting you point a to point b. And but if you do have these young drivers, and in your household and your son or daughter is graduating from High School, graduating from college, and you want to present them with a very nice gift, and you are like, well, you know, my son, my daughter, good, good child, and I want to buy him a car. And you know, all of a sudden you you get you get hit with all these expenses. And wow. And I receive calls, but it's always after the fact, not before you bought a car, you don't check with your insurance company. It is always after you buy the car, and then you realize, you know, what it costs to insure that young driver? This question has come up many times in my 28 years of insurance, can I put my young driver on a separate auto insurance policy? No, don't do that is going to be extremely expensive. Now with them when mom and dad on the auto insurance policy with with your young child keeps the rate a little lower. Now that gives the opportunity for your young driver to drive all the cars in the house. So we just cannot separate that out and say okay, we're gonna restrict your your your young driver from driving into vehicles, they're rated on all cars, as well as you. Now if you do want to separate the liability, you can do that. But keep in mind, it's going to be extremely expensive. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. For more information 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. Look at your homeowners insurance policy when it renews. Look at your homeowners insurance policy. When it renews I'm receiving calls, people have water losses. And some of these policies the homeowners policies don't pay for water loss. It's not the companies that I represent for homeowners insurance. They do cover water losses. I am very selective when it comes to finding the right insurance company for my clients. I like to sleep at night. But you know, when you look at your policies, whether it's auto auto insurance, homeowners insurance, or renters insurance, the first line you're looking at is the cost. I get that. But you know, I'm concerned as well of the costs but also the coverages if your water if you have water damage, for less than for instance, let's say your water heater breaks, that's the most that's very common in our valley. Because of our hard water from Lake Mead. The water the water heater breaks, the water spilled out everywhere. Now if your water heater is elevated, you can put it in a pan underneath with a PVC pipe that's coming from the pan. And you can have a bucket right there. And this is what I have. I have my wall my water heater and my water heater is getting up in age I shouldn't say it is because I don't want anything to happen anytime soon. But I know it's been there for a while. But I do have a pan and that pan has a hole in it for PVC pipe and I have a PVC pipe connected to the hole in the pan. It's a 45 degree elbow. And when the water heater breaks, it'll go right in a bucket that I have placed in some big large yellow mop bucket. And I use it you know my use it to mop my floors in my house. But when I'm not in use of the mop bucket, I have it right underneath the PVC pipe. So if the water heater does break, the water will flow the bucket will fill up at the bottom of the water heater. And then it'll curve out to the bucket that I have my my bucket. It makes sense to me because now you reduce the loss. You know I reduce the loss. So when that happens, the water will flow into the mop bucket, fill it up and probably spill over a little bit. Believe what I'm doing. I'm being proactive. I'm being proactive when that day comes and then it comes in happens to all of us. You know it's not the damage is not as severe because some of these water heaters can cause a lot of damage. But you quickly find out because you did not read your homeowners insurance policy. water losses from are not covered fungus and fungi is now not cover that, you know, because when you were shopping for homeowners insurance, you were shopping for price, I want the cheapest price possible. I don't like using that word. I really don't because you get what you pay for. That's how it works in the insurance business. And you know, quick thing on your mind as I thought I was fully covered, because you didn't read your exclusions on your homeowners insurance policy. They are exclusions now, as well as exclusions for renters insurance. For renters insurance, there are exclusions as well as homeowners, for a certain type of dogs. If you have the right Wilders, the pit bulls, they may be excluded from your homeowners or renters insurance policy, the landlord is not responsible. Let's let's let's clear that up. Now that landlord allows you have this dog in your house, and they're not insured. You know, that's another story. But if the landlord doesn't know that you have this type of animal in your house, Rottweilers and people, and they are excluded from the renter's insurance, you know, you could be very liable if your dog goes out by someone. Now, most people say, Well, my dog doesn't bite anybody. Well, that's why they have teeth, because it does happen. And it's a very costly lesson. Because it can be 10 $20,000 lesson. If your dog goes out and buy someone, and then all of a sudden you realize, oh, my goodness, I didn't know. You know, they could cost me this much money. Check your policy, read your policy, understand what you're paying for. You know, it makes a lot of sense. Think about how much money you spent for all your insurances, your home, your auto, your renter's your life insurance, read your policy. And if you don't understand what you're reading, offer no obligation reviews where you bring your policy into my office with an appointment. And we'll go over your all your policies line by line regardless if I offered you the policy in mind. You know what, I have a friend I know they need life insurance. They don't have any life insurance. And I don't know what the wait, no, they get up in age. They need some life insurance. I've heard that many, many times. We have to stop kicking the can when it comes to life insurance, like all your other insurances. If you could pay for a car, what is more valuable? What is more valuable? Is the car more valuable to have insurance. Some people don't think twice about paying for auto insurance. But when it comes to life insurance, it's always that, you know, take a deep breath and release easy and like life insurance. That's a tough conversation. Now, it's a tougher conversation with your family members. And there's a loss in the household with no life insurance. That's a devastating conversation. Because financially, you could be financially devastated. Because that could be a significant loss of income. Number one, pay for a very expensive funeral service number two, and number three, their other financial obligations once you lose your loved one, husband and wife used to have life insurance on each other. And don't think because you have underlying health conditions, that you don't qualify for life insurance. Let me find a policy for you. I represent multiple life insurance companies, very well known companies Prudential Mutual of Omaha, Lincoln heritage Life Insurance Company, Great Western life insurance company, you know, and again, I've said this on the program many times, going online to shop for you. Life insurance is the wrong thing to do. Now, these life insurance companies have made it very easy for you to go online, put all your personal information online, and now you're going to receive a lot of phone calls. Because what they these companies do they sell that lead to multiple insurance agents added a cost to the insurance agent. So they don't take yearly, and now sell it to 50 insurance agents and they'll make a lot of money these leads resource companies. I don't buy leads from these companies because I don't want to be the the 25th insurance agent to call you. Oh, you put your information online. And I'm giving you a call Mr. Mrs. Jones, I let you use me here. Everybody's jealous. Okay. That's like a common name. Well, Johnson. But no, I mean, but and you're bombarded with calls, it turns you off for the possibility to buy and life insurance. Once I receive your information, I only share it with the insurance company we select. Do not sell your information to a lead resource is not no, we don't do that. Coming in getting the life insurance policy. I need to know your medications you're taking. If you had any surgeries in the last seven years, you know height weight sometimes that's a requirement. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes we ask for height and weight when there's many times we don't now some of you with underlying health conditions, COPD, liver kidney disease, heart disease, you know we can get Your life insurance policy, your insurance connection,
Unknown Speaker 20:02
I actually specialize in the final expense. Now if you need a larger life insurance policy that's on it stars 100,000. And up, they may be a physical require. But if you're looking for that burial policy, to take care of that final expense, so your loved ones won't be stuck with his very expensive funeral bill, the average cost of a funeral today is $20,000. Now, if you don't believe me call the funeral homes. Now, if you want to be cremated, it's a little less. But the average costs for traditional burial with the casket, the vault, the opening and the closing the grave site, the headstone, the service, everything, you know, we're out, we're almost 20,000. And if you want to transport your loved ones remains to another state to be buried, that's an airline ticket, or truck to transport transport that those remains to the next destination, wherever they may be. Well, I want to bury my, my, my dad in Texas, he wanted to be buried with his family in Texas. No, you know, the funeral home has to pick up the remains, take it to the airport, put it in a container, buy ticket, I mean, it's just gold. And then on the receiving end, on the receiving in the funeral home has to pick up the remains. Already, everything is already done. So I've had people contact me said, Well, you know, I want to send my, my loved one to another state, they got to prep the remains here first, before they transport it, they're not going to put your loved ones in a container without being prepped first, who are going through the embalming process on a traditional burial, and then do to do to transport after they did all the embalming services. And then they'll put your loved one in a casket, then the casket goes in a container for the airline flight. And it will be received from a funeral home on the receiving end, take to the funeral home or to the grave site.
Unknown Speaker 21:56
This depends on how you set it up. What does that mean to you listener? Expenses, a lot of expenses, a lot of expenses? And, you know, I've heard this before? Well, you know, I can save that much money, whatever
Unknown Speaker 22:12
cause, but why? Why would you do that? I mean, if you're really, really good at saving money. That's what most of us are not because things come up. As I was talking to earlier in the program that worried what if that water heater breaks, and that costs almost $2,000 Today, to replace your water heater. Now, all of a sudden, now you're trying to save money. But now you're heading, you're going backwards, you're going north instead of going south. Because things come up and you utilize your savings. That's what you do when you save money. Okay, things come up, I need I need money, I don't want to put it on charge card. So I'm gonna go to my savings. A life insurance policies and automatic savings is your bond money you buy, that's all you doing. And when you know, all of a sudden, instantly you have a policy. The money is there. If something happens, the money is already there. You know, and all of a sudden, you said he's up. You know, I'm gonna do the math and see what works. Okay, I can see it as much money if I do this. Most of us not at this, but don't even try it. By making that small premium payment every month and we can fit it in your budget 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 We'll make the necessary adjustments in your budget. Find a policy that fits for you something that makes sense. I've had family members contact me said You know, we go I have family members is on drugs. Can you Can I get a policy on them? Yes, you can. And sometimes it takes a power of attorney to do it. But every situation is different. Now, if you do have a loved one that's incarcerated, unfortunately, we cannot write them a life insurance policy. If you are getting up in age and your 70s and no life insurance, let's have a conversation. And if you are a veteran, don't get misled by the VA is going to take care of all your farm expenses. That's not necessarily true. I've had many veterans coming by my bed and the VA is gonna take care of it. No, no, no. No, they won't. Maybe Maybe this depends more and more than likely not. No. Yes, they will take care of the plot the opening and the closing the headstone at Boulder City Cemetery only in the state of Nevada. Well in Southern Nevada, that's a segment in Southern Nevada. But you have to understand the VA, I'm also a veteran, the VA doesn't offer you that type of insurance is going to take care of you for the rest of your life. As you age. If you buy their policy, you find that quickly. That's going to be a very expensive policy. It's a group term policy. Now when you're young is a good policy there. It really is because there's a lot of insurance was for low cost. And many of you out there listening and you have young family members with families, you know, this is a good opportunity for them to purchase life insurance, because they can get life insurance for low costs. The younger you are the lowest go to cost, the more insurance you can get. It should be a class in school and college. When you once you graduate and you start your family, one of the first things you need to do is get life insurance. Life insurance could be there and those times of need, because we never know. You know, when our day is up, especially with a young family, just imagine you're in your mid 30s You have a young family home, and something unexpected happens and you lose your husband. And now you're faced with the fact that three young children are mortgage. And what are you going to do with no life insurance? It is never too late to get life insurance up until age 85. Of course. I've had people call me and 80s said can I get some life insurance? Yes, you can. But 86 can't get any life insurance at 86 It's over at 85 now I could write you loans you 85 But you turn 86 can't write you 86 This is done Marquez, this is your insurance connection. 702-236-2620 470-223-6262 for Memorial Day weekend, I want you to enjoy yourselves, you know, just get out there in the weather starting to heat up. It's not my favorite time of the year only at night. born or raised in Vegas, and our summer times are just really hot. Now if you're just moving to Vegas, welcome to our welcome to town. But if you've never been in the summertime, get ready because it's gonna get warm. And you know, just be ready put some sun some sunscreen on because our Sun is intense. And it's gonna go from June all the way to October. So, always good weather we haven't and we're in the 90s right now. I wish it stayed that way. You know, but it's not it's gonna get very hot. It's gonna get very intense. Make sure you you know, do what you'd have to do for your watering your lawn. I got I got a little red flag in my yard one day and I came home and I said what is this red flag for? Because my sprinkler system was on I had to change my clock. So they gave me a really nice letter saying if you don't abide by the water restrictions, we're gonna send you this bill and that'd be it was almost $5,000 and quickly. You know I had to adjust the clock on my sprinkler system and that could happen to you. Don't get caught with unnecessary bills. My name is Dawn Marquez. This is your insurance connection. 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. I want to thank the listeners that came in to purchase a home model. And yes, life insurance. My Location is on a corner of Sahara Rancho. In the US Bank Center. My business hours are Monday through Friday from 10am to 5pm 702. To 362624 702-236-2624 I want to say happy birthday to my son Desmond today's his birthday. And he can go he's getting older. I'm not so happy birthday son. This is your insurance connection. We'll do this again next week. Until then just keep it crispy. Enjoy your Memorial Day
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