Understanding Life Insurance: Personalized Coverage, Common Misconceptions, and Options for All
This is a KUNV Studios original program.
Wesley Knight
The following is a paid program sponsored by Your Insurance Connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz & More, the University of Nevada Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Donald Marquez
Good morning. This is Your Insurance Connection. I'm your host, Donald Marquez. On Your Insurance Connection, we talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowner's insurance, yes, and we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.
Donald Marquez
Good morning, this is Donald Marquez with Your Insurance Connection broadcasting right here at KUNV 91.5 Jazz and More Sunday morning. Relax, enjoy this program. I'm an insurance professional and I come on KUNV 91.5 Jazz and More every Sunday morning from 8 a.m. to 8 30 to enlighten you on insurance. That's something I've been doing for the last 28 years right here in Southern Nevada and I also practice in California. I am licensed in the state of California,
Donald Marquez
offering you auto insurance, homeowners, yes, and life insurance. That's absolutely my favorite subject. You know, I find people feel that life insurance is a necessity, and others, you know, find it a little bit of a challenge
Donald Marquez
because they don't quite understand it. When they see the simple commercials on television, you know, rate starters, low-end, $9.99, $6.95, whatever. But that's just to get your attention so you can call in and get a quote over the phone. Now, there's no personal touch with that. You know, you get a customer service person on the phone and, you know, they give you the rates and they tell you what the rates are and you pick and choose your price point. I don't operate like that.
Donald Marquez
I don't operate like that. Not to say anything's wrong with it, but you know, I don't like, I don't like the point where there's no, uh, you know, self, it's like self-service. You go on there, you call them up. There's no personal touch. I invite people to come to my office and we can do a lot over the phone, but I invite you to come to my office. Sit down and have a conversation. I want to get to know you.
Donald Marquez
I want to get to know your concerns. Not only just giving you a quote over the phone like 1, 2, 3. It leaves you a little empty when you do it like that. It really does because once you receive the policy, no one sits down with you and talks to you about what you just purchased. You receive your policy in the mail when you go online or you call these 800 numbers.
Donald Marquez
You know, and there's no one to go, an insurance agent like myself, to go over the policy with you. And this is why a lot of people don't understand life insurance, because it's just way too many parts to understand.
Donald Marquez
The insurance companies have insurance agents for a reason. I came into the business back in the late 90s, and I started with Allstate Insurance Company. I stayed there for seven years with my own agency. I sold my agency and went to AAA insurance company. I stayed there long enough to retire.
Donald Marquez
And back in 2015 I decided to be an insurance broker. And this is why I'm on the radio right now. To explain what insurance is all about. I get questions like this. Can you buy insurance on someone else? Yes you can.
Donald Marquez
As long as they are Has as long as they have an insurable interest You you as long as you have an insurable interest with the person that you're purchasing the life insurance for whether they're related to you Or not And you don't and you do have to improve insurability Because you may suffer financially
Donald Marquez
You know, but some people say well if I got a neighbor next though, my neighbor Joe is getting older, can I get a life insurance policy on Joe? Only if you have to pay for Joe's funeral, medical bills, credit card bills, because now you may suffer financially when Joe passes away, your neighbor. But just to get a policy on your next door neighbor because maybe he's aging or she's aging so you can benefit financially, that's not sure that you're a financial
Donald Marquez
Could be obligated if this person passes now because there are funeral costs involved There's you know, sometimes they're after the fact after the funeral in most cases There are an additional expenses. We talk about mortgages rent Moving the furniture out of the home the the cost continues family members coming in from out of town keeping the lights on, keeping the water running
Donald Marquez
keeping the gas on until the property is sold or you know you completely you know take the furniture out the house move out the home and getting prepared to rent it out or if a person is renting a home and they're the last surviving person and now you need to take all the furniture out and that costs money
Donald Marquez
uh... move out and there may be additional expenses for instance you may have to pay the rent while you're in the process you may have to pay the power uh... you may have to pay the power bill and just the cost just keeps adding up this is why it's so important when I come on the radio
Donald Marquez
and I do want to thank the listeners that contacted me and purchased life insurance because it is needed you definitely know no matter how much money you make now for an example if you if you have a salary and you're making $50,000 here just to give you an idea where you should be at on your on your current career they will only pay you three times your salary now if you're
Donald Marquez
making $50,000 a year that's only a hundred and fifty thousand dollars when I do a needs analysis I find out because people sometimes people just don't know how much life insurance they need. The way I evaluate it is if you're making $50,000 a year, you need at least $250,000 or $500,000 worth of life insurance. You need five times or ten times your salary to keep up with everything that's going on now especially if you have younger children that depends on
Donald Marquez
you for that salary. I talked to a gentleman just the other day and he said I have five children I am self-employed my wife and I work on my construction company together I heard you on the radio I just need to come in and sit down and have a conversation with you I'm a licensed contractor self-employed, don't 401k, no additional benefits. And I ask the simple question. And he's a young man, he's under 50, but I asked him, I said, if something, you know, if you have a premature passing, what would happen to your family? He said it would be bad. It would not be good because he and his wife work together on his construction company. He is everything. He is all of that. I mean, and I say this to you because, you know,
Donald Marquez
people that are self-employed need a life insurance policy because unlike people that are employed, you know, it's easy to sign up with a 401k. When you're self-employed, you need the Roth IRA, you need some type of savings, you know, so when that day comes and you want to retire you have something to fall back on but if you're solely responsible for your family And you're the main Bread winner as you want to call it or the main earner of income in the household Well, let's let's sit down have a conversation. My office is located on the corner of Sahara and Rancho in the US Bank Center
Donald Marquez
Located on the eighth floor. I work Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. I work by appointment 7 0 2 2 3 6 2 6 2 4 7 0 2 2 3 6 26 24 I'm here for you. I'm look at you know, it's a heron rancher right in the heart of Las Vegas, Nevada
Donald Marquez
Across the street from the Palace Station Hotel and Casino Some of you go over there making your football bets now. Good luck with that. I stopped that a long time ago. I stopped that a long time ago. I couldn't even get a three-teamer. Because I think the best way to be a footballer is don't take the points.
Donald Marquez
You don't get paid as much, but I think you can do easier picks that way. When you don't take the points, but you've got to be really good at what you do uh... but i thought that a long time ago i used to go over to the power station i had my little formula and put my football bats in and get my heart broke every week by a field goal
Donald Marquez
or a touchdown or something happens anyway let's get back to business uh... i'm a licensed insurance agent right here in las vegas nevada and uh... california as well offering auto insurance homeowners insurance yes and life insurance. Power of returning. You can purchase life insurance on an individual other than a family member but if you want to put insurance on a family member
Donald Marquez
because they're just out there doing that thing while and out in the streets or they have a drug or alcohol problem we need to sit down and have a conversation we can get a power of returning. One of my colleagues I work with is Christine Bernard. She is a paralegal and she can get us a power of attorney that gives you full authorization to speak in that loved one's behalf or that relative's behalf so that you, when that day comes and you're responsible for their final expenses, you know, you will have the funds
Donald Marquez
to do so because you took out a life insurance policy. You are being proactive instead of reactive. How many times, it's every day, every day people come in, they are reactive to a situation where, you know, unexpectedly, and it happens every day, unexpectedly, they lose a loved one.
Donald Marquez
Now, all of a sudden, here comes the fallout, the financial responsibility, and you say to yourself, why did they not get a life insurance policy. They've worked all their life have nice cars nice jewelry Living in a nice home No life insurance. You know People are listening to this program right now
Donald Marquez
What is what is more valuable you or your car? You know we put more value in a car Than we do ourselves. We put auto insurance on a car, you know, we pay payments on the car, you know, you maintain the car, you gas it up every time you drive. So that's a large investment. You invest a lot of money in a vehicle. And if you have multiple vehicles, you're investing a lot of money in these multiple vehicles. But, you know, you put more money in a car than some of you, than you do in your life insurance policy. Now if you can put life insurance
Donald Marquez
on yourself, and I know to drive a car, you have to have insurance to drive, you know if you're making car payments, you have to make those car payments, keep up the maintenance, keep the gas in it, but when you start adding up how much money you're putting in the car versus how much life insurance you have on yourself, what makes better sense? I mean it's okay to have as many cars as you can afford. But along with having these multiple vehicles, and I've talked to many of you over many,
Donald Marquez
many years. People have two or three cars, one person has three cars and no life insurance. Doesn't make sense to me. Think about that. You have two or three cars and no life insurance. And you're putting money in these cars every single month whether it's gas, maintenance, auto insurance.
Donald Marquez
When you start adding it up, you know, that's a liability. But I think you're a lot more, I know you are a lot more valuable and you're an asset to your family. You are a lot more valuable than sinking money into cars that you probably only drive once or twice a month. My name is Donald Marquez.
Donald Marquez
This is your insurance connection. Let's do a review. Let's sit down and have a review of all your insurances, your home, your auto, your life insurance and motorcycle insurance as well. And let's see if we can come up with a good game plan to lower some of these costs of auto insurance, to have a life insurance policy, name your beneficiary, step by step process.
Donald Marquez
It doesn't take that long. I'm located right on the corner of Sahara Rancho in the US Bank Center 8th floor my business hours are 10 a.m. To 5 p.m. Money through Friday 7 0 2 2 3 6 2 6 2 4 7 0 2 2 3 6 2 6 2 4 our work by appointment some of you stopped by and I'm either in the office, I'm out of the office, or I'm with the customer.
Donald Marquez
So get a courtesy call, it would help, set you up an appointment and that way, you know, we have the time, we have the time that we need. I've had people show up and, hey, I heard you on the radio over at KUMV 91.5 and, you know, I just want to ask you a few questions, can you give me a quote? And I have to turn you away, I said, no, I can't quote you right now because I have a customer that's coming in the lobby any moment.
Donald Marquez
They've made an appointment and here's my business card. You can make an appointment as well. If you can't come back in, we can make arrangements to have a phone conversation. We can do a phone appointment. 702-236-2624. I'm going to get right back into the life insurance. But before I do I want to give my condolences to the families of a multi-talented Frankie Beverly and Mays
Donald Marquez
Frankie Beverly was a lead singer for the group Mays for many years entertaining a Vegas audience for many many years on all over the all over the globe entertaining for I grew up listening to Mays featuring Frankie Beverly and my heart also goes out to the family of James Earl Jones. The first time I knew who James Earl Jones was and when I heard when I watched Darth Vader and I heard his voice and in character on Star Wars the first very
Donald Marquez
first Star Wars it was amazing to hear his voice and it just resonated in the film and with the music in the background but we lost two significant actors and singers this week and my condolences go to the family Frankie Beverly of Mays and James Earl Jones James Earl Jones of 93 and Frankie Beverly was 77. He left us earlier 77
Donald Marquez
Time goes on, you know, the more the more we live the more we see this consistency of it You know, I have people calling me up That I talked to on occasion and they always calling me up and letting me know who passed away It's like you know They're like the official person that will inform me who passed away now and some of these people I know and a lot of people I don't know
Donald Marquez
But they just want to reach out to me and say hey man guess who died and I'm like I don't want to guess just Tell me but I have people calling me up. Hey, you know who died. I'm gonna tell you that so-and-so died. I'm like, okay, who who's that way? They went to high school with us Back in the day because I went to school here in Vegas born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada And but when you when your hometown When you from your same hometown there
Donald Marquez
You know that you grew up in and you know Everybody knows everybody especially back in the day cuz Vegas when I say back in the day, let me go back. I'm talking about the 70s, 80s, 90s. Back in the day, everybody knew everybody. This was a small town back then, but now it's grown up to be a real city with a population of well over 3 million people.
Donald Marquez
And the housing prices are going up like everything else. But, you know, it's all good. I enjoy everyone and I listen but sometimes you know people call me up letting me know who passed It's just some of these folks. I don't know and but it is you know people yeah, you're my uncle My uncle Melvin used to say here today gone today You know you people used to say here today gone tomorrow, but he used to say here today gone today
Donald Marquez
Just give you a little bit of information, but you know getting back to where we're talking about Can you insure someone? Whether they're related to you or not. Yes you can. You do have to suffer a loss financially if in fact they're not related to you. Maybe you have medical bills to pay, credit card bills to pay, or you may have to pay
Donald Marquez
for a very expensive funeral because you have some financial insurability with this person. Now if you're living together and you don't have life insurance, let's say a husband or wife or companions that don't have life insurance on each other. And we're getting older every day. Now if you're in your seventies
Donald Marquez
with no life insurance, let's have a conversation. I'm happy to say that I did sign up with the company that I can offer policies that people have HIV or AIDS up to $25,000 in coverage. Let me say that again. I'm happy to announce that I do have a company, just got appointed.
Donald Marquez
This week I can offer life insurance up to $25,000 in coverage if you have HIV or AIDS from age 45 to 80. So that's a good thing and I've been working on this for a while. I'm reaching out to the people that I know. In the past, I had to refuse coverage.
Donald Marquez
I couldn't help them. But now, I went to work finding a company that will cover people with HIV and AIDS. I have to say, people with HIV and AIDS are living a lot longer. They should be able to obtain insurance. 702-236-2624. 702-236-2624.
Donald Marquez
How much life insurance do I need? I look at your outstanding debts, your financial obligation, your living expenses, I look at your salary. Like I said earlier in the conversation, in a conversation if you're just tuning in if you're making $50,000 a year on you on your job they're only gonna offer you three times your salary which only makes $150,000 a year that money $150,000 a year with three young children at home goes very quickly however I look at a much different if
Donald Marquez
you're making $50,000 a year I say you need at least in life insurance $250,000 or at least $500,000 in coverage. Now you may say, oh, I can't afford that. Why not? If you're paying for your policy at work and you're only getting $150,000 in coverage because you're only making $50,000 a year,
Donald Marquez
you do have other options. Now we have term and universal life insurance policy. We have term and universal life insurance policies. Now term is the lowest cost insurance up to 30 years. Now if you're 58 and under, you can get up to 30 years of term life insurance.
Donald Marquez
Now if you're 59 and over, you can only get 20 years of term life insurance. My number is 702-236-2624, 702-236-2624. 2 3 6 26 24 we have term insurance Universal life my term is for 30 years maximum 30 years
Donald Marquez
There's no cash value asset with the term life insurance policy Universal life is permanent insurance does go a little bit of a cash value you you do build cash value money You can't borrow against and I've said this many times on this show if you do borrow money against your universal life or your whole life policy, find a way to pay it back because it does accumulate anywhere from 7, 8 to 9% interest on the money borrowed annually.
Donald Marquez
Another policy that I do have to offer is guaranteed issue life insurance. Now who buys a guaranteed issue life insurance policy? There's no health examination to apply for, just health questions, just a few health questions by the way this is people with underlying health conditions diabetics people with lupus cancer you know a history of maybe COPD a history of cancer this is a policy that you would need because you may or may not in most cases you will not qualify for the term. Term starts at $100,000 face amount
Donald Marquez
and universal life also starts at a $100,000 in most cases. But your guaranteed universal life insurance policy is a whole life policy once you are accepted the rates and benefits are locked in for the life of the policy. Then there's no health examinations just a few health questions. Easy questions. They're yes or no answers. It's not that
Donald Marquez
difficult. Do you smoke? Yes or no. Do you have diabetes? Yes or no? I mean, these are the simple questions they ask You know and this only have 12 questions We ask up to thirty five thousand dollars in coverage Rates and benefits are locked in for the life of the policy and people even qualify with health issues
Donald Marquez
Benefits are paid immediately once you once you sign up for a life insurance policy It's gonna take a while to build a cash value. I've had people call me up, believe it or not, take out a policy, and in the following month, they wanna borrow money against the policy. Well, you've only made one payment.
Donald Marquez
It does take a while to build up the equity in these whole life policies, because with a whole life policy, benefits up to $35,000, you rapidly, at 3.5% interest, you rapidly accumulate a cash value, but it does take a little time.
Donald Marquez
Now, when I say rates and benefits are paid in 24 hours let's say if you've had your policy for the last five years and you get some news that you only have six months left to live. There are some companies that will allow you to take out an advance on the policy while you're still living with a note from your doctor saying that you have less than 12 months to live. Again, if you want to take out in advance, whether it's term,
Donald Marquez
whole life, or universal life, you can take out an advance on your policy. And in some most cases, up to 80% of the face value, up to 80% of the face value. So you can take care of all your filing expenses, your obligations while you're still living. And you want to talk more about it my contact phone number is 702-236-2624. 702-236-2624. Accelerated death benefit means it puts the money in your hands now. Let's say for an example you have a $100,000 life insurance policy.
Donald Marquez
You find out you have less than 12 months to live. You can take up to 80% in most cases up to 80% on that life insurance policy while you're still living. Now your beneficiary, when you do pass, your beneficiary files a claim for the balance of the life insurance policy. So if you take the full 80% and when you pass, once your beneficiary or beneficiaries receive your death benefit, then they file for the balance of the life insurance policy or the
Donald Marquez
20% because you took out the full 80% My name is Donald Marquez. This is your insurance connection broadcasting right here at KUNV 91.5 Jazz and more Sunday morning from 8 a.m. To 8 30 and I said early in the broadcasting my Condolences go out to James Earl Jones. He passed this week and Frankie Breverly featuring Mays he was a lead
Donald Marquez
singer Frankie was 77 and James Earl Jones was 93 let him may their souls rest in paradise ah you know time goes on life goes on and we go on so we have to do better to get better I and I say this because many times in my career over the 28 years I've had people come to me. We have to bury a loved one more than once, different family members and you know they don't want to experience that anymore because with the cost of today's funeral services this is why you know having a life insurance policy is good
Donald Marquez
to have with your financial portfolio because the funeral homes want the money right now and what they do they take a life insurance policy and i was talking about taking advance out early you can even pay for your funeral taking out the advance but what the funeral homes do
Donald Marquez
they when you take your life insurance policy to the funeral home they assign it to a third party and the third party charges them ten percent maybe even more than that to Take out the benefit and pay the funeral home in advance So what they do is okay your friend will cost $20,000 they take out
Donald Marquez
To $20,000 from this third party the third party could charge you 10 up to 10% or even more So let's say they charge you 10% on $20,000. That's an additional $2,000 to borrow that money To take care of the funeral immediately Although your policy is your security, but the funeral homes don't want to wait For the money, you know, they don't want to wait for the for the death benefit So they get paid through the life insurance company
Donald Marquez
Yeah, it's to me. That's they catch you at a bad time. That is one of your weakest points where you lost a loved one and everything is adding up really fast. Okay, how much does a casket cost? The flowers, the limos, the grounds, the grave site, the headstone. It keeps adding up quickly.
Donald Marquez
And then all of a sudden now, you're paying for caskets, the flowers, the limousines, the grave sites, the headstones, and now they hit you with this additional fee. All right, with all the estimating everything, and now they hit you with an additional 10% on top of everything that you want
Donald Marquez
because they go through a third party and they don't wanna wait for the death certificate. They wanna get paid right now because sometimes the death certificate takes about three to four weeks before you receive the death certificate now if you are experiencing this or just news to know
Donald Marquez
You should take at least five deaths of five original death certificates out when that time comes Because some of these banks credit unions may not accept a copy of the death certificate News you can use there's ways to get around paying an additional 10% Like I said earlier in the program, you take out a cash advance. I'm talking about the beneficiaries can take out a cash advance up to 80% of life insurance policy.
Donald Marquez
Now you go into the funeral home as a cash buyer. My name is Donald Marquez. This is your insurance connection. My phone number is 702-236-2624. 702-236-2624. Go Raiders.
Donald Marquez
Come on now.
Donald Marquez
Y'all lost the first one.
Donald Marquez
We're rooting for you.
Donald Marquez
I've been to the Raiders game. What an amazing stadium. If you ever get an opportunity to go, it is a treat. I've seen the Raiders more than once but I got an opportunity to see them last year in the Raiders Stadium and it was an amazing, amazing time. Hopefully, hopefully, we have a winning season this year. Lady Aces are doing their thing and you know I just
Donald Marquez
love Vegas. We have sports now. We have the Golden Knights with the Aces. I'm waiting on the basketball team, baseball team and that's probably just around the corner. 702-236-2624. 702-236-2624. Go outside and enjoy today. You know it is kind of smoky outside because the fires from California and Highland California and they're blazing over there and that's why we have all this smoke. That's bad news but the good news is we're starting
Donald Marquez
to cool down. We're starting to cool down getting away from these extreme temperatures. 702-236-2624. My name is Don Marquez. This is your Insurance Connection. Have a wonderful day. Until then, just keep it crispy. Insurance Connection. Have a wonderful day. Until then, just keep it crispy.
Donald Marquez
your insurance connection. Have a wonderful day. Until then, just keep it crispy.
Transcribed with Cockatoo