Essential Insurance Insights
Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a key when the studio's original program. The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:25
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host, Donald Marquez, on your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Yes, and we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.
Unknown Speaker 0:45
Good morning. My name is Don Marquez. Welcome to another edition of your insurance connection. Broadcasting at K u n v 91.5. Jazz and more. Pull up your favorite beverage, a cup of coffee, a glass of orange juice and this, let's get a little educated about insurance. This is what this is what I am. I'm a licensed insurance broker right here in Nevada and also California lead to happy glad to have that California license. And I don't want to thank the listeners that contacted me and purchase home auto and life insurance and we're gonna get into auto insurance a little bit which I don't talk about a lot. I know a lot of you find it very difficult to to insure the Hyundai's and the key is at a at a favorable rate. Now the Hyundai's and the kids if you don't know this person went on Tiktok. And they showed people how to unlock vehicles with without the keys without the devices or to open and start the vehicle. And unfortunately, this insurance industry has suffered great losses a lot of theft high death rates, along with the keys and the Hyundai's. Now you say to yourself, I don't own a Kia or Hyundai. However, the insurance companies when they have a loss, everyone feels the laws regardless of what cars you drive. This is one of the reason people contact me as a while my insurance rates are going up not not my current customers but you know, mostly people that's shopping for insurance. People are shopping for insurance, they hit a program and they want to compare rates and some of the carriers that I represent they're taking a close look at the hundreds and the kids now I know this way will be over. But right now if you have a Hyundai and Kia Ora Kia you probably need to stay put for probably another 12 months. If you do have a Hyundai Kia, I do encourage you to go to your dealership to put the anti theft device on your car, they'll reprogram it to my understanding, they will reprogram your vehicle and so it won't be stolen I my daughter experienced a loss. She had purchased a brand new Hyundai and it was stolen within two weeks from where she lives and fortunately, it was recovered as I imagined some children's young teenage children just took a for joy ride and they didn't damage the vehicle so she was fortunate to recover it without any damage. However, it does affect affect us all when it comes to the insurance rates. This is why we experienced it here in Southern Nevada is higher insurance renewal premiums is one of the reasons but that's one of the main reasons but if you do have a Hyundai or Kia you may just want to hold tight for the next 12 months when all the cars are reprogram, and the assurance rates will adjust. For more information. My name is Don Marquez or you can call me Donald Marquez. My contact phone number 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 located right across the street from the palace station hotel, on the corner of Rancho Sahara, US Bank building a floor. I work by appointment my business hours are Monday through Friday from 10am to 5pm. I will work on occasionally on the Saturday. I know some of you work nine to five, and you can't make it through the week. I can also you know help you with your insurance concerns over the phone 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 Also, you can check me out on the website. You know I do have a website. It's called your insurance connection. And here's some helpful information. I prefer you you know contact me via phone. I answering all phone calls and get right back to you if I don't answer. You have the option to leave a message or you can text me at 70223 626 24 A lot of you come in and I go over your insurance concerns, line by line, what I do as an insurance agent, when I offer a policy, I want to make sure when you walk out into my office or we talk over the phone, you fully understand the product you've purchased, whether it's auto insurance, homeowners, renters, life insurance. I want I want to make sure you understand what your coverages are. There's many times in my 25 plus years in this career, people don't know what they're paying for. They don't know what the bodily injury is on auto insurance policy. They don't know if they have uninsured motorist and underinsured motorist is not to repair your car, and that is a misunderstanding. People think well down the shield motors means somebody hit my car, they'll fix it. No, it does not mean that uninsured motorist is for MediCal. Now, if you have Medicare or Medicaid, you may or may not want to have u-m on your car insurance. Uninsured Motorist, that's an option because you are fully covered on the Medicare money cable. It's just for health, someone hits your car without insurance, it just covers for your bodily injury. Now at the top of all auto insurance policy coverage is the number one coverage is bodily injury property damage. And at the state of Nevada as the minimum is $25,000 per person 50,000 Each accident with a property damage of 20,000. I've never write 20 I always write at least 25. If I'm writing the minimums. Now, I know people say well, you know I can only afford the minimums. But you do put yourself at risk with the minimum coverages. If their bodily injury is over and above your minimums, you could be liable. And I'm not saying you will be. But you could be and especially if the person doesn't have uninsured motorist on their policy. Just keep in mind, even if you're shopping for insurance, it is better to increase your bodily injury property damage coverages to the next level if in fact you are carrying the minimum state requirement of $25,000 per person 50,000 Each accident for each occurrence and 25,000 or $20,000 worth of property damage. Now the property damage is not for your car is the vehicle that you hit. The bodily injury is for the people that you injured that you hit or the passengers in your vehicle that is not listed on the policy. collision and comprehensive collision is when your car is hit. Or you hit somebody with your car. Now your deductible you know you can carry $1,000 deductible that's fine I do on collision. I don't I care a lower deductible on comprehensive. Comprehensive is when fire theft, vandalism, fallen objects on your car. When you file a claim because your windshield was cracked, that is covered under your comprehensive coverage, comprehensive excuse me comprehensive coverage on your auto insurance policy. Now, if you have $1,000 deductible on comprehensive, without glass without safety glass coverage, then you may not be eligible to receive any type of benefits. Because that windshield may cause you know up to $600 or even more, but it could be very well under your $1,000 deductible. As an example, you know, people with these trucks, construction trucks, and they're everywhere. And the rocks bounce off the road and hit your windshield. Crack your windshield weed has to be replaced and you quickly find out that the car insurance that you have because of course everyone wants to save money. But you quickly find out that that $1,000 deductible and comprehensive did not cover you windshield because it was below your $1,000 deductible and you did not have safety glass protection on your auto insurance policy. Now people get a little upset about that they're not going to understand but you have to understand if you carry $1,000 deductible you I would suggest you reduce that down to maybe a $250 deductible or even $100 deductible and you can compare rates and it's not going to be that big of a difference. Probably would take maybe a four or five cups of coffee every six months. That could be the difference or even for the full year. The difference of four or five cups of coffee that you go by the stores for the entire year is very affordable. It's not that significant to change from $1,000 deductible and comprehensive to $100 deductible or maybe even two and a $50 deductible. If you do have to replace your windshield now your comprehensive coverage will come into place and pay that for the windshield. These windshields are very expensive, especially on your high end luxury cars are your you know high profile trucks or they can get quite expensive. This is News You Can Use. My name is Donald Marquez. I'm an insurance broker. My name of my agency is Is your insurance connection 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 We'll
Unknown Speaker 10:10
combine the home and auto together or home and or renters and auto, and try to get you to bundle, we'll get you to bundle and we'll see what happens. It's not that hard, Let's shop in a way that it can save you money. And before you start shopping for auto insurance, bump your rates up from the minimums to the next level, the next level is 50,000 per person 100,000 Each accident and $50,000 property damage. Now, don't they? Well, you know, it's gonna cost me more money. But it can save you money too, especially when you're shopping. It's not a good idea to shop with the minimum coverages, it just not. And the only thing that I need is a declaration page, showing that you have the higher limits of liability. Or you can even go as high as 100,000 per person 300,000 Each accident and $100,000 property damage. If you own a home and you have assets, I would encourage you to carry higher limits of liability, cover higher limits of liability that I know you, you may say to yourself, well, we'll get into car accidents. I don't know why people tell me that at times, no one has a perfect bubble around them, to prevent them from having a car accident. There is absolutely no one wakes up in the morning and say, you know, today is a good day to have a car accident. It just does not happen. It just happens. You know someone runs a red light, and you at the wrong place at the wrong time. And it may or may not be your fault, or you run a yellow light, and you create an accident. And be careful with the pedestrians out there. Especially the homeless people. You know, I the other day, I saw this homeless guy directing traffic. He was just you know, his mind was twisted. I was he was mentally ill just say that sounds a little bit better. But he was just, you know, I felt so bad for that he was just out there just it had to be 100 plus 100. Outside 100 And plus, outside he's in the middle of the road directing traffic, I feel really bad for him. But you know, be careful with that pedestrians. And, you know, they they there's their their minds are not right. So you know, just be aware of the homeless people, especially in areas downtown. A lot of homeless people, certain areas of town I've been in and, and I've witnessed a lot of homeless. I've never seen anything like this in my life. I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. I was born and raised in Vegas. You know, we call them hobos back in the day. But today, it's a sad to see so many homeless people with mental illness on the streets. And you know, a lot of them can't help their actions. So just be just be aware of them when you're driving. Okay, just be aware of them because we're getting reports where people homeless, homeless people are getting hit, because they're in the industry, and people are a little impatient, or they just don't see him crossing the street. Unfortunately, it is happening in the insurance business 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. Who needs life insurance? Everybody needs life insurance. You know, the reason why I became an insurance broker is because when I was a captive agent, with Allstate, and also AAA, I started my career with Allstate Insurance company back in the late 90s. Back in 1997, I was licensed in 96. I was licensed to 96, right week right before. Now, the day before Thanksgiving. I had the state exam the day before Thanksgiving, and I pass the exam. And that was one of the best feelings in my life. Because I really studied hard to pass these exams. And Nevada has some of the highest requirements at that time to pass the insurance laws and the insurance test is it was tough, but I got through it because I hadn't been in school a long time. But I got through it. And I started interviewing with different companies farmers State Farm, and then I really liked what all say they have to offer. The training was very important to me. The training was excellent. And I learned a lot for being an Allstate agent. How to provide customer service to your customers. And make sure you your customers understand the products and services they have purchased from you be there when they call return their phone calls, because they want to know their concern customers. They want to know what's going on with their policy or they may want to make some changes on their policy. You know and be kind and listen. And this is one of the things I was taught I as a professional. I listen to you, I listen to you, your concerns you because you know, when you don't listen, and you talk to other agents, and they just like, Okay, what do you want? What do you need just an order taker or you get on the phone, one 800 customer service, they're not going to advise you on what your next step is, or what is maybe a better move. Maybe not now, but in the future, we can make some adjustments as time as as you as a customer of mine, we can make adjustments. Right now, if you have an accident or a speeding ticket, we can't make any rate adjustments, because you still have a speeding ticket as an example a speeding ticket or an accident in and that's been five years. Yes, speeding tickets and accidents stay on your policy for five years. Now, fortunately, in state of Nevada, you can get rid of the speeding ticket, by way of lawyers can take care of it or paralegals can take care of that for you. Well, we won't see it, when we run your driving history, we won't see that speeding ticket. But if you go to court to for a speeding ticket and pay the fine, you want to follow up to make sure they did remove the speeding ticket violation. So when your policy it does renew every six months, or once a year, we don't see the speeding ticket, they'll reduce it down to a parking ticket about being liked by saying that, you know, again, the insurance industry, customer service is a number one for me. Stay there are all stay for seven years, I want my own agency and I was making an offer I couldn't refuse at AAA insurance company. I mean, it was a great offer. And I just I sold my book of business at Allstate, and I went to work for AAA, I stayed there long enough to retire back in 2015. And that's when I decided to be a broker. And the reason I wanted to be a broker and I am a broker today is because as a captive agent, with Allstate or AAA, when a customer come in for life insurance, and I have diabetes, lupus, Canada history of cancer, those policies got turned down, they got denied. And I will pick up the phone and contact a broker, an insurance broker, no problem, I can insure that individual, as the ally providing customer service to my customers. You know, I don't like to get turned down when once I submitted an application for life insurance, I don't like to get denied it my denied ratio now is very, very low, very low, I may see 100 people, and maybe one of one out of 100 gets denied. However, with all the companies that I have, and I have 60 Life insurance companies that I'm appointed with, I can find a policy for that individual. I did receive an unfortunate phone call a couple of weeks ago, I'll share this with you. A gentleman called me and said, you know, my, my loved one only has less than six months. And Bill, can I purchase them a life insurance policy? I said no. Oh four, I'm sorry to hear about your loved one. My condolences go to you and your family. But you cannot purchase a life insurance policy make two payments. And you love one, two or three payments and your loved one passed away. It doesn't work that way. This is why when I started talking about life insurance, I said everyone needs life insurance. Even if you have it on your job. If you have life insurance on your job, and you're making $70,000 a year, and you're in your career pays three times your salary for life insurance. What a young family that's a little over $200,000 to $210,000. But if you have a young family, a young family and as a premature passing, how long would tune in $10,000 last after paying for a funeral, paying out some bills, maybe paying off a car loan, credit card payments, maybe even and now that that does not cover the mortgage. If you have a mortgage or if you're a full year renter, it does pay for the rent help pay for the rent for that's a short Band Aid, short time band aid on a on a financial problem. Now I talk to people all the time on accident. Today.
Unknown Speaker 19:06
I talk to my dad, my dentist his daughter. And I told her she needed to she has three children in her mid 30s. And I said you need at least a half a million to $1 million worth of life insurance on your family. And she's like, wow, well my husband has a good job. He has a good paying job. But I said it only pays three times his salary. How long will that last? You and I and she got to thinking well, I am in my mid 30s He's in his mid 30s Maybe we need more insurance because he is not covered at all his job for life insurance is just him. But you know life is life deals you cards differently. I lost my wife at a young age. You know we never know who's gonna go first. So if he has life insurance, whatever, you know, you should have life insurance to both spouses should have life insurance on each other. They should because we never know we never know. Things do come up now statistics In the United States, I, you know, I Googled this and I couldn't believe the numbers. The average age for Amanda passed away in the United States is 76 years. Now. Let me say that again, the average age for a man in the United States to pass is 76 years. Yeah. Now I know some people live a lot longer. You know, people are living longer, but that's the average age. I don't know who that encompasses smokers, non smokers. But that's the average 76 years young women do I live in? Now, the average age for a woman in the United States is 81 years, young, 81 years young. So don't don't think well, you know, I have a lot more time, you know, I can take my time, and I can kick the can a little longer and not purchase life insurance. And I don't know why you would do that. Because it's going to cost you more money, when you finally made the decision, you know, three or four or five years gone by and, you know, I need to get some life insurance, because what happens in life is this. You hear about your friends and your family members passing away, and how much it costs to bury them. And it's amazing what it costs to bury a loved one today. Or if your family passed away, you went to the funeral services. And you know, the family had to ask people for money to bury their loved one, or just max out their credit cards. You know, and you hit a store, I hear the stories. Oh, you know, I had to max out my credit cards or bury my mother, I had to max out my credit cards have buried my dad book, because, you know, one day you could be just well and fine. And then all of a sudden, didn't you know, the next day, like my uncle Melvin used to say here today gone today. And all of a sudden, now you, you you're devastated of the loss of a loved one premature passing, you did not see it coming. And it comes in a variety of different ways. And all of a sudden now, because you're the responsible one, you have to pay for that funeral, and afternoon could be anywhere from 15 to $20,000. Now you went from, oh, Tuesday, Hey, mom, and dad was just doing fine yesterday. And then today, I have to pay for a funeral. And the thing about losing family members or loved ones, it comes in threes. It's like, okay, bear dad, six months later, he comes to another funeral service, another six months or a year, here comes another service within, usually within a year and a half to two years. It comes in threes is just a lot of work. You know, I don't understand it. But I've seen it happen in 2011. I lost five of four relatives and one friend, five, in 2011. Starting in February, August, two in November, one in February, one in August, two in November. And one in December, what a year that was the phone just kept ringing. This one was gone. That one's really. And it happens. It does happen and happens to all of us now we face the fact that, you know now we have to deal with not only the emotional part of losing a loved one the grief that you go through. And now you have to deal with the financial part of it. Now, when you don't have life insurance, you don't give yourself time to grieve. Life insurance is a savings account. You want to be able to, to you know what, when I leave this earth, I want to make sure that my family is not financially devastated by my passing. I want to make sure that they're okay. A life insurance policy is a savings account. That's all it is, is a savings account. Now, if you're willing to put a couple $100 A month or $100 a month in a savings account, what is wrong with that? Now, you know, say you can't afford it? Well, you were just saying to me is you can't afford to have a savings account. The difference is is taken out a life insurance policy, you may put a lot less in it than the policy of payout. But if you have a whole life policy because you have underlying health conditions, you know, you pay into the policy every month, month by month you have underlying health conditions diabetes, lupus cancer, multiple sclerosis stent in your heart, you taking blood thinners, diabetes, you have now you don't qualify for the larger policy. But he could in fact qualify for the smaller final expense life insurance policy with no physical. Now you can qualify for that. Now you get the policy and that's up to in some cases, I can write your policy up to $50,000 in some cases, you know, in some cases up to $50,000 with a whole life product. Right. But, you know, it's something better than nothing. Now you pay into this every single month. But you know, I've I heard the argument. Well, you know, you say that? Well you haven't done it to this point. But when you purchase the policy is automatic in your account. It's like you just put 50,000 dollars in your savings account, and you just pay a little toward it each month. Life insurance, I shouldn't even call it Life Insurance, I shouldn't call it a life savings account. That's how I look at it just a savings account for you to make sure your family is secure, that they're not devastated because they have to fly out of town. You for Your final expenses. Well, you know, they may have, you may have spouses left behind, without any resources, because when you're gone, you know that income could leave with you. No one lives forever. And stop saying it if something happens to me. Stop saying that. I've heard that and oh, you know, if something happens to me, I'm gonna make sure my family is secure. I like that part. I want to make sure that my family's secure. But I went to the cemetery. Father's Day. It is not as many people in the cemetery on Father's Day as it is on Mother's Day. Mother's Day is packed. You know, on Mother's Day, you know, almost valet parking your car. Home mother's you. I mean, there's so many people out there. Oh, can we valet park your car while you go visit your loved one. But Father's Day. You can go to any restaurant on Father's Day. And I know Father's Day was last week. You got any restaurant on Father's Day is open and you don't need reservations. But even at the cemetery, it was just, it was just surprising to me that how many people was not in the cemetery on Father's Day. But going into the cemetery is not full of gifts. That actually happens to a lot of people. It's going to happen to each and every one of us. We want to make sure our families are secure. Security starts with you. Start billing your savings account through a life insurance policy. For more information 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 Broadcasting right here K u n v 91.5, jazz and more. My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection. I broadcast right here at K und 91.5 Jazz and more every Sunday morning. From 8am to 830. Vegas is hot, make sure you stay hydrated. You know it's hot. We're gonna get even hotter. As we roll into July and August. It's gonna be very warm. I got I got an opportunity to go see the WR the lady aces the WNBA What a treat that was. Wow. If you get an opportunity to go see the ACES play basketball. What a delight they. They are true champions. I applaud them. Hey, well, maybe we do three in a row. I would love to see three in a row. What a great gift to Las Vegas, Nevada to have a basketball team. My name is Dawn Marquez. This is your insurance connection. 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 located on the corner, Sahara Rancho. In the US Bank building on the eighth floor, work by appointment 702-236-2624. Enjoy your day today. Until then, just keep it crispy.
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